Between the Lines Read online
Page 14
“Sure, we can see each other.” She nodded, her voice missing the confliction she’d given me with her eyes. And I wasn’t sure exactly which one of them to trust.
Had I been more honorable, I might have tried to find out. But she’d already agreed, and I wasn’t going to be stupid by trying to extrapolate the whys.
Fuck it.
We’d work it out as we went along, because I didn’t like the alternative.
“You could try and sound a little more enthusiastic, Ricci.” I leaned in closer, hoping I’d make her smile again. “I thought we agreed I need to be told how awesome I am.”
Her lips twitched at the edges, fighting the grin. “You’re so needy, Tibbs.”
Usually I couldn’t wait to get back to work, the two days off rotation dragging ass until I could head back to the station. It wasn’t only because I loved my job—which I did—but I honestly loved the crew I worked with, as well. There wasn’t one of them I’d trade, and even on a bad day, there wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be.
But it was hard to get out of bed when morning came, Tessa’s warm body still curled up against mine when my alarm went off.
After Gino’s we’d wandered around Midtown for a while just like we had in Brooklyn. There’d been no real plan or direction, her body gravitating toward mine as we walked. I’d barely even noticed that I’d had my arm around her the whole time, my hand anchored on her hip as we slowly made our way back to my apartment. Not once had there been an awkward silence or strained tension, the natural cadence of our conversation ebbing and flowing with no fucking effort.
But once we got inside, all bets were off. Neither of us able to keep our hands off each other as we left a trail of clothes on the floor, barely making it to my bed before we fucked like animals.
It had been fast and desperate, the need to be inside her so intense I thought my balls were going to explode. I loved that I didn’t have to be careful with her, her groans of approval as I muscled her around the bed making me even harder.
But I could do slow and deliberate too, something I was able to demonstrate once we finally got underneath the covers. I’d pulled her on top, mesmerized by the sway of her perfect tits while she slowly circled her hips as she rode me.
If I’d died when I closed my eyes, I’d have gone a happy man. There was nothing I felt I needed to prove, nothing I’d rather be doing, and loving the delicious ache in my muscles from satisfying what had to be the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. The warmth of her body pressed against mine made me feel like I was a fucking god as I fell asleep, the smile on my face both physical and metaphorical.
Only when it was time for me to slide out of bed and leave her, that the sense of disappointment settled in.
She looked so peaceful, her wild brown hair splayed out on my pillow, her body automatically rolling to my side of the bed once I’d vacated it. I wanted to crawl back in, to wrap those limbs around me and kiss her slowly until she opened those gorgeous brown eyes. I wanted to run my fingers down her back, feel the softness of her skin underneath my calloused hands, watch in awe at the strength in her muscles as she stretched and flexed.
It was the reason I was almost late, making it to the station just in time to stuff my backpack in my locker before Mack started his briefing.
“Nice of you to join us, Tibbs.” The chief shot me a pointed look. “You need me to wait until you get situated? Get you a coffee? Roll out the red carpet?”
“Nah, Chief, I’m all good,” I laughed, sinking into a seat as I shook off the sarcasm. The chief had a tendency to be prickly in the mornings, but not even his surly mood was going to ruin mine. “Carry on.” I waved my hand, watching as he swore under his breath before continuing.
It wasn’t until the briefing was over that North and Leighton cornered me.
“Didn’t hear from you yesterday. What kept you so busy?” Leighton grinned like he already knew the answer.
“Really, North?” I glared at him, assuming he’d been the one who’d talked. “I figured you and Quinn would discuss me and Ricci, not start a phone tree.”
North laughed, holding up his hands. “Hey, I didn’t tell him shit. I was just standing here because I wanted to watch you squirm. You just copped to that all on your own.”
Fucking Riley North.
It wasn’t the first time the asshole had tricked me into admitting shit I hadn’t planned. But since it was out there, I wasn’t going to hide it either. “Fine, I was with Tessa.” I lifted my chin, liking the way those words sounded as they came out of my mouth.
“Wow, Tibbs,” Leighton wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye, “I’m your best friend and you told North before me? I thought I meant something to you?”
The bastard was grinning, trying to stifle a laugh as he pretended to give me the third degree.
“Yeah, yeah,” my hand shoved his shoulder roughly, “Well, you know now. And I like her, we’re going to be spending a lot more time together.”
“Has she been informed?” North chuckled. “While I’m glad you finally got your head out of your ass and worked it out, it is customary for you to tell the girl involved she’s in a relationship.”
The two of them were so fucking smug. Grinning like assholes and completely amused by the news that I had finally found a woman I really liked. And if I hadn’t had the most awesome night ever, it might’ve bothered me. And considering I’d already made plans to go see her as soon as I finished my shift, I just couldn’t work up a shit to give.
“Yes, she fucking knows.” I rolled my eyes as I flipped them off. “Anything else? Or should we go get some work done before Mack tears us a new one?”
North shrugged. “I’m good, Leighton?”
“Yep, me too.” Leighton nodded.
“Awesome, now let’s get moving before one of us ends up in Mack’s office.”
As much as I loved the chief, the idea of sitting down and getting yelled at for a solid ten to fifteen minutes didn’t fill me with joy. Besides, I was already itching to check my phone to see if Tessa had woken up and I didn’t want to do it in front of an audience.
North tipped his chin in agreement and then headed out the door, leaving me with Leighton who I was positive had more to say.
“Hey.” I got in first, figuring I owed him at least a partial explanation. “It wasn’t personal me going to talk to North. It’s just I know you and Presley don’t get a lot of time together, and to be honest, I didn’t want to walk in on you fucking my sister.”
Leighton laughed, slapping me on the back before cupping my shoulder. “Dude, firstly, do not talk about Presley like that. You know I love you, man, but you cheapen my relationship with your sister like that and I’m going to have to teach you some manners.” The bastard grinned, but I didn’t think for a second he wasn’t serious. “And I don’t care that you went to North instead of me, I’m just glad you spoke to someone. Tessa is amazing. Not only is she a kickass cop, but one of the coolest women we know. I’m fucking ecstatic for you. I’m glad you’re done playing the field and found yourself someone to make an honest man out of you. I was starting to worry.”
That was the thing about Leighton, he was just genuinely pleased for other people’s happiness, and why he’d always been such a good friend. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to marry my sister, or as a brother to be in my corner.
“Thanks, buddy. Being with her feels like the most natural thing in the world,” I confessed. “It doesn’t even feel like we’re dating, she’s just so awesome. I’m not even sure how the hell I’ve known her all this time and didn’t realize. She was right there, dude, right in front of me.” I shook my head, unable to comprehend how many times we’d hung out and I’d never given her a second thought. “I feel bad for saying it, but thank fuck Miller’s chick cheated on him. If she hadn’t been out at the bar trying to get him laid, some other lucky asshole would have her.”
“Yeah, funny how things work out, huh? Guess some thing
s are meant to be.” Leighton folded his arms across his chest looking pretty smug.
“Do not start with the fate talk, asshole. I’m not that far gone,” I warned, refusing to believe there was some predetermined plan for anything, especially not my life. And if there had been, I could have used the intervention with that crazy chick I’d dated when I was nineteen.
Leighton laughed, punching me in the arm. “Why don’t we wait and see before you start making wide sweeping statements. Now, if we’re done proving that I was right, we should go start testing those radios.”
I didn’t bother arguing, secretly hoping he was right. I’d never really worried about losing a woman or the possibility of ending a relationship. Hell, half the time I was more concerned with trying to make sure I didn’t get into one. But the thought of not having Tessa in my life was something I couldn’t even contemplate.
I didn’t want casual with her. And I was going to enjoy spending as much time as possible with the most amazing woman I’d ever met.
“SO, YOU AND Tibbs?” Miller coughed out before clarifying. “Justin Tibbs, the firefighter we’ve known for years who you said would be the last guy on earth you’d date.”
While Grayson had known Justin and I had been spending time together, he had no idea we’d gone beyond just hanging out. “Okay, Okay.” I shook my head, the memory of saying those words not that far in the past. “But that was because I thought he was a manwhore with no redeeming qualities. And since getting to know him better, well . . . he is kind of cool.”
Kind of cool was an understatement, Justin Tibbs was more amazing than I could have even imagined. He was funny and smart, and didn’t back down from a confrontation. The last part was important, especially considering most men found me “difficult” to handle. He didn’t even blink, my “intense” personality not seeming to be a problem for him, which was probably the most attractive thing about him. And considering the man was hot with a body that was so sexy it should be illegal, that was saying a lot.
“Really?” Miller’s head turned to me, his brow raising. “So he isn’t a manwhore? Because I seem to remember you being pretty adamant that he was.”
He was right about that. I hadn’t exactly been silent on my opinion, my partner and best friend often subjected to my views on who Tibbs chose to screw. And most of those views hadn’t exactly been complimentary.
“Well, I was being incredibly judgmental, wasn’t I?” I argued, knowing my bias might have been more than a little slanted by my unresolved feelings for him. Hey, I wasn’t perfect and never claimed to be, so yeah, part of my distaste might have been peppered by jealousy. “After all, how is it my business how many women he slept with? It wasn’t like he was in a relationship and he was cheating on anyone. And I’ve not heard one of them complain or torch his house, so I assume he didn’t lie to them either.”
I wasn’t thrilled that he’d probably slept with more people in a month than I had in my entire life, but I couldn’t hold that against him either. We’d both made choices, and neither of us was an authority on who was right. And while I was being slightly defensive with Miller, I wasn’t wrong either.
“That’s true, he either has the most impressive penis these women have ever seen, and they’re hypnotized by his magic dick. Or he isn’t a complete asshole.” Grayson agreed, neither of us having ever witnessed a girl going full psycho on him. Hell, most of them stayed friendly, casually waving hello with a smile when they saw him in the aftermath. It was something I’d often wondered about but hadn’t let myself delve too deeply into. Because . . . yeah, I’d been jealous. Sue me.
“Yep. Not a complete asshole.” I nodded, refusing to make any comments remotely connected to Tibbs and his dick. I loved Grayson, but talking about Justin’s cock while in a squad car felt a little like crossing a line.
Miller shook his head, chuckling. “You’ve already slept with him, haven’t you?”
So much for not crossing the line at work.
“What?” I scoffed, trying to laugh it off. “What are you talking about? I said we went to my dad’s gym and we hung out over a couple of days. I never said—”
“Save it, Ricci,” he lifted his hand, cutting me off, “I know you, and you and him have definitely done the deed. It’s written all over your face.”
I could have tried to deny it. Or even pretended to be indignant about it, reminding Grayson that it was no one’s business who I slept with. But squad car, uniform and inappropriate workplace conversation notwithstanding, he did know me better than anyone. And even I had to admit I had a stupid, dopey grin on my face just thinking about that crazy fireman.
“Fine, we slept together. It was amazing. You want the minute-by-minute replay, you pervert?” I shoved his shoulder as I chuckled.
“Ewwww, um no,” he coughed out. “I’m still trying to get my head around you liking the guy and not thinking he’s a douche. I don’t think my poor innocent brain could cope with whatever depravity the two of you are involved in.”
My brows rose, settling into my seat as my grin widened. “Good, because it was pretty depraved. His place in Midtown has a secret dungeon room. Lots of kinky shit.”
Grayson’s eyes widened in horror, tightening his grip on the wheel. “Jesus, Tessa. While I think you’re probably kidding, there’s a part of me that can’t be sure. And I’m going to have to look at the guy now and fucking wonder.”
“That’s what you get for bringing up his magic dick.” I shrugged, a strange sense of contentment spreading across my chest. I was glad I’d told Grayson about Tibbs even if I wasn’t entirely sure what kind of relationship I’d entered into. And it wasn’t like me not to be sure of something.
It wasn’t like I was Type A anal, needing a plan for every scenario. I loved being spontaneous and thought some of the best decisions were the ones you made with your gut on a moment’s notice. But I’d never been with a guy and not known if he was my boyfriend or just someone I was sleeping with. I’d done both with some irregularity, but I usually had it worked out before we’d had sex.
With Tibbs, not so much.
It didn’t feel like a regular fuck buddy situation, but I’d never slept with a guy like Justin Tibbs before either.
“So this something serious then?” Grayson asked the very question I didn’t think I could answer. “I’m not trying to be a downer, but we see those guys all the time. And I know you can take care of yourself, Tessa, but I don’t want you to get hurt either.”
I sighed, trying to forget there was a chance that things wouldn’t always be awesome between me and Justin, and it wouldn’t be as easy as a regular break up. We worked in the same precinct, there would be cross over. I’d have to see him even if I didn’t want to. “I don’t know, Grayson,” I admitted, shaking my head. “I just really like him. I don’t have to pretend when I’m around him. I don’t have to filter or tone myself down.”
It was something I always considered whenever I met someone new. Whether I eased them in, letting them get comfortable before they got to see the real me. Or just threw caution to the wind and said fuck it. I hadn’t even contemplated the choice with Tibbs, it was just us. And God, that was fucking sexy.
Grayson nodded, knowing firsthand there were no guarantees. He’d had his heart broken more times than was fair, and every single time he’d sworn it had been different. “You know what, Ricci. Good for you.” He shot me a grin. “You keep doing whatever makes you happy and if he turns out to be a prick, we’ll get Vinnie’s cousins to take care of him.”
“Vinnie’s cousins are in construction.” I laughed, the joke that one of our coworker’s family had mob ties, not a new one.
“Exactly,” Grayson agreed. “And a lot of problems can be solved with enough concrete, Ricci.”
I laughed, glad Miller had been able to lighten the mood. “Deal. I’ll be sure to let him know next time I see him.”
“Why you guys gotta be up in my bus
iness all the time? I’m not doing anything wrong!” Madison whined, wriggling in the backseat. “I’ve got bills to pay, are you two assholes going to keep my lights on and food in my fridge? No, no you’re not. So why the hell can’t you just let me earn an honest living?”
Miller shook his head, shooting me a look as I peered over my shoulder at the disheveled redhead trying to twist her wrists out of the cuffs. Not sure how many times we’d told her that there was no way to get out of them without a key. And considering it was the third time in a month we’d picked up Madison Norris for prostitution, you’d think she’d know the drill.
“There’s lots of jobs that don’t involve you accepting money for sex, Madison. And what the hell is with the meth? You know we’re going to have to add possession this time too.” Miller was annoyed, more because he knew that Madison wasn’t necessarily a bad person, but she couldn’t keep clean. We’d tried to get her help, given her flyers for programs and clinics, and even let her off with a warning a couple of times. But it always ended the same way, the thirty-year-old sucking dick in an alley somewhere or screwing some guy in a parking lot.
“I told you it wasn’t mine,” she pouted, giving up trying to remove her metal bracelets and sitting up straighter in the seat. “You know I only do cocaine. I mean, I smoke, and occasionally I celebrate with some Molly, but that doesn’t even really count. But I’ve never touched Meth, that stuff will make ya crazy. I don’t even know how it even got in my pocket. Someone must have planted it. Come on, guys, you know I don’t lie.”
She was right about that. For all her faults, she always copped to whatever the hell she was doing. She might have disagreed on whether or not it should be legal, but she never denied it.
Miller shrugged, probably guessing like I did that there was more to the story. “Well, once we get to the station you can try and get it straightened out,” I offered, conceding that it could have possibly been one of her “dates.” Not that it would make much difference, she was still probably going to be spending time behind bars at least until morning.