Stand (Black Addiction Book 3) Read online
Page 14
“Yeah, that’s not going to work for me.” I unplugged my bass from the amp and gave my hand a stretch. “I’ve got plans tomorrow.”
Plans I had been waiting all week for in fact, and last thing I wanted to do was call Beth and cancel. Let’s mark that under not going to happen.
“Later would suit me better too, actually.” Angie rolled up the cord from her mic, siding with Joey’s request. “Means I’ll be able to spend some time with Zack before bedtime. Can you change your plans?”
“Nope, not really.” I shook my head, wondering why the fuck we had to flip the script now. We’d been doing late nights all week, Friday was supposed to be our short day. Start at ten, wrap by five, which would give me time to get home shower, change and head out my door. Beth had even agreed to let me drive her, which gave me bonus time.
“Dude, what’s so important.” Rusty weighed in, not understanding my hard-on for keeping to our original schedule. Not that I blamed him, I usually was happy to go with the flow. Not on this occasion.
“I’m having dinner with Beth.” No point denying; they were going to find out anyway, and if there was going to be any mouthing off about I’d rather get it over with.
“Didn’t you guys decide you weren’t dating? Or did I miss something.” Angie stopped rolling leads and gave me the look. Amazing how without any additional words she could say, “but seriously, asshole.” It sure was a talent.
“We’re not, it’s just as friends.” Ha ha fucking ha. Now I was a comedian as well.
“Oh, right. Keep telling yourself that, buddy.” Rus walked over and clapped his hand around my neck and gave it shake. No one was fooled, my lack of conviction a big ole neon sign.
“Whatever, I don’t think anyone in here has room to talk.”
Each of these bastards had gone through their own shitstorm. Angie, well she had done the love/hate thing to death. Her and Jase went through hell and back with so much fucking baggage it was a wonder they’d made it through at all. Then Rusty and Alison had their own dramas. My asshole of a brother/Alison’s deadbeat of a dad mixed with some ridiculously shitty circumstances meant the ride was far from smooth sailing for those two either. And don’t get me started on Joey. The dumbass accidently knocked up one of our good friends—who was a fucking catch if ever there was—and he takes his sweet motherfucking time realizing he actually loves her. Far as I saw it, Beth and I were in the minor leagues.
“Well if you are just friends, what’s the big deal in rescheduling? Not like it’s a date.” Rus, aka the wiseass, decided I hadn’t made myself clear enough before and wanted to needle me a little more.
“God, I hate you.” I laughed. As much as I hated it, the bastard had a point.
“Once again, keep telling yourself that. I ain’t buying any of it.” Rus shrugged, freaking beaming that his point had been made.
Sure it wasn’t a proper date, or any kind of date if you want to get technical, but I wasn’t interested in postponing. Partly because I was desperate to spend more than ten minutes with her. With the other side of that coin being I didn’t want her to think I was dicking her around. Dinner had been my suggestion. I didn’t want to do the sorry-something’s-come-up bullshit.
“Max, I know you have plans, but this is important.” Angie shifted uncomfortably on her feet. It suddenly didn’t feel like we were talking about whether a.m. or p.m. was a better option. “We get the hard work done now it means we get back in the studio soon. And I’m going to want to cut an album before the next baby’s born.”
What. The. Fuck.
Three sets of eyes got nailed to Angie, unsure if we’d just heard what we thought we just heard.
“Say what?” I’m pretty sure it came from my mouth although Joey was doing a whole lot of huh? as well.
“It’s early, I’m only eight weeks, but yeah.” She gave her non-existent bump a tap. “We’re giving Zack a little brother or sister.”
“That’s awesome. Congrats.” I closed the distance between us with a couple of steps and engulfed her in a hug; my head still reeling from the shock.
“Jason Irwin needs to keep his dick in his pants and stop knocking up our lead singer.” Rusty gave Angie a pointed look even though no one actually believed he was pissed off, the freaking grin he was wearing a mile wide. “Fucking Power Station, don’t they realize we haven’t got time for domestication?”
“Shut the fuck up, not like you can talk.” Angie flipped him and threw back a pointed look of her own.
Well then, I guess the newsflashes weren’t done yet. And stop the fucking press, because I was still trying to get over the first one.
“Alison’s pregnant?” Joey asked stealing the words right out of my mouth.
“Nooooooo.” Rusty reared back, our guess obviously off the mark.
“Then what?” We were all too tired to play guessing games, so Rus either spilled really fucking soon or I was going to beat it out of him.
“I proposed.” Rus leaned back on his heels, the bastard’s chest puffing out like a freaking peacock. “Ali’s been really gun-shy about the marriage thing so I’ve been waiting but I finally popped the question last night and she said yes. We’re doing something small; a big wedding will probably freak her out.”
“Congrats, man.” I pulled him into a hug and slapped him on the back. It was high time they both put a ring on it and I for one couldn’t be happier for them.
“What about you?” I turned to Joe wondering if we were going for a hat trick. “You got any life-altering announcements?”
“Layla ate oatmeal for the first time, other than that I got nothing.” Joey shrugged, nothing further to add.
And thank fuck for that, the extra cargo and a wedding announcement more than exceeding the limit for excitement for one day.
“I’ll change my plans,” I heard myself saying even before I’d finished thinking it. Of course I would, not like I could refuse.
It really wasn’t time to be an asshole, especially when it was just a dinner. Not that it made me feel any better about canceling. Oh no, I still felt like a complete cock but it was the right thing to do. For the greater good and all that.
Tomorrow was going to really suck.
I had intended to wake up before Beth went to work to either knock on her door and tell her face-to-face or call her. Yeah, great fucking plan except some fucking dumbass forgot to set the alarm. By the time I’d managed to pull my eyes open, the morning was toast; the afternoon sun giving me the big middle finger as I got out of bed.
Fucking perfect.
There was no way in hell I was doing this via text and with my options drying up I was starting to get antsy. Pissed at myself and pissed at the situation. Oh, and I was also in a shitty mood, as well.
So, I could pout some more and feel sorry for myself, or I could try and salvage some of the situation. Without giving it any more thought I threw myself into the shower, into some clothes and was in my car ready to roll. The ‘Vette’s disgruntled roar matched my own vibe as I punched the gas to get where I was going.
By the time I’d made it to Beth’s school, the grounds were almost deserted. The SUVs and Sedans that you’d expect to line the street had long gone.
Damn it.
My fist punched my steering wheel, the horn protesting under my hand. And because it had been real fucking helpful, I gave it a bitch slap too. If I was going to be sitting in my car acting crazy, might as well go all the way, right?
“Max?” Beth leaned into the open car window, her beautiful eyes clouded in confusion. She was either wondering what I was doing in front of her school or why I was abusing the dash of my car.
“Beth?” I wasn’t sure if in my heavyweight bout with the interior I hadn’t knocked myself out and was now seeing things.
“Ummm, you said seven, right?” Which was a nice way of saying, what the fuck.
“Yeah, I did but I’m not going to b
e able to make it.” I cursed out a breath. “I’m sorry, Beth. I was really looking forward to it, but I can’t.” Not unless I could work out how to be in two places at the same time. That would be a handy trick right about now.
“So, you came here?” She was no less confused than before. Can’t say I blamed her, I wasn’t exactly making a lot of sense.
Rather than continue the conversation through the window of my car door, I got my ass off the seat and ejected. Her eyes followed me the entire time as I walked to where she stood, her hot-for-teacher outfit making my jeans tight where my junk was.
“I didn’t want to leave you some bullshit message; that would be a shitty thing to do.” Not to mention a total fucking cop out. “And I had every intention of catching you before you left this morning . . . look, it doesn’t matter because it didn’t happen. I just wanted you to know I’m sorry that I have to postpone tonight.”
If I had any game at all it was truly MIA, my mouth doing its best to make me sound like a moron. Or a pussy. Maybe because I was and couldn’t fess up that the reason I was so fucking desperate to see her had nothing to do with us being friends. Yeah, there was always that.
“Is everything okay? Nothing’s wrong is there?” Her beautiful eyes nailed my ass, my attempt at it’s-all-good failing miserably.
Not like I could tell her the truth. It’s been exactly one week since you called time out and I can’t fucking do it. Like that wouldn’t get her power walking in the opposite direction.
“No, but I need to work.” Not like it wasn’t the truth. “If there was any way around it, I’d change it in a heartbeat.”
“I know you would, and thanks for stopping by and telling me.” She gave me a beautiful smile, and I reminded myself that kissing her would not be a good idea.
“Where’s Jules?” The distraction needed if I was going to keep my hands to myself. “You going home by yourself?”
Her usual sidekick was nowhere to be seen. Odd considering they both taught at the same place and lived at the same place. You would think they’d share the commute.
“She got the stomach flu, it’s not pretty so had to take a sick day. Needless to say I’ll probably be coming solo tomorrow.”
Well, that answered that. And I liked Jules, but wasn’t I just too fucking pleased that her bestie wasn’t going to be joining us tomorrow. Beth without the entourage equaled damn awesome by anyone’s definition.
“I’m glad you’re still coming.”
She had a couple of valid excuses to cancel—the sick BFF the most obvious—so that she was still planning on showing up made me want to fist pump.
“Of course I am, we made a pie deal. I can’t back out on that.”
I didn’t care what deal it was, I was thankful. And I’d take my chances where I got them. Including the one that had unexpectedly presented itself. Girl needed a ride home, dude with a car standing right there. It was a beautiful thing. And as fucking awesome as it was standing on the sidewalk outside the upscale school that she taught at, I’d rather have her inside my ride. It would give me more time with her too. Desperate much? Yep, pretty sure I already fessed to that so no point hiding it now.
“Can I give you a ride home at least? Unless you were going somewhere else?” In which case I’d slap on my chauffeur hat and take her wherever she wanted. No problem at all. I had a full tank of gas and no issue being late. Considering I had reworked my plans for the band, they could deal.
“Nope, home is good. And I’d love that.” She smiled as I opened the car door and watched her slide in.
The long way home it was.
Jules was still sick.
Whatever demon had possessed her wasn’t letting her go just yet. It was like the exorcist, but with better hair. The last twenty-four hours far from pretty as she spent some quality time camped out on the bathroom floor connecting with Jesus.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything before I go?” I cracked open the bathroom door just enough to toss her a Gatorade and bottle of Clorox. I really hoped she didn’t get the two confused; one call to the Poison Information Line was enough for one lifetime.
“No, no get out of here before I infect you with the plague.” She waved me off, her arms flapped wildly in front of her as she opened the Gatorade. Good, she got the right one. “Go live your life, be happy. See hot men on stage.” She laid her head on her arm dramatically. “There’s no hope for me, but you still have a chance.”
She really had missed her calling. My head shook as I watched the theatrics on my bathroom floor, resisting the urge to tip her.
“Call me if you need anything.” I gave her a wave from the doorway, short of sitting down in the hall and watching, there wasn’t anything more I could do for her. And besides, I really wanted to go.
My nerves jangled wildly as I hopped into a cab, the ride not taking as long as I’d thought it would. The traffic gods had smiled on us, the cab pulling up to the destination just as they were letting people in the door.
Ordinarily, I hated to be among the first few people in the club, especially if I was alone. The awkward standing around while waiting for a band to go on sucked. But I wasn’t making the same mistake as last time, crawling in at the last possible minute and getting stuck towards the back. Nope, not this time. I wanted a prime view and a spot right up front, which is why I sashayed my butt to Max’s side of the stage and planned on waiting it out.
I knew he wouldn’t be out in the bar till later; the undercover band idea only worked if the band remained undercover until they hit the stage. But just knowing he was somewhere close gave me a cool shiver down my spine. I was excited to see him play.
“Can I buy you drink?” A voice startled me from my staring competition with Max’s mic stand. Like if I had looked hard enough, he might appear on stage sooner.
“Ah, no thank you.” I blinked trying to smile politely. “I’m meeting someone.”
“My loss then.” He gave a broad smile; his blue eyes twinkling like they’d been retouched with Photoshop. He walked away, probably to go find a more willing participant.
Drink guy hadn’t been ugly. His well-maintained body was dressed in classic, neat casual clothes that probably cost more than my rent. Armani? Tom Ford? He looked good and he knew it. And a few weeks ago I would have been interested in that drink, but I wasn’t anymore.
He did highlight a valid point. That I was standing in a bar with no drink. Actually, it might be a good idea if I avoided the alcohol all together. And it wasn’t because I was worried about some creeper coming on to me. No, the real reason was I didn’t want anything to dull my senses, I wanted to enjoy every second without the warm haze of alcohol around me. Besides Jules wasn’t riding shotgun to make sure I didn’t make a fool of myself, so it was better I didn’t take a chance.
It seemed like forever. My toe tapped nervously on the floor as the overhead lights dimmed. The crowd didn’t stop talking. Their loud voices tangled in the air as they waited to welcome an unknown bar band, Dirty Secret, they’d never heard of before. I smiled in the secret knowledge that they would soon find out that their low expectations couldn’t be further from the truth.
Rusty’s guitar rang out in the dark; a single strum before the wall of lights above them ignited and flooded the stage. Their little secret revealed.
The crowd erupted, realization sinking in that instead of some dime store rejects, they were getting an intimate show with Black Addiction. And it didn’t take long before the crowd doubled, social networks spreading the word #TheyDidItAgain.
Seeing Max on stage never got old. It got better and better each time, his charisma winning over the audience as much as his playing. He oozed sex. The subtle nuances in the way he moved to the stroke of the strings on his bass—completely flawless. I’d felt firsthand how powerful those fingers could be, the sweet music he was teasing out of his bass not even close to what he’d been able to tease out of me.
Girls pushed agai
nst me as they tried to get closer, reaching out their hands with illicit intentions. The band laughed as they continued to play. Each song fed into another, and yet still the crowd demanded more.
And then it was finally over.
The house lights fired up again, as did the DJ music, and the crowd finally gave up the one-more-song they’d been chanting. And while the non-alcohol ban was still in place, if I didn’t get a drink of something soon I was going to pass out. I was lightheaded, either from the heat or from the Max vortex of awesome—it could go either way.
“What are you having?” The bartender leaned across to try and hear me over the noise.
Stick to the plan, stick to the plan.
“I’ll just have a Coke.” Thankfully my mouth didn’t let me down.
My heart beat wildly in my chest as Max and the band approached the bar. Their journey slowed by the crowd wanting a photo or an autograph, smartphones working overtime in order to capture the magic.
I hung back and waited, allowing Max to do his thing. My smile widened as he caught sight of me, a matching one of his own shot back in my direction.
He apparently didn’t have the same idea about waiting, pulling me into a hug as soon as he was close enough. “I got to see you this time. I liked you looking at me.”
“Do you realize how creepy that sounds?” I laughed as my arms wrapped around him, resisting the urge to bury my head in his chest. Me and my stupid ideas about keeping it non sexual. For a smart girl, I could sure act dumb.
“Nah, it’s more conceited than creepy.” He laughed back. “But if you want creepy, I’m sure I could think of something.”
“Beth.” Rusty pulled me from Max’s arms and into his own. “How many times do I have to tell you? Bass players are just guitarists that didn’t make it. You’re better off just watching me.” Rus was riding solo tonight, his girlfriend nowhere to be seen.
“Your ego sure hasn’t gotten smaller.” I returned the hug before giving him a playful shove. “I’m surprised it hasn’t got its own zip code.”