Car Crash (Collision Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  It wasn’t fucking decent, that was for damn sure. But as her hand slid up and down my dick, I was more than willing to serve any jail time.

  “Kitty.” I said her name over and over again as my hands moved from her ass and yanked up the T-shirt she seemed hell bent on sleeping in. If it was supposed to be unsexy, then it hadn’t worked, the shapeless cotton as effective as Victoria Secret’s lingerie.

  Her back arched, giving me enough room to slide it up her body and uncover all the good bits. Her tits stood up at attention like two cherry sundaes just begging to be licked. And what can I say, I really, really liked sundaes.

  My mouth dropped to her nipples, swirling my tongue around each of them as her hand continued inside my boxers. Her tugs hadn’t stopped but the rhythm was no longer smooth, her hand slowing as she gripped me like a vise. Just as well too, because any faster and I was going to come in her hand whether I wanted to or not.

  The other shit I’d planned to ask her when she came to bed went right out the window. There was nothing else on my mind other than kissing and touching her.

  Not what school she went to.

  Not whether she enjoyed Pina Coladas.

  Not if she liked getting caught in the rain.

  My hands, mouth, and anything else she’d let touch her on every square inch of her hot and sexy body.

  That was it.

  “Can I suck you?” she asked, biting her lip suggestively as her bright green eyes lowered to the dick she still had in her hand.

  I was going to stroke out.

  The image of her lips wrapped around my cock so freaking vivid I was positive at some point I’d actually lost consciousness and had started to hallucinate.

  My head nodded, not bothering to wait for my mouth to catch up and give her the yes we both knew was coming.

  Whatever the plan had been, the new one was infinitely better, my hands giving her breasts one last squeeze until she maneuvered out of my reach. It was bittersweet; my mouth having nothing left to do while hers would soon be full.

  “I need to lick you.” Unlike her polite request, mine hadn’t been a question. My need to put my mouth on her so high I was unwilling to accept any other outcome.

  Her answer was given to me physically—a method I highly appreciated—tossing the covers back as she swung her body on top of me. I’d barely pushed her panties to the side when I felt her take me in her mouth. My groan muted against her pussy as I tasted her.

  Neither of us had bothered to rid each other of our underwear. The time spent removing either or both wasted when we could be doing other things. Namely what we were doing.

  So with my boxers yanked down enough to expose my cock, and her panties held out of the way by my hand, we’d problem solved like the badasses we were.

  Every single suck, lick and jerk against my shaft was amplified as I thumbed her clit and fucked her with my tongue. But even the mouth skills of a goddess weren’t enough to undo me until I’d felt her get off, my body flat out refusing.

  “Dallas.” She pulled my cock out of her mouth long enough to scream my name. “Oh God.”

  She didn’t need to say anything else, her body shaking as it clenched around my fingers and gave me its precious honey. My tongue lapped at her, teasing out every last shiver until there was nothing left.

  I’d barely had time to enjoy it, the pride of getting her off so quickly tossed aside as she repositioned her mouth back on me. And with the satisfaction of a job well done, my balls saw no good reason to wait any longer.

  “Kitty, I’m going to—”

  I’d tried to warn her, give her the option of pulling me out, but it seemed my resilience was spent, giving me its middle finger for waiting so long. There was no time to say anything, spilling my load down her throat as I came in hot hard bursts.

  If she wasn’t pleased, she hadn’t bothered to show it. Continuing to take greedy pulls of my cock until I was convinced the stroke I hadn’t suffered before was minutes from happening. Not that I cared, the softness of her body on top of mine something worth dying over.

  My tongue flattened against her, wanting another taste as she did the same. I was positive we should stop but couldn’t find a compelling reason why.

  She made the choice I hadn’t been ready—or willing—to make, easing her body around so she was no longer inverted. Nestled against my chest, similar to how she’d been lying before we’d gotten severely sidetracked, she kissed my pecs with her smiling lips. “So that happened.”

  “Don’t tell me you regret it, Kitty. I won’t believe you.” I smiled back, unwilling to accept what we’d done had been anything short of perfection. “And that was so far from a mistake it isn’t funny.”

  Her nod told me I wasn’t wrong, her body still warm as she wrapped her arm around me. “You’re right, that wasn’t a mistake. And technically, we didn’t have sex, right?”

  Clearly she subscribed to Bill Clinton’s rules and regulations regarding what constituted sexual relations. And she wasn’t going to get any argument from me. Didn’t have any time for it considering I was still enjoying the after glow of her spectacular oral skills.

  “Yeah, no rules were broken, we’re all good,” I agreed, turning my attention back to the television screen. Pretty sure every time I watched The Lion King from here on out, I was going to get a hard-on. But that was a problem for another day, so no point beating myself up for being a deviant.

  She yawned, her body relaxing against mine. “Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, but not until eleven. You have plans for tomorrow?”

  “I was going to see Eve’s new exhibit. I feel bad I haven’t made time yet but work has been kind of crazy.”

  Eve’s gallery—and by hers, I mean she owned it—had been rotating shows on a fairly regular basis. She concentrated on local artists, but had a great eye for picking up raw talent. Oh, and she was also a pretty freaking phenomenal artist in her own right, her latest showing opened a week and a half ago.

  “You want some company? Josh is closing the shop tomorrow at three, I could swing by and we could go together?” I offered, the words so easy in my mouth I hadn’t even considered she might have plans for a Saturday night.

  I was expecting the brush off, telling me that she preferred to go earlier so she could go do whatever later in the day. After all, we hadn’t made plans and a girl like that didn’t sit around on a Saturday and paint her toenails.

  She tilted her head, her eyes fixing on me. “Really? Haven’t you seen it already though?”

  It wasn’t what I’d been expecting to hear, her concern about whether or not I’d seen it taking the place of the mention of plans I assumed she had.

  “Yeah, of course I have. Doesn’t mean I’m not happy to go again.” I kept it casual, making it seem like it was no big deal either way. “Besides, I still need to thank Eve for agreeing to marry the bastard. And that kind of thank you needs to be delivered in person.”

  All of it was true, even if it wasn’t entirely accurate. I’d be happy to see Eve, and enjoyed walking around her gallery and contemplating the stuff she had on the walls. Not all of it was my personal brand of whiskey but I appreciated it all the same. And I had no doubt that my appearance would earn me all kinds of good karma with Josh, which was another awesome incentive. But all of those reasons weren’t even close to why I’d offered, the why, pressed up against my chest.

  “Well, okay, then. I guess it’s a date. Hey, maybe after we can go get something to eat and we can go through your questions.” She smiled, looking like I was doing her the favor when it had been the other way around.

  “See, I knew you were smart.” I kissed her forehead, excited for my weekend plans.

  We didn’t talk after that, didn’t need to. Instead we lay in the bed together watching animation, relaxing into the mattress until we fell asleep. I hadn’t even noticed when it happened, my eyes sliding open sometime in the early morning and finding the television still on.
br />   Kitty was right where I remembered her, lying across my chest with her hand on my abs. I shuffled gently, doing my best to reach the remote control without waking her. She whimpered a little but didn’t wake as I shut off the tube and plunged the room into darkness. I half considered getting out of bed and heading home but I thought better of the idea and stayed right where I was instead. I saw no point in leaving, and I had nowhere I needed to be. So instead of doing what I’d done the night before, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

  I wasn’t going anywhere.

  The sound of a coffee grinder woke me, as did the smell of cooking bacon. I didn’t even bother checking the time, willing to be late for work if bacon and coffee weren’t just figments of my imagination.

  Kitty was already out of bed—something I probably could have guessed without checking her side of the mattress—so I kicked off the covers and strolled into the kitchen. She was wearing the same T-shirt I’d peeled off her, her blond hair a mess as she moved around the space cooking what was obviously breakfast.

  “Why are you up when you don’t have to be?” I leaned against the kitchen counter appreciating the view.

  She spun, waving the spatula in her hand like a magic wand. “I’m so used to getting up during the week, I struggle sleeping in too late on the weekend. Besides, I was going to bribe you with breakfast so you’d agree to drive me to the grocery store.”

  “Of course, the bribe isn’t even needed.” I winked, happy to play taxi for as long as she wanted. “Although it will be a cold day in hell before I turn down breakfast, so don’t think you can take it off the table now that you’ve offered it to me.”

  Her smile was everything, beaming from ear to ear as she flicked her hair out of her face. “Don’t get too excited, cooking isn’t one of my many talents. It’s only bacon, coffee and toast. I didn’t have any eggs left, and obviously I need to shop.”

  “Babe, does this look like the face of a man who’d complain about food?” My finger circled my head for illustration. “Bacon and coffee sounds amazing. Let me just grab my phone and tell Josh I’m going to be a little late.” He wouldn’t be happy about it, but I would deal with it later.

  Her brow rose, looking at me strangely. “Do you have something else to do? If you have plans I can catch an Uber or call a cab to the store.”

  I should have kept my mouth shut, and honestly still wasn’t sure why I’d brought it up in the first place. All I had to do was pretend I was going to take a piss, send Josh a message, and go about our business like it was no big deal.

  Regardless, I wasn’t going to allow work or Josh’s possible shitty mood to stop me from doing what I’d committed to and wanted to do.

  “No, no plans other than this amazing breakfast you are promising and taking you shopping. But I have to be at work at eleven and just need to let him know.”

  Her eyes widened, the confusion of my earlier statement replaced by shock. “Dallas, it’s seven. I’m not sure how long you usually take to eat breakfast but I can assure you I can get my shopping done in less than an hour. That includes getting there, coming back and putting it into my cupboards.”




  I couldn’t remember the last time I voluntarily woke up at seven in the morning. Certainly none where I was happy about it.

  “Seven? Are you sure your clock isn’t broken?” I rubbed the back of my neck, a faulty timepiece the only explanation as to why I was upright, alert, and wearing a smile.

  “Here.” She pushed her phone into my hand, the time at the top of the screen confirming that it was seven-oh-two. “See, not broken.”

  While seeing the numbers confirmed it, I couldn’t remember a time I saw seven in the morning and was glad about it. Unless you counted the times I hadn’t been to bed yet, but that was a whole other story.

  “Yeah, I guess we’re good then,” I answered, wondering if you could roofie someone in reverse. You know, where you put something in their drink and they end up alert and awake, the situation still not making much sense. Not that I was complaining, not when my view included a beautiful woman who was serving me up coffee and bacon.

  We ate breakfast, and then Kitty went into her room to shower and dress. I had casually suggested I could help her with either or both those tasks but she decided to give it a pass. I figured it was more about time constraints because she was more responsible than I was but didn’t push my luck. Besides, I wasn’t sure how firm she was going to be on this no sex for a month thing. Last night hadn’t really been the plan.

  She emerged from her bedroom looking more amazing than should have been possible. Dressed down in a pair of jeans and a top that had the back exposed so her ink was visible. And as an added bonus it also showed she wasn’t wearing a bra, her boobs unhindered against the material was probably going to test the last of my resolve.

  “You want to go put on some pants?” She pointed to my boxer shorts, my attention being too focused on her to worry about my lack of preparation.

  I nodded slowly, not even trying to hide I was openly gawking at her as I smiled. “Yeah, not sure I want to now that I’ve seen you.”

  She laughed, rolling her eyes as she pointed to the door. “Dallas, while I don’t regret what we did last night, I’m serious about us trying to keep our hands off each other. Actually I was thinking about it all morning. While we didn’t break any rules, we should try and stick to other things until the month is over. I don’t trust myself to do what we did again, and not want you inside of me.”

  Instant hard-on.

  Her words were a shot of Viagra right into my cock, getting me hard without even touching it.

  “Yeah, not sure how the hell you expect me to walk out of here when you’re saying stuff like that?” My head dipped to the bulge in my boxers. “But if it helps you any, I’ll try and be good.”

  I wasn’t making any promises, the loophole of try the only one I was willing to commit to.

  Her eyes dropped, widening as they took in the view. “Maybe you could use some time in the shower?” she suggested. “There’s still some lotion in my bathroom.”

  It was my turn to laugh, the idea she was suggesting I jerk off while she waited, hilarious. And while the thought had crossed my mind, I already knew my hand wasn’t going to give me what I wanted. “Yeah, maybe later. I’ll be right back.”

  Back in her room I pulled on my clothes and shoes without the cold shower I desperately needed. I would try and get one of those before I went to work, needing to go home and change before I headed to the shop anyway.

  I grabbed my keys and phone and found her back in the living room. She already had her purse and was waiting for me as she sat on the arm of her couch.

  Without even thinking about it, I put my arm around her and we left her apartment. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, walking to my car as we spoke about nothing important. She laughed when I told her I was going to find out where she bought that top from and buy a million others just like it. I was serious about it too; it was my new favorite thing.

  When we got to the store, I got out of my car automatically. Even though she hadn’t asked me to come in, I enjoyed being by her side as she shopped. I’d even stopped being distracted by her boobs, checking out what kind of groceries she was tossing in her cart, and asking why would anyone buy quinoa.

  “It’s supposed to be good for you.” She didn’t sound convinced, pulling it out of the cart and inspecting the packaging. “Katy has been trying to get me to eat it forever.”

  “Who’s Katy? Please don’t tell me you have some bullshit life coach because I will for real lose all respect for you,” I warned. Praying to God she wasn’t signed up to a daily newsletter that gave her crockpot affirmations and let someone other than herself decide on how she was going to live her life.

  She pushed me playfully, tossing the quinoa back on the shelf and continuing down the aisle. “Katy is my sister, moron. And she is
better at food stuff than me.”

  “Babe, you can’t be bad at food stuff. You see food you eat it—it’s literally the easiest thing to do.” I grabbed some double stuffed Oreos and added them to her haul. “That’s for when I visit because if you’re listening to Katy, I don’t trust there are going to be any decent snacks at your place.”

  I’d half expected my Oreos to meet the same fate as the quinoa and find its way back on the shelf. But she left them right where they were, my contraband cookies polluting her otherwise healthy options.

  And since I’d been given permission, I decided to add a few other things she’d obviously forgotten off her list. She didn’t bat an eye at the cereal or potato chips, ignoring each new colorful addition until I tossed in the large box of condoms.

  “Really?” She anchored her hand on her hip, tapping her foot impatiently.

  I shrugged, unable to hide my grin. “Safety first, babe. It’s a staple like coffee and bacon, and frankly I’m surprised I had to remind you.”

  “How do you know I don’t have a month’s supply already?” Her eyebrow rose. “Only an amateur buys them one box at a time.”


  What. The. Hell. Did. She. Just. Say?

  “I know I joked about this before, but I am seriously considering replacing you as my new best friend.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. “I swear to God, I had this exact argument with Josh.”

  My words seemed to please her, a satisfied grin spreading across her lips as she shimmied in delight. “Not everyone can be as brilliant as us.”

  “Nope, we’re a rare breed, you and I.” I nodded, the secret understanding passing between us.

  She was so much like me.

  Obviously she was a woman—and everything that went with that—but underneath that hot body, we were the same.

  She giggled. “Yep, a secret society. I’m even thinking up our special handshake. But all of that will have to wait until later.” Her finger pointed to the cart. “That double fudge ice cream you decided was lacking in my life is going to melt if we don’t get me checked out and these groceries home.”