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Between the Lines Page 15

  We’d just cruised past the fire station on W 38th when the external lights lit up, the bay doors opening as the engines got ready to go out on a call. Tibbs was probably already in his turnouts looking ridiculously sexy, and I had to fight the urge not to smile as I tried to imagine myself peeling them off him. I’ll admit I wasn’t immune to the allure of the uniform, but thinking about him in it was what really did it for me.

  “Someone’s lit something on fire,” Madison tsked, shaking her head. “I hope those boys are being safe, especially now North is a daddy. I swear I’d give that man as many babies as he wanted, either him or Tibbs. I ain’t that picky.”

  It wasn’t a surprise she knew the guys or their names, especially since it had been on more than one occasion they’d been called when she’d OD’d. And for as much as Mack pretended to be a hard ass, he—like us—tried to do what he could for the people in our community. It was also not a shock that she had a thing for Riley North. Being married with a baby hadn’t changed his popularity with the ladies, and even I could appreciate how good-looking he was.

  But hearing her mention Tibbs made my gut twist. Not because I thought he’d ever been with her—it would be a cold day in hell before Tibbs would ever have to pay for sex. But just the idea that someone else wanted to have his babies.

  I didn’t even know if Tibbs wanted kids.

  Hell, I didn’t even know if I wanted kids.

  But I didn’t want to imagine him having them with someone else. In fact, I didn’t want to imagine him doing anything with someone else. And considering I hadn’t even established if we were exclusive or not, that was probably a problem.

  “You don’t want to have babies, Madison.” Miller’s eyes shot to me, probably reading my expression. “Too much responsibility. They cry all the time and cost a fortune. And considering you just told us you’re already having trouble paying your bills, I’d say adding another mouth to feed isn’t a wise choice.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was actually trying to convince her that parenthood wasn’t for her or change the focus from her sleeping with Tibbs, but I had to admire his effort.

  Madison sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Besides, I hear those little fuckers rip up your vagina.”

  Miller and I both laughed, and I was glad the conversation moved away from Madison procreating with the guy I had complicated feelings about to her vagina.

  There was one thing Madison and I could agree on, and that was hoping Tibbs, North, and everyone else came back safe. It was always a risk, something Miller and I faced too. But I knew they would be careful, his cockiness and bravery backed up by training and experience. And if ever there was a time I was in a burning building needing help, there wasn’t anyone else I’d trust with my life.

  It was only after we got Madison processed back at the station that Miller pulled me aside. “I thought you were going to jump in the back and go a few rounds when she mentioned having a baby with Tibbs.” He chuckled, laughing now there was no danger of a police brutality charge on his watch. “I don’t know what is more shocking to me. That Madison was considering having babies or how jealous you were at the suggestion.”

  “Fine,” I admitted, throwing my hands up in the air and moving him away from where other officers could hear. “I was jealous. You don’t have to be so pleased by it. If anything, it proves I’m human just like everyone else.”

  “Nah, I hear they program shit like that into AI now and I’ve seen you work out. I’m still not convinced you’re one of us.” His shoulder nudged mine. “Let’s get back on the road, Ricci. You can even text your boyfriend while I drive, and I’ll pretend not to notice.”

  I rolled my eyes, more at myself than Miller, because he wasn’t wrong. I did want to text Justin, maybe even talk to him, and I’d never been one of those girls. “Fine, let’s go.”

  When I’d gone to Midtown with Tibbs, I’d left my car back in Brooklyn which meant Miller had to drive me home. He didn’t even mention the overnight bag I had with me, ignoring the obvious as he said goodbye and that he’d see me later.

  I showered and then crawled into bed, falling asleep pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow. I didn’t even dream, my mind flatlining into blackness which was a welcome relief. I’d spent too much time overthinking, and while I’d texted Tibbs—casually, completely not like a crazy obsessed girlfriend—and he’d texted back, there had been so much more I’d wanted to say.

  It was sometime around eight when I was startled awake from a dead sleep.

  “What the hell?” I looked around for my phone, wrongly thinking it was ringing before realizing it was the buzzer from my front door.

  With my eyes still mostly closed, I pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, figuring answering the door naked wouldn’t be a good look for a law enforcement officer. It wasn’t until I pulled it open that it occurred to me that my early morning visitor would have probably preferred me naked.

  “Ricci.” Tibbs didn’t wait for an invitation, stepping across my threshold and pulling me in for a hug. “Please tell me you don’t sleep in that when I’m not around. I had to bribe one of your neighbors to let me into the building and now worry I’ve made a huge mistake. I jerked off thinking about you in a pair of lacy panties and this ensemble will totally ruin my fantasy.”

  “I was naked, you jerk,” I scoffed, leaning my head against his chest and breathing in the comforting smell of soap and shampoo. He’d showered before he’d come over, his hair still a little damp.

  “Mmmmmmm, now that I can work with.” He chuckled, pulling me closer to his body. “Let’s say we take you back to bed and let me experience the brilliance for myself.”

  My lips spread into a smile, unable to stop themselves even though I was cranky from being woken. “You get naked first.” I tugged at his T-shirt pulling him toward my bedroom. “I need something to fantasize about too when I’m alone.”

  A low growl traveled up his throat as he pulled off his T-shirt and then went straight for his jeans. “Baby, the idea of you touching yourself and thinking about me is so unbelievably hot. Even if you don’t do it, I want you to lie to me and say you do.”

  I laughed watching as he kicked off the rest of his clothes while I slowly stripped off mine. It didn’t take long considering I wasn’t wearing underwear, my sweats and T-shirt joining his pile on the floor.

  “No need for lies, Justin. And maybe if you’re a good boy, I’ll even let you watch.” I laid on the mattress, holding open the covers for Tibbs to join me.

  “Fuuuuuuccck,” he groaned against my neck. “Screw jerking off to you in the lace panties, I know exactly what I’ll be thinking about next time I get myself off.”

  His lips pressed against my skin; the kisses soft as they moved from my throat to my jaw. “How was your night? Arrest many bad guys?” His hand moved down to my hip and pulled me closer. “I’m still up for being cuffed if you’re into it. Just don’t be an asshole and leave me hanging because that would totally not be cool.”

  “My night was fine. Nothing exciting. And standard issue aren’t the same as what you’re thinking,” I chuckled, running my hand down his chest. “They hurt and leave bruising. Trust me when I tell you there is nothing remotely sexual about being cuffed with real handcuffs.”

  He kissed the top of my head and I felt his lips spread into a grin. “Sounds like that’s spoken from experience. You just keep giving me more material. What else have you got to confess, dirty girl?”

  “Not like that, moron.” I nuzzled against him, loving being able to just lay with him and talk. “It was part of training. Like I said, nothing sexual, and it hurt like hell.”

  Even though we were both naked and in bed, it had yet to progress to sex. And while I very much wanted his hands, mouth, and cock all over me making me feel good, I liked what we were doing just as much.

  “How was your shift? Miller and I were on our way back to the station when we saw you guys heading out.”

sp; He let out a long breath, and I could tell he was tired. “Day started slow and then we got slammed. I wanted to call you but there just wasn’t the time. Anyway, lucky for you I decided to come over and keep you company.”

  “Lucky for you, I let you in,” I argued back. “How pissed would you have been if I didn’t answer my door?” I raised my brow knowing there wasn’t a chance I’d have turned him down.

  His lips moved to my mouth, kissing me slowly before pulling back and smirking. “Ricci, I’m a fireman. You think I don’t know how to get inside a locked apartment? You really don’t give me enough credit.”

  He kissed me again—deep and more urgent—rolling onto his back and pulling me on top of him. “Now, are you ready to see what other skills I have? Or you want to pretend a little longer you didn’t miss me as much as I missed you?”

  “I did miss you,” I admitted, lowering my lips to his. My fingers threaded themselves into his hair as I settled between his legs.

  “Good, I like that. Because I missed you too. And while I know I’ve only got a few hours with you before you have to go work, I’m going to take advantage of every last second.” His hands moved down my back, pulling me against him.

  “I only have one more question, and then you can do whatever you want.” My hands reached back to his, stopping him from going any further before I got it out.

  I didn’t want there to be any more doubts, no chance of any misunderstandings or the possibility of conflicting ideas. Whatever it was we were doing was fine, but I had to know.

  “Mmmm, whatever I want?” he groaned, his voice husky as he rocked his hard-on under me. “What’s the question, baby?”

  “Are you going to see other people?” I was as unemotive as I could be, trying not to hold my breath as I waited for his answer. Deep down I knew I’d be disappointed if he said yes, but I wasn’t going to live in ignorance either.

  He stopped, his hands stilling as his smile dropped. “You mean other women?”

  I nodded, prompting him to go on.

  “I don’t fuck around, Tessa. Not if I’m with someone. And I’m with you. I don’t even want to think about being with someone else, let alone actually doing it.” His voice was devoid of his usual humor and sarcasm, his fingers lightly tracing my jaw. “I hate that you had to ask, but I’m glad you did instead of assuming.”

  “I’m sorry, I just . . . we just—”

  “I know,” he cut me off, his smile returning. “I hadn’t planned any of this either, baby, so I get it. And like I said, I’m glad you asked. No one else, okay? Just you.”

  “No one else, just you,” I repeated, dropping my mouth back to his.

  “Yeah, I already knew that,” he mumbled against my lips, chuckling. “Why would you look for a substitute when you already have the very best?”

  “You are so conceited,” I groaned, shaking my head as I buried it against the crook of his neck.

  “And yet . . . not wrong.”


  TURNS OUT, OUR varying schedules weren’t that big of a deal.

  Yeah, it sucked our days off weren’t always the same, but we made it work, using the time we did have productively.

  I’d even started training with her at her old man’s gym. I still wasn’t sure the guy liked me, but I wasn’t going to hide like a chicken shit either. And watching Tessa kick ass was not something I wanted to miss.

  Seriously, she was incredible. Not only was she strong and explosive, but she was also technically good and ridiculously fast. No wonder her dad hadn’t been worried about her getting into the ring with me; unless she was drunk or incapacitated, she could more than hold her own.

  “Dude, you hit your girlfriend? And she hits you?” Evans looked horrified as we stashed our stuff in our lockers. “That is really fucking messed up.”

  It had been a few weeks since Tessa and I had started dating, and while we didn’t make some bullshit announcement, almost everyone I worked with knew exactly where I was spending most of my free time.

  It wasn’t even weird hearing the word girlfriend anymore, me liking the way it sounded so damn much it made me smile every single time.

  Leighton tapped me on the shoulder, grinning like an idiot. “Nah, he needs someone to keep him in line, Evans. Think of the public service Ricci is providing us. Make’s the chief’s job easier.”

  “I’ll pay her if that helps,” Mack called from the door, also wearing a smile. “We can start a collection; positive some of the guys would want in on that action.”

  I threw back a laugh, not even annoyed they were giving me shit. Because really, what the hell did I care? I was dating the hottest, most awesome woman ever, so they were right to be jealous.

  “Whatever gets you through, Chief.” I gave him a two-finger salute.

  I was more excited than normal, knowing that when I got to her apartment in Brooklyn in the morning, we were going to have two uninterrupted days off together. I loved the idea of being able to wake up with her and neither of us needing to say goodbye; it was a fucking gift that I’d never take for granted.

  “Hey, so Presley wants you and Tessa to come over for dinner. She’s going in late to the club and thinks it would be fun to get together,” Leighton coughed out, clearly tasked by my sister to pass along the invitation.

  Presley rarely missed work.

  As part-owner and manager of two of the hottest clubs in the city, she didn’t have a lot of time for much else. We all understood, applauding her drive and determination even if sometimes she danced a little close to the line of being a workaholic. She’d been getting better about taking some time off here and there, using it to plan her wedding or spend it with Leighton. But you could guarantee she wasn’t agreeing to “go in late” to the club because she thought dinner with us would be “fun.”

  “C’mon, brother,” I chuckled shaking my head, “you’re forgetting I’ve known Presley my entire life. She couldn’t give a rat’s ass about dinner, or having a good time, so why don’t we call it what it is. My sister needing more intel because she’s not happy with what she’s getting from me.”

  At first, I hadn’t said anything, not wanting my sister to interfere. She not only had a healthy relationship with the NYPD and welcomed them in her clubs, but she’d also gotten to know a few of them when the cocksucker she used to date was terrorizing her. Tessa had been one of the cops who’d attended when Presley’s apartment was broken into. And they’d had more than just a passing professional admiration for each other. Which meant . . . she’d make it her business even if it didn’t need to be.

  Of course, she not only seemed to find out all the stationhouse gossip—usually from Leighton—but had a weird sixth sense when I was keeping shit from her. Which meant I had to come clean, tell her I was dating Tessa, and thanks but no thanks, we didn’t require her input. Her calm “sure, just as long as you’re happy” response hadn’t filled me with confidence, and I’d been waiting for the blowback.

  Leighton shrugged knowing he was out of his depth when it came to trying to tell Presley what to do. “I swear it’s a competition as which of you two is the most stubborn. Just do it, Tibbs. If for no other reason other than she’ll stop asking me. Apparently, I suck at getting details.” He rolled his eyes, probably having heard that statement more than once.

  “Tell her I’ll talk to Tessa but I’m not making any promises,” I agreed, selfishly not wanting to share her on the days we had together. “But even if we don’t make dinner, I promise we’ll swing by either Diablo or Vault, whichever she’s going to be at. She can interrogate us both while we pay her for the privilege.”

  It had been a while since I’d been to either of Presley’s clubs, and it hadn’t even occurred to me until I’d mentioned it. In fact, the last time I’d graced them with my presence had been when I’d seen Tessa at the bar, not recognizing her outside of her uniform. What a night that had been, my cock twitching just at the memory of her in that hot dress. Maybe getting dressed up a
nd taking her out wasn’t such a bad idea after all, only this time around, there’d be no doubt who she’d be spending the night with.

  “Sounds good. She’s at Vault all this week. Want to help me do inventory?” His head tipped to the open doorway, most of the guys having already filed out.

  “Yep, and get the rookie to help too. We’ve been too soft on him so far, and while Evans can be the biggest ballbuster of all mankind, he’s a decent fireman. We need to do the same with Rizzo.”

  “Done.” Leighton nodded. “I’ll meet you in the bays.”

  I hated waking her.

  The stupid buzzer from her door was loud enough to raise the dead at Holy Cross cemetery but was unavoidable. I’d managed to once again sweet talk my way into her building but unless I wanted to make good on my threat of breaking and entering, there was only one way in.

  It would’ve been easier if I had a key. But I wasn’t asking, and Tessa hadn’t offered, things between us going pretty fucking awesome so far.

  “Hey.” She yawned, sleepily rubbing her eyes as she opened the door. “I got in late last night and need more sleep, you want to join me?”

  She was wearing a rumpled T-shirt she’d obviously pulled on when she’d woken up, her bare legs hinting she’d been sleeping naked. I liked she didn’t bother trying to be sexy with lingerie, it was just one more thing to take off and I preferred her bare.

  “Is that even a question, Ricci?” I started to undress before she’d even closed the front door. “If there’s an option to get into bed with you, I’m always going to take it.”

  That was absolutely the truth, and I didn’t care what we did once we got in there. Whether we cuddled or fucked, it was equally rewarding, the feel of her warm skin pressed against mine, an addiction.

  By the time we’d gotten back into her bedroom I was down to my boxer briefs. She smirked as she glanced over her shoulder, shimmying out of that T-shirt more seductively than was necessary. I bit my lip as I watched, my hands desperate to hook around her hips as she wiggled her ass.