Slide (Black Addiction #1) Page 15
“Wow Rusty, reformed and everything. Who knew you had it in you?” Max laughed as he followed me out the door.
“It’s done. I like her. Do not fuck this up for me.”
“I swear, Rus, nothing bad will happen.”
Famous. Last. Words.
The drive took longer than expected. My little heart-to-heart with Max meant I got caught right in the middle of peak hour traffic. Not that there was ever a time where driving on the roads in New York was clear, but even giving my Camaro a few extra taps on the gas pedal still wasn’t getting me home on time. Utter bullshit.
When I finally pulled up into the driveway I was half an hour later than I wanted to be and I was hoping my later arrival didn’t mean I’d missed anything good. She still had those anal beads and a healthy curiosity. Man, I could only hope.
“Hey, baby.” Alison ambled over wearing a corset and a thong. “Ready to go out?” Her body struggled to remain upright.
Gravity wasn’t her only problem. Her arms and legs weren’t doing much better at being operational, her eyes struggling to remain open as she mumbled an affectionate hello. Her mouth was still talking nonsense as she pulled me into a kiss, her hands all over my ass.
“Alison?” I peeled my mouth away from hers long enough to ask. “Have you been drinking?”
While the smell of alcohol was noticeably absent so was her sobriety. The under-the-influence part of the equation fairly evident—the “with what”, my only question.
“Not. One. Little. Drop.” She tapped me on the nose before collapsing into my arms and exploding into spontaneous giggles.
“What the hell happened to you?” Considering her pants were MIA and she had less muscle control than a newborn giraffe, I’d say something wasn’t right. Also in the mix were her hands that were alternating between grabbing my ass and trying to unbuckle my belt and her mouth trying to touch any of my skin it could catch between laughing. “Baby? What’s going on?”
More giggling, this time followed up by her lips sucking on my neck.
“Rusty, can we have sex? I’m really, really horny.” Her hand grabbed at my crotch and yanked at my dick, her tits doing their best to rub up and down my chest.
“Jesus Christ, are you high?”
Unless someone had taken an overdose of Benadryl followed with a vodka chaser, the confirmation wasn’t required. And color me surprised because instead of walking in and seeing Ali with an ass full of butt plugs, she was as high as a kite. Not something I was expecting to see today. Or ever.
“I may have had a teensy, tiny bit of your weed.” Her hand gave up trying to work me through my jeans and instead dove into my pants, her fingers grazing my skin as they made contact with my cock.
“My weed? I don’t have any weed.”
While the hand job she was currently trying to work was sloppy and uncoordinated, my dick didn’t care. Nope, not at all. He was happy for her to get her experimentation on and let her Helen Keller her way however she saw fit. And as for being high, while unexpected, I had no problem with it. Not sure if it was residual boredom or an extension of her trying something new, but there was nothing wrong with a little medicinal relaxation. Had partaken in it myself from time to time. Always ended with a good time, much like where this one was headed. So other than trying to be responsible and not just fuck her like she was asking me to do, her buzz didn’t worry me. Not in the slightest.
What did have me perplexed beyond measure was the fact she’d said it was my weed. My weed did not exist. I’d cleaned house in an effort to keep me on the wagon, one cigarette usually lead to the other, which meant my time worshiping the ganja gods came to an end. So as far as anything of that nature being mine, we had a problem.
“Alison, I don’t have any weed. What are you talking about?” She moved awkwardly in my arms as she undid my belt.
“Ha-har,” she mock laughed. “Of course you do. I found it in the kitchen. I couldn’t find any papers though so I had to bake it.” She laughed legitimately this time; her words obviously being hilarious. “I baked it to get baked.” She laughed again. “Oh my God, I’m so hungry. I don’t want any more brownies though; we’re going to need to find something else to eat. Are we still going out to dinner? I just need shoes.” She stopped working my cock and whipped around to look at her bare feet.
“You’re going to need more than shoes, babe.” I wondered if any further effort to gain information was going to be futile. Whatever she’d found in my kitchen hadn’t been mine.
While the slow dance with flailing arms and legs was a good time, I figured getting her to the bedroom was a better plan. It would also give me a chance to investigate the mystery that was my stoned girlfriend. Her horizontal meant less chance she’d hurt herself, not that I wasn’t enjoying the random cock grabs and neck sucks.
“Just taking you to bed, babe.” I gave up on the assisted walk and picked her up instead, her relaxed body easing into my arms as I made the short walk to the bedroom. “I’ll get you something to eat if you lay down like a good girl.” Her body sunk into the mattress as I lowered her slowly, her arms staying locked around my neck.
“Cheetos. Can you get Cheetos? And a Diet Coke. Maybe ice cream,” she mumbled into my neck as she tried to pull me down with her. “And M&Ms, I want those too.” She slurred, giving up on me and rolling onto her side, the food obviously more important than my dick. Awesome. This was going to be a fun night.
“Yep, I can get all that stuff, but you need to not get up,” I warned her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll bring it all to you.”
“God, I love you,” she blurted out as she flipped onto her back. “Love you so much. And your penis. I really love him too.”
Completely toasted. The come down was going to be a bitch.
“He’s glad, we’re both ecstatic. So let me do what I need to do so I can get back and we can enjoy each other.”
While my penis was happy for the love and adoration, the rest of me knew she didn’t mean it. Her mind was so clouded she had no idea what she was saying, and if I had produced a bag of Cheetos like she wanted, they too would have gotten an I-love-you. Not to say it wasn’t nice hearing it, even if it would be forgotten by morning.
Leaving Alison in my bed, hopefully where she wouldn’t get into any more trouble, I went back into the kitchen to hunt and gather. Clues being the first objective, junk food and soda being the second. Handy that they’d both be in the one place.
Obviously she’d cleaned the kitchen before getting wasted with the place spotless, the mixing bowl and brownie pan already chilling in the dish rack. The only evidence of any foul play being the plate of innocent looking baked goods sitting on the kitchen counter. Me, no more informed than when I’d left the bedroom. Where the hell did she get the drugs? My eyes scanned the room until they settled on an unfamiliar ceramic cookie jar still on the counter. It’s ownership, not mine.
It took me about ten seconds to join the dots, my hand reaching for my cell and dialing Max before it even reached my ear. My anger playing catch up to the fucking disbelief.
“Dude, you want to go tonight? We can be ready in thirty?” Max started talking without the obligatory hello.
“Which one of you assholes put Phil’s stash in my kitchen?” I followed suit, my greeting also missing in action.
“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. Just leave it and I’ll pick it up later. Just don’t smoke it. It’s hella strong—messed Phil up—which is why I took it and hid it at yours. He was strung out for fucking hours.”
No shit. Watching Alison trying to stay upright was like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall, I didn’t need the “it’s strong” disclaimer.
“Well, it’s a bit late for that. Tell me it’s not fucking laced.” I pinched the bridge of my nose hoping we were dealing with straight weed.
“Huh? You smoking again?”
“No, not me.”
My patience had al
ready gone beyond its expiration date so I nixed any further of the back and forth. Filling Max in on the wonderful housewarming I’d received when I walked through my front door. My new girlfriend stoned out of her mind in case he didn’t pick up the hints.
“Holy shit, how much did she have?” He laughed into the phone, his enjoyment of the situation not pleasing me.
“Considering I don’t know how much there was to start with, it would be an estimation at best. Let’s say enough to take down an elephant.” My hands squeezed the phone as I heard Alison calling from the bedroom. Her words nothing more than random sounds.
“It’s un-doctored, medical grade with a kick. She’ll be fine.” His laughter continued, mine still missing in action.
After giving Max a few stern fuck you’s and gaining an apology, I ditched the call and the phone, my plans for the evening now in desperate need of rearranging.
Loaded up with some chips and a Diet Coke—the best I could improvise without heading to the store—I made my way back to my bedroom where sleeping beauty was passed out with her legs wide open. Oh . . . that’s right, she was also wearing a thong, my dick taking a sudden interest in what was happening on my bed.
“Babe?” I dumped the food and drink on my nightstand before giving her a gentle shake. “You still hungry?” I was literally shaking my head.
“Heeeyyyy.” An eye slowly cracked open, being chased up by a beautiful smile. “You’re back.” Her arms spaghettied in front of her as she reached for me.
“Sure am beautiful girl. I brought snacks too but we’re going to have a little chat first.” I kicked off my shoes and crawled onto the bed beside her. “You want to explain how this all happened?”
Expecting any logical or coherent explanation was ambitious at best, but questions still had to be asked. Her choice in wardrobe was also another flashing neon sign. None of it made sense.
“I’m not cool enough . . . your . . .friends . . .” Was as far as she got before another eruption of giggles, her hands doing their best to undo my belt.
Her sentence—and I use that term loosely—didn’t offer up too much. A bunch of garbled, random words and frequent pauses meant I had more chance of deciphering da Vinci’s code than I did of understanding her.
“Okay, babe. Let’s just hang here tonight. We’ll do the date thing tomorrow.” Hopefully when she could pass a clear urine sample and connect two words together without the added laugh track.
“Rusty, you need to fuck me now.” Her mouth fumbled over the letters but surprisingly strung them all together.
Yeah, can’t say I disagreed, my jeans were about to choke out my dick while my mind was weighing the options.
“Babe, you want sex, you need to be conscious. It’s a funny rule I have, so you’re going to have to humor me on it.” I pulled off my shirt and jeans as she struggled to sit up.
“I’m awake. Look at me.” Her hand tried to smack her face but ended up flying past and hitting her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m looking.” I laughed; my eyes watching her flop around on the bed while I ditched the rest of my clothes.
“You are sooooo hot.” She jacked up of the mattress and started making out with my pecs. “We are so having sex right now.” Her fingers gripped my dick and started to stroke.
“You sure that’s what you want?” My mouth kept talking despite my balls wanting it to shut the fuck up. “I thought you wanted to eat?” My hand did its own exploring and found that beneath the thong, she was already wet.
“I do want to eat.” Her mouth moved further down my abs. “You.” She barely got the word out of her mouth before it was replaced by my cock.
“Jesus.” I held her head while she shoved it deeper into her throat, the whole gag reflex obviously not an issue today.
“Mmm. Hmm,” she mumbled while she sucked me, the vibrations traveling down my length making it feel insane. Her hand joined the party keeping time with her mouth.
“If you’re eating, it’s only fair I should be too.”
I was a team player, and liked to give as much as I liked to receive. Given our plans for tonight involved staying within the four walls we found ourselves in, I was all about making the most of it.
It only took me a second to maneuver her the way I wanted. Alison protested as I pulled my dick from her mouth, the award winning blowjob continuing the minute we were both lying on the mattress side by side. Panties were torn off her and thrown to the floor in an effort to gain better access. Her top was left on after I gave up trying to unhook the piece of shit, my patience for the stupid thing being tossed out the window. It took a few tries—her body rag-dolling this way and that—but finally I’d spun us around so that all the bits that matter matched up, my tongue dragging across the entire length of her pussy in one long continuous lick.
“Holy shit.” She pulled my dick out of her mouth as she realized what was going down. Namely, me.
“Yeah? You want me to do that again?” I didn’t wait as I repeated the action, this time my fingers giving a little love too.
“It feels . . .” She didn’t finish, her eyes glossing over as my tongue got busy again, my dick getting some vice action from her hand.
“Easy there, baby. He likes to get squeezed, not suffocated.” The sweet feeling danced between pleasure and pain.
Just one single word passed through those beautiful swollen lips and then her mouth got busy doing something else. Her hand continued to stroke me while her lips and tongue choreographed a dance of kissing, sucking and licking—all of which was driving me insane.
Not to be outdone, I had a floorshow of my own happening. My mouth feasting on her while my fingers stretched her out, my hand fucking her in the absence of my dick. Her squirms giving me all the signals I needed that she was close.
We were both close.
The more I concentrated on what I was doing the more my body took over, my dick screaming on the urge to come as I felt her clamp around my hand and still for minute. There was no need for a verbal confirmation, her pussy giving me all the intel I needed as I shoved a finger in her ass while she rode against my hand. Her body bucked out of control against my mouth as I refused to let up, teasing every inch of pleasure out of her.
I couldn’t hold back as whatever resolve I had went flying out the window. Her hand griped me tighter as a silent scream vibrated against my shaft, my hot load squirting into her mouth and face as she continued to jerk me off. Our bodies falling apart from each other in one big, hot, sweaty, out of breath mess.
“Rusty. That was—”
“Fucking outstanding.” I didn’t give her a chance to finish, my own natural high getting close to her synthetic one.
“Yeah.” She nodded, her body worming its way down the bed to where I was laying, the sheets underneath us completely saturated.
“I take it you’ve never had sex while under the influence.”
“Um. That would be a no.” She laughed her head moving across to my chest as I played with her hair.
“A whole new world. We can make it just as good without though, that I can promise.” And was going to have a hell of a lot of fun proving.
A few more giggles shook her before she drifted off to sleep, her body wrapped around mine the entire time. Her quest for Cheetos forgotten while she dozed in my arms, sleep not on the cards for me, being it was only seven thirty.
A couple of hours were spent in snoozeland before she finally woke, her arm stretching and slapping me in the face as she tried to clear her bloodshot eyes. Come down’s weren’t ever great and hers was no exception.
“My mouth feels funny.” She smacked her lips together as she slowly sat up in bed. Her hair looked like a tornado and whatever makeup she’d been wearing was now gracing my sheets.
“Happens. Have something to drink, you’ll be fine.” I handed her the Diet Coke she’d forgotten about, the can losing its chill hours ago.
“I think I must have added too much w
eed to the brownies. I only ate one but I still feel weird.” She scratched her head as she took in her surroundings, not sure how much recall was actually connecting.
“It was a strong batch. It was Max’s brother’s. God only knows where he got it. Guy is a certified stoner.” I shuffled up the bed to join her and pulled her into a hug.
“Yeah, that wasn’t my smartest idea.” She nodded against my skin, her hand on me like she didn’t want to let go.
“Nope, I’d say probably not. I guess boredom is a killer.” It was the only excuse I could come up with why the girl who’d been seriously straitlaced would even think of toking up. Sitting at home day in and day out couldn’t be easy; eventually you’re going to look for some form of entertainment.
“Not boredom. Nerves. I almost had a panic attack over us going out with your friends. I know it’s stupid, but even when I was in a relationship it was sort of in the shadows. We dated each other, no one else was really involved so I’m not used to the extended circle. People judging me. And you’re you. There are definitely going to be questions asked.” She barely took a breath getting all her words out, her need to explain fighting against her urge to shut up.
“You were worried about my friends?” I shook my head in disbelief. “Even if I did care what they thought, you’re with me and that’s all that would matter to them. But this other stuff, I’m me? What do you even mean?”
Never had it occurred to me that hanging with me and the band would make her feel inadequate. I was actually hoping for the opposite, pushing her out of her shell a little to show her how much I wanted her in my world. I wasn’t even sure why, I just did and that was enough for me.
“I mean, look at you.” Her fingers circled the muscles in my chest while she kept her head down. “You don’t think they aren’t going to wonder what the hell you are doing with me? Like whatever possessed you to date me?”
“Have you looked in a fucking mirror recently?” My head snapped around as I forced her to look me in the eye. “Fuck, Alison. You’re beautiful. Any one of those assholes would kill to have you as their girlfriend, that’s what they are going to be thinking. If anyone is going to be wondering anything it will be how the hell did I land you?”