Slide (Black Addiction #1) Read online
Page 13
“So, we going to talk about your foray into anal sex?” I pulled off the condom and threw it into the waste paper basket beside my bed. “Because I have to tell you, I jerked off twice before you came into the room on that thought alone.” My hand slowly moved down her back as my fingertips gently brushed her ass. My cock already stirring despite having blown my load only a few minutes a go.
“Oh, it was horrible.” She lifted her head to look at me as she kissed my neck. “I was trying to shove these beads in my ass while fingering myself. I could have used an extra hand and stirrups and it still wouldn’t have happened. Nothing that is supposed to make you feel good should be that complicated.”
Hmmm. Yep. I was definitely getting hard again. Between the kissing and her recount of her afternoon I was pretty sure I was ready for round two.
“You know, purely in the interest of you seeing this thing through—I would totally endure the hardship—I could take care of all of that for you. I’m pretty good with my hands.” Said hands demonstrated their agility as they moved up and down the crease of her ass. I was a giver and this was not a hard ask. Not. At. All.
“You want to shove something in my ass.” She smiled wrapping her leg around me giving me better access, totally into what I was doing.
“Babe, my dick is already hard just thinking about it and this is the third time I’ve come tonight. What do you think?” It wasn’t even a question. Hell I’d put my dick anywhere she asked me to, as much as she wanted. That’s how committed I was to this cause.
“Okay. But it might take some time though. I have notes.” She shot me a slight look of concern. “I mean if you want to follow through and actually do it. We need to build up to that.” The it not needing to be defined.
“Trust me when I say I don’t need the notes, babe. But thanks.” I couldn’t help but grin. “And yes, Ali. I very much want to do it. Whatever you want to do and as long as it takes is fine by me.”
That shit about me not liking a project was clearly bullshit. Just thinking about the lead up had me fired up.
“I’m kind of excited.” Her face beamed in case there was any doubt.
“I guarantee you’re not as much as I am.”
She slid her fingers up and down my chest, my ink work getting most of her attention.
“Not to inflate your already huge ego, but that was kind of amazing.” She peeked up at me from under her lashes. “I haven’t orgasmed like that in a while. At least not with a guy. I was beginning to wonder if my vagina was broken.”
“So glad we were able to clear that up for you. If there is anything else I can do, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”
Literally anything. Given she had concerns about her pussy maybe we should continue to test it. To be sure. I’d hate for there to be any doubt.
“Um . . . I’m good for right now.” She glanced around the room before her eyes came back to me. “Should I go back to my room?”
Yeah, not if I could help it. Her, leaving my bed tonight—not happening.
“Well that depends. You could go back to your room, or—here’s a radical idea—you can stay here, I can get another condom and we can fuck some more. Ass play included.”
“You would have made a really good lawyer.”
“I make a better guitarist. So what are you thinking? Sleep or sex?”
It was my attempt at being a gentleman by giving her a choice, but make no mistake, I would not have been fine with her walking out the door. If sleep is what she chose, then she was going to be doing it right next to me, hopefully after more sex. I wasn’t worried, though. I could be very convincing.
“Sex.” She grinned like she knew there had been no other option. “I need you to make me come again in case the first time was a fluke. You can never be too sure.”
Ab-so-fucking-lutely. I completely agreed with her plan and I was going to enjoy proving my point.
“Agreed. Now lay down, I’m going to go down on you first.”
Holy mother of God, last night had been awesome. Seriously. If I wasn’t still sore this morning I would have been convinced it was a dream. Some crazy manifestation of my horniness that conjured up some wild and wonderful sex dream. But it wasn’t.
Oh hell no.
So rather than lay in my bed frustrated and unsure about whether or not Rusty felt the same attraction I did, I took matters into my own hands. Like a sexual vigilante on a mission, I stormed into his room and saw he had a mission of his own happening. Wow.
Possessing bravery I’d never even known existed, I left any second thoughts at the door as I took over for his busy hand. The sight of him jerking off was almost enough to make me orgasm. I was not disappointed.
Not. One. Little. Bit.
His cock was impressive. And considering the amount of porn I’d watched in the past few days, I’d say I was extremely qualified to make that statement. Lord knows I’d seen more dick recently flashing across my laptop screen than I had in my entire life. Big ones, wide ones, ones that bent to the left and right, and yet Rusty’s cock blew—no pun intended—them all away.
It wasn’t so much big, as it was freaking huge. And I would be lying if I didn’t say that a slight moment of panic flashed through my mind when I first saw it, all erect and ready in his hand. But I wasn’t a quitter. Nope, and after the lackluster sex I’d had over the last two years, I deserved some big cock porno sex. Rusty’s cock was more than up for the challenge.
Oh, and he totally knew what to do with all of that equipment. No “hey, baby, shuffle this way” or “hey, baby, tell me what you like.” No directions required. Just voilà. Instant orgasm. Renee was right. I felt like a million bucks.
I hadn’t given it all very much thought to be honest—shocking I know. But lying beside him in post-sex bliss brought up a slightly new panic. One harder to manage than just a sizable penis. The pesky little chestnut of well, what do we do now? Rusty didn’t share the same concerns.
Assuming I’d have to do the undignified march back to my bed and chalk our encounter up to a one-time deal, I’d thrown it out there rather than suffer in uncertain self-doubt. What happened next floored me more than sex.
He wanted me to stay.
Crazy, right?
He actually wanted me to stick around.
While we didn’t gaze meaningfully into each other’s eyes and declare our undying love, whatever was going on between us wasn’t purely a physical attraction. Rusty had to have felt it too. That maybe, just maybe, apart from amazing sex, he might like me as much as I liked him. Did I dare to hope?
The whole night he worshipped me like a goddess, making me come so many times I was convinced that I was either dreaming or having an out-of-body experience. He wasn’t even weird about it. No talk of one-night stands, no friends-with-benefits, no that-was-great-now-get-out-of-my-life. Instead, he held me all night long. And even if it was temporary, I felt more wanted and cherished than I had in the whole time I’d been with Rob, and that was even better than the sex.
When I finally allowed myself to open my eyes, hoping that it wouldn’t bring with it a horrible reality that we’d made a mistake, he just smiled and told me to get more sleep while he got a shower. His arms wrapped me in a warm hug as he kissed me deeply, almost as if we were already a couple. All completed with no freak-out. Well, none by him. Me on the other hand. I was still not convinced.
“Hey, baby.” Rusty walked back into the bedroom, his towel slung low around his waist. “I want you to come hang out with me tonight. You have to be sick of sitting around this house.” He dropped the towel with absolutely no warning, my eyes widening at the sight of him in the daylight. How the hell did we even get that in me last night? Did it get even bigger?
“Ummm.” I tried to form words while my eyes stayed on his very ready penis. “Errr.” Nope, no good. My brain waved the white flag signaling my mouth was on its own.
“You using me just for sex?” He moved closer to the bed not bothering to hide the
now massive erection he was packing. “Or we going to date? I know you’ve probably been wondering, being that you tend to overanalyze everything, so I thought we should just get it out in the open and clear it up right now.”
Silence. I blinked back, still unable to speak as I tried to reconcile what the hell just happened.
Did I just get a boyfriend?
“Okay, so we’ll date then.” He smiled, completely unfazed by my lack of response as he continued to talk. “Good choice. I’m an awesome boyfriend just so you know and even though you aren’t crazy about Angie, having a girl best friend has had its benefits. I’m not great with chick-flicks but I’m happy to comfort you after and I can buy a pack of tampons without breaking a sweat. If you could just give me a heads up when you are going to have a period, that would be cool. As for me being on the road, you don’t have to worry about that either. I’m over the groupie thing, so keeping my dick in my pants isn’t an issue. Anything else?”
It’s like he could read my mind. Like somehow he just knew everything I needed to hear and said it. Completely unprompted. No holding back, no second guessing—nothing. It was a freedom I could only dream of possessing.
“We’re dating?” I really wished I could say something more intelligent, something that didn’t make me sound so inept, but given the turn of events, I didn’t hold out much hope. At least I was talking now, an obvious improvement from just staring at his penis. Small steps.
“Yep, sure are. Look how happy you are already. You can barely stop looking at my cock. Got to admit that kind of makes me happy too. We make such a great couple.”
It was just as well I wasn’t wearing panties because with that smile of his they’d be in some serious danger. He was also a master negotiator, and I wasn’t going to argue.
“I guess we’re dating then.” My head nodded in a mix of disbelief and happiness. Look at that. I’m dating a rock star.
“Knew you would see it my way.” He crawled onto the bed and tipped my chin. “Not to push the issue, but now that you’re my girlfriend you are going to have to come see me play. You don’t have to make a big deal about me being on stage right away but wearing the T-shirt isn’t debatable.” His lips found their way back onto my skin. I was totally digging this boyfriend thing. Oh yes I was.
Enjoying the moment would have been awesome, but sadly self-doubt crept back in. And as wonderful as his cock had been, it couldn’t just wave away my insecurities. If only it were that simple. I’d be up for trying though. His cock was most definitely magic; maybe it just took a few turns?
“I’m good with T-shirt wearing, and band seeing but I have a few conditions of my own.”
“Sure, go ahead. I already said I’m down with anal so anything else you’ve got lay it on me.” His hand moved down my shoulder and across to my breast, his fingers not making it easy for me to concentrate.
“I can be neurotic and I overthink things. Sometimes I’m not great at communicating,” I blurted out. He was going to run, any minute now.
“Ah, babe. It’s kind of adorable that you think I don’t know all that, but none of that shit matters to me.” His kisses barely interrupted as he shook off my first point of concern.
“You have to be honest with me, always. No matter what happens, I need to know. If you accidentally do something with someone else or you suddenly decide you’re not into me anymore, I want to know.” I added, because obviously I hadn’t scared him off yet. I needed to try harder.
In truth it was better we put it all on the table now, so he knew what he was getting into. I wasn’t delusional enough to think he was offering me a forever here but I needed to know that when it ended, he would treat me with respect not blindside me and toss me aside. I wouldn’t go through that again, even with the promise of really great sex.
“That’s not going to happen. I’m not the type of guy who does shit like that, so it’s not an issue for me.” Tiny kisses skated across my collarbone, his lips doing their best to convince me before he stopped to look me in the eyes.
Almost as if he knew how important it was for me, keeping us right there. Connected.
My silly verbal spillage could have easily been shaken off. Dismissing my feelings as insecurities or being overly emotional. I’d been there before, the asshole who had tossed me aside so easily, had been great at minimizing my feelings and I had been too dumb to see it. In the end it didn’t matter. I wasn’t good enough which only reinforced what I had been feeling from the start.
Rusty was right. I deserved better than that.
“There’s something else I need to tell you.”
Apart from watching porn and sitting in my room wondering what it would feel like to run my tongue along Rusty’s abs, I had spent some time—all right limited time—job hunting. The problem was that I didn’t want to go back. Not just because I didn’t want to start over at some new law firm, but because I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Being a paralegal wasn’t it.
He nodded waiting for me to go on, “So tell me.”
“I’m not sure what I want to do.” I took a deep breath and thought about how much easier this would have been without all my hang-ups. “I have never loved my work, and the more time goes by, the more I realize it was just a job for me. I did it because I felt I had to, but it didn’t excite me. I want to do something that I love. Like you do. Which is dumb considering I have no money and I’m not really qualified for anything else.”
And as if I hadn’t just told him that I was probably going to be an unemployed loser for an indefinite period of time, he kissed me. Not those sweet kisses he’d been teasing with across my skin, a kiss that left no doubt that he wanted me. An involuntarily moan bubbled from my throat as he deepened the kiss, his hands pulling me closer as his mouth explored mine. Tingles traveled all over my body as I desperately needed more contact, my fingers feeling their way over his skin like they’d discovered muscles for the first time. I was almost positive I’d be able to pick him in a line up purely by touch.
“That’s awesome.” He smiled after he finally pulled his lips from mine. “’Cause I don’t want you to get a job that you hate just because you think you should. No problems here, babe. And don’t worry about money; it’s not an issue. The house is mine and while I’m not tossing Benjamin’s around like a pimp, I’ve got it covered.” That mouth that had been so attentive earlier moved dangerously close to mine. “Anything else? Because I need to be in the studio in an hour and I want to make sweet, sweet love to my new girlfriend before I have to leave.”
I didn’t understand how he could be so cool with it all. Me, a complete mess with hardly any prospects and here he was signing up for it. And because I couldn’t leave well enough alone, it really was a talent how argumentative I was, I had to ask why my laundry list of flaws didn’t bother him.
“Alison, I’m plenty bothered. The fact I’m standing here naked and we’re still not having sex is a problem. Don’t make an issue where there isn’t one.”
Well, wasn’t that just the revelation of the century. Don’t make an issue where there isn’t one. And without even trying he was teaching me something else.
“Make sweet, sweet love to me, Rusty.” I stopped fighting and let go.
He smiled as he traced the outline of my breasts. His mouth slowly gliding down past my belly; it’s journey ending between my legs. “Best girlfriend ever.”
“You were supposed to fuck him, not date him. Have I taught you nothing? You are like a serial relationship-er.” Renee stormed inside. “I guess at least this guy is hot. Tell me about the sex, on a scale of one to amazing, how good was it? Am I going to cry? Because you know I practically gave him to you.” She barely took a breath as she collapsed onto the couch.
“Renee, you aren’t even dating men right now remember? What happened to all that dicks are so last week and pussy is where it’s at?”
Renee was my best friend, no question, but she wa
s also completely scattered. Her mind was like a game of Jenga, which is why when my eviction notice was delivered I didn’t immediately jump at the idea of moving in with her. Of course she would have offered, and I would have had a lovely sofa to spend my nights on, but her crazy antics would have made me more neurotic than I already was. Oh and she slept with everything that moved. Men, women—she didn’t discriminate. Love was love and she had a lot to give. There were some things I just didn’t need to see. My best friend in a threesome on her kitchen table was one of them.
“I’m not dating anyone right now, girl or guy.” She dismissed me with the wave of her hand. “But I can appreciate a decent penis even if I’m currently on a girl streak. FYI this is what your problem is, you could learn a lot from me.” She glanced around the room like it might hold some magical clues as to what Rusty’s penis might look like.
“Well out of the two of us, I’m sure I’m the only one who came five times last night so I really don’t think I need any lessons.”
Sure it was crass. The whole kiss-and-tell wasn’t my usual MO but as it stood now I was currently floating on cloud sixty-nine—something else we did last night—and I didn’t care who knew it.
“Five times!” Renee almost fell of the couch, her eyes peeled back to straining proportions. “Holy hell, I take back what I said. Fuck dating the man, get a ring on it. Any man that makes you come five times you’re going to want to keep around.”
“We’re not getting married but we are dating. He even called me his girlfriend without totally freaking out. I know usually you’re supposed to date the guy before sleeping with him but the doing things backwards is sort of working out for us. I’m rolling with it.”
I had fully expected Rusty to want to keep us low key. After all, I’d seen his reputation first hand. The continuous line of gorgeous women. He didn’t strike me as someone who was itching to settle down. Not to say that I wasn’t absolutely floored and excited beyond belief that he did want to do the let’s-be-exclusive-thing, but I would have understood easing into it. Dipping a toe into couple-dom. Rusty Crawford however, eases into nothing.