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Stand (Black Addiction Book 3) Page 16

  She was so fucking adorable, mumbling as she turned in her sleep. Even better, now her face was inches away and I had to talk myself out of Sleeping Beauty-ing her. Those pouty lips begged for mine as her lashes gently bounced off her cheeks. Yep, no way I was letting her call time out a second time.

  “Max.” Her hands reached for me in her drowsy haze, her eyes still shut leading me to believe she was still asleep.

  “I’m here, baby.” My hand moved to her hip as she settled back into dreamland.

  Never in my life had my name sounded as good as it did at that moment on her lips. Completely unprompted, unaware and wanting me. Gave me a head swell a mile fucking wide with a grin to match.

  Not sure how long I watched her, but I kept my eyes on her until my lids started to fall, and eventually when I couldn’t stay awake a minute longer, I fell asleep.


  If you ever asked a guy what’s the ultimate way he’d like to be woken up, almost every single one would reply—blowjob. No hesitation just boom, answer. And the ones that don’t are flat-out lying. Oh, they might tell you just having their girl beside them is enough, but I guarantee you once you wore him down he would eventually come clean. There is something so fucking sexy about opening your eyes and seeing your cock between the lips of a beautiful woman.


  Every. Single. Time.

  Which is why, when I cracked my eyes opened and saw Beth between my legs with my dick in her mouth, I almost blew my load right there. No shit, ultimate fucking turn-on, and I had to blink a few times just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  She took me deep, her lips stretching around me as she sucked hard. Her hand, tight around the base, glided up and down as her tongue swirled around the head, her technique so fucking perfect I was sure no other blowjob would ever measure up.

  “Jesus, Beth.” My hands bunched up the sheets either side of me, my balls so tight I was positive they were going to explode. “You’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”

  She tried to smile, her effort coming up short on account that her mouth was full—no seriously, did it get any better than this—and ignored me while she continued what she was doing.

  “Fuck.” I bit hard on my bottom lip wanting to stave off the inevitable. My body was at war with itself, unable to decide if it wanted her to keep going or to fucking end it all now.

  In the end the choice was made for me, her fingers curling around my balls and sucking me so hard it was either come or lose function of my dick altogether. The tidal wave rolled through me hard as my curses echoed off the walls, every single part of me tingling like I’d been zapped by an electric fence. And she swallowed every last drop.

  “Okay, you’re going to need to give me a minute, or five, so I can regain some feeling in my legs.” My dick twitched as she pulled it out of her mouth. “Then I want to play.”

  “Maybe later.” She licked her lips and tossing her hair off her shoulder. “I should probably go for a run.” She made a move to get off the bed. “I need to go to my apartment and—”

  “Waaaaaaiiiiiitttt a sec, Missy.” She didn’t get a chance to finish, my hand catching her arm and pulling her back down. “Do you not remember what I said last night? Pretty sure I was really fucking clear.”

  “Come on, Max. We can’t stay in bed all day.” She laughed, wiggling around as I strengthened my hold. She could do the shimmy all she wanted; she wasn’t going anywhere, anytime fast.

  “Like hell we can’t, and you already agreed, so don’t pretend this is news.” I nipped at her shoulder, my cock pressing up against the seam of her ass. And would you look at that, looks like the bastard was already warming up for round two.

  “I haven’t been to the gym in so long I’m sure my ass has started to jiggle.” She laughed, not fully grasping I was not freaking joking.

  “Beth, trust me when I say I have looked at every square inch of your ass and it’s fucking perfect. You’re not going anywhere.”

  And that was the god’s honest truth. Her ass was a work of fucking art—it didn’t get any better—so, whatever jiggle she was seeing was clearly a fucking illusion of some sort. Maybe she needed better mirrors.

  “So, what are we going to do all day?”

  “Well first I’m going to go down on you.” My hand moved across her stomach and then dipped into the cleft of her pussy. Mmm and what do you know, sucking my cock didn’t just turn me on. “And then we’re going to go from there.” My fingers moved across her clit in slow steady circles. “Or maybe we do something else. I’m more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy. No need to plan everything out.”

  “I-I think I like fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants.” She moaned as my fingers moved a little faster, her hand reaching down and resting on top of mine.

  “You want to touch yourself, sweetheart?” My finger slid inside of her as she rocked against me. My dick completely hard considering she’d been stroking it with her ass while I played with her pussy.

  “Yes.” She arched back against me, pushing my dick further against her ass, my other hand pinching the nipple of one of her tits.

  “I think I would like to see you play, baby. But only if I get to play too.”

  While the current position was fucking stellar—my hand finger-fucking her while she grinded against my dick with her ass—it wasn’t the easiest position to see. And if she was going to be reaching down and touching herself then I sure as hell wanted to be able to eyeball that.

  Not a problem. Just a little maneuvering and we were back to business. The kind where she comes with my cock buried inside her while she fingers herself. I almost couldn’t think about it, the thought alone juicing me up so bad it was making my balls ache.

  “Move to the edge of the bed, baby.” Both my dick and my hand protested as I shuffled to the end of the mattress. “I need you over here.” I watched as she moved, her hand sweeping down between her legs as she relocated to where I was. Fucking perfect.

  “Legs down.” I planted my feet on the floor and stood up. My hands on her thighs guided her legs to hang off the edge, parting her wide so I could see her slick and ready pussy.

  Now I wasn’t so sure that the blowjob was the best way to wake up. I’d say it would be a coin toss as whether that or having a beautiful, wet pussy in front of you would be the better way to go. And wasn’t I just the lucky son of a bitch who was getting both.

  “That’s it, sweetheart.” I watched as her fingers moved a little faster, my dick jerking as my hand made contact. “Wow, baby, you’re so wet.”

  Automatically, I sunk to my knees, my mouth on her as she continued to play. My tongue fucked her, getting coated in all she had to offer as it moved in and out of her.

  She moaned, her ass lifting off the bed as her fingers moved faster, her hips bucking against my face while I kept up my assault. She tasted amazing, thick and sweet like honey and I couldn’t get enough, pushing my tongue deeper into her.

  “M-a-x.” My name broken down into three syllables, arching her back as she moaned, my dick begging to get in the game.

  I could have stayed down there and been a very happy man. Have her come on my face while she rubbed that beautiful pussy of hers, but my cock wasn’t down with that plan. He had been bouncing all around doing the pick-me-coach-pick-me since we started this game, and I wasn’t able to hold him off any longer.

  My feet gripped the floor as I moved up the bed, my hard-on in my hand as I rubbed it against her. Her fingers alternated between touching me and touching herself, all slick and sticky with each delicious pass.

  “You ready for me?” Because I needed inside of her in the worst possible way.

  “Yes.” She guided me to where she wanted me to be, the directions not necessary as I pushed in deep, the contact making her come hard against my dick.

  “Oh yeah.” I pumped, her tight pussy gripping me hard as I thrust in and out of her feeling every single pulse traveling along the length of my dick
. “That feels so fucking good.”

  So. Good.

  “Come for me.” Her hips got in time with mine as I continued to pump, my balls drawing up tight as I got close. “I want you to come all over my breasts.”


  That was pretty much all I needed and I was going to come.

  I pulled out just in time, my dick jerking in my hand as my jizz spilled onto her beautiful tits, her hands spreading it across her skin.

  Fuck the blowjob.

  That was a thousand times better.

  It was with a sick sense of satisfaction that I looked at her, her hands sticky both from me and from her, and I don’t think I’d ever seen anything sexier. Fuck PornHub, I had all the spank bank material I needed for the rest of my life.

  “You like that?” I climbed onto the bed, watching her shuffle back up the mattress, her hands still on her tits.

  “I loved that.” She couldn’t even hide the grin. I liked seeing her happy, and knowing I had something to do with it. Oh, and PS. we were both going to need a shower.

  “See, aren’t you glad you didn’t go for your run?” Like there had been any danger of that, my plans for her not even close to being done.

  “Fine, I’ll admit your idea was better.” She rolled her eyes. “I guess I’m still technically getting a work out.”

  “You bet your non-jiggly ass you are.”


  So, no surprise, there was shower sex.

  Yep, who didn’t see that happening?

  Not that it had started that way but you put the two of us into a small, wet confined space with some soap and it was bound to happen. It was actually efficient of us if you really think about it. Getting clean while getting busy. It was a how-to in time saving. Not to mention it made the washing up infinitely more interesting.

  When we finally got out of the shower, I bent a little on the staying in bed rule. She wanted to make sure her roommate hadn’t actually died through the night like she threatened, and wanted a fresh set of clothes to change into. So, she headed to her apartment while I got dressed, deciding we were going to need breakfast. Or possibly lunch, considering I wasn’t sure what time it was. In any case, both of us were starving. The ten million calories we burned might have had something to do with it, or maybe it was that we both hadn’t eaten since yesterday, but refueling was critical.

  I hadn’t done much food shopping since moving in, so eating in wasn’t an option. Which sucked because being out in public meant I had to keep my hands to myself. Not because I was worried about some asshole snapping our picture—couldn’t give a fuck who saw us together—it was more about me not wanting to risk a public indecency charge. Now that I was allowed to touch her, I was having a hard time not to.

  While my redress took only a few minutes, it took a lot longer for Beth. No doubt she’d been slowed by the twenty questions from Jules, so factoring all of that in, I assumed it would be at least thirty minutes before she was back. Longer if Jules was still dying.

  So rather than sit on my hands or burn a hole through the floor pacing like a loser, I grabbed my cell and checked my messages. It was exactly where I’d left it last night, in the pocket of my jeans on my bedroom floor. No message, call or email close to being important enough for me to have given a shit before now.

  As predicted, there were a few messages. A couple were of the female variety, those girls soon to get the thanks-but-no-thanks, see ya, bye. I wasn’t the kind of guy to jerk anyone around, but I was no longer interested in anyone whose name didn’t start with B and end with eth. Very specific and that’s the way I wanted to keep it.

  Two were from Joey at varying stages of delirium. The first asking if sleep deprivation could increase penis size, because he was positive his dick looked bigger, and the second was to let me know he bought a timpani while online shopping at three a.m. Apparently, he needed one, so I’m sure it was a relief to everyone that he found one. I shook my head and hoped to God he didn’t follow Jason’s lead and knock up his wife again. At least not until the poor bastard had some sleep.

  Thankfully Jules had survived, Beth arriving back at my pad dressed in jeans and a T-shirt not too long after.

  It fucking floored me how stunning she looked every single time I saw her. There wasn’t a girl in the world that could even get close to that kind of beautiful. It didn’t matter if she was wearing sweats with no makeup or a tight dress ready to go out, she owned it and knocked me on my ass.

  “So, we’re going out for breakfast?” She sat on the edge of the bed while I pulled on a shirt.

  “I figured if I’m going to have sex with you all day, I should at least feed you. It would be the responsible thing to do.” I smirked, thinking maybe we should just order in. Surely there was some deli or something that delivered?

  “Smart. You are so clever.” She pressed her hands against my lower abs; the need for food no longer seeing important. “I’m starving.”

  It wasn’t supposed to be sexy.

  The word wasn’t loaded with suggestion or elongated for flirt factor. She was just hungry. For Food. And yet, watching her lips move around the letters made me instantly hard. Like a fucking deviant. And what was worse was I didn’t actually care.


  Not even the slightest.

  Instead I expedited the process, hauling her ass out of my apartment so quick her feet barely touched the ground.

  Food and then sex.

  Lots of it.

  If she had a problem with it, she sure as hell didn’t show it. Whatever objection she’d had with us getting together had been shelved. And I wasn’t giving her the opportunity to change her mind.

  When I moved from the Bronx to Manhattan, it wasn’t just my area code that changed. I figured it was time for me to grow up and ditch my more-relaxed lifestyle. Plans, schedules—weren’t super important to me before, but now it’s how I mostly ran my life. That didn’t mean I became anal type-A with no sense of spontaneity, it just meant that having a plan wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

  But, if the situation called for it, I would totally get retro and loosen the reins. And the current situation was one I was going to have to play on the fly.

  I had had no intention of ever getting back together with Max. Happy for him to have been part of my yesterday while I looked to tomorrow.

  But things change.

  I’d tried to stay away.

  Really, I tried.

  And I sucked at it.

  Predictably, I ended up where I always had, with Max and in his bed. Really, not sure why I bothered to fight it, I had such a bad track record. So, rather than beat myself up about it or tell myself I should walk away, I gave in.

  What’s the worst that can happen?

  Yeah, I know, I was tempting fate.

  The weekend had been awesome. I didn’t even pretend like I hadn’t enjoyed every second of being around Max. It was just like old times except, better. We laughed, we talked and we had a lot of sex.

  A. Lot. Of. Sex.

  Sleeping, not so much.

  Which is why Monday morning when I crawled backed to my apartment to get ready for work, I had needed a coffee with a Red Bull chaser and an ice pack for my vagina. Probably a couple of Motrin as well.

  “You know I’m pissed at you, right?” Jules handed me my second cup of coffee as I slipped on my shoes. “The guy is basically the Energizer Bunny with a huge dick; this was supposed to be my fairytale.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I pouted not even trying to pretend I was sorry. “I’ll try not to enjoy it, and it’s not that great.” I lied, trying not to laugh. “Those little blue birds that fly around us when we have sex like they do in Snow White are really distracting.”

  “Oh, that’s sick.” Jules screwed her face up in mock disgust. “High five.” She raised her hand waiting for me to reciprocate.

  “We are not high fiving over sex, Jules.” Her palm left un-slapped as I gulped the rest of my coffee and put
the cup in the sink. “We didn’t turn into frat boys last time I checked.”

  She rolled her eyes completely unimpressed. “Won’t talk about his dick, won’t high five over sex . . . remind me again why we are friends?”

  “Because no one else in this town will have us.” I laughed, grabbing my purse and pointing toward the door. “And we need to leave now or we’re going to be late.”

  Mondays were always difficult. It was hard enough for an adult to sit still and pay attention after two days running free, for a child—well it was a wonder why teachers didn’t have a hip flask and a healthy whiskey addiction by lunchtime. Okay, so maybe some did. Not looking at anyone—cough, Mrs. Chapman, cough.

  So after getting through the first half of the day with no tears from either me or the children, I was glad to get to the teacher’s lounge and get something to eat. The Red Bull and coffee might have been a good idea this morning, but by ten I was regretting not following up with at least a bagel.

  “Ladies.” Rita Moson, one of the first grade teachers sat down beside me. Her perfect blonde hair, her perfect face and perfect body all coordinated like she’d just stepped out of the pages of Vanity Fair. “Did you have a good weekend?” Her brows lifted a little too enthusiastically.

  “Yeah, it was great.” I smiled politely and took a bite of my chicken salad, trying to wonder why the sudden interest. “How was yours?”

  I figured it was the courteous thing to do considering she’d asked about mine. Even though I really didn’t care. We had never been close friends, her tastes being a little too pink angora cardigan for my liking.

  “You do anything special?” Another raised eyebrow, this time accompanied by a smile.

  Jules and I looked at each other puzzled, unsure if this was some secret code we were supposed to know. A staff memo we’d missed? Maybe a new initiative?

  “Well, I was sick—” Jules hadn’t even finished her sentence when Rita cut her off.

  “Not you, Julie. I mean Beth.” She laughed, her exaggerated fake eyelashes winking like a spider was having a seizure on her face. “Or should I say, someone special.”