Between the Lines Read online
Page 20
“Baby, I need to move,” he kissed up my neck, “and even though I jerked off earlier, I haven’t been in you in over a week, so this is probably going to be quick.”
“I don’t care, just do it.” I kissed back, needing to move too. I wasn’t going to last either, and more than anything, I wanted him to stop being careful. “I will not break,” I reminded him. “Fuck. Me.”
He didn’t flinch, grabbing my hips with his hands and thrusting deep into me given the permission. Our eyes locked, his heated stare burning me up inside as he plunged into me again and again.
It was so good.
His hard cock teasing me with each long stroke in and out, taking me closer until I was right on the edge.
My body started to shake as I struggled to keep my eyes open, overwhelmed by so many feelings there was a real danger I was going to start crying. It wasn’t just about the sex—which make no mistake, felt fucking amazing—but gratitude as well.
That I had him.
That I had us.
That he trusted me when I told him I wouldn’t break.
“Oh my God,” I cried out, every nerve in my body feeling like it been lit on fire. “I’m so close.”
His hand slid from my hip, flicking my clit just once as I came in a heated rush. Everything shook, tears leaking out of my eyes as muscles contorted and released in waves of pleasure. I couldn’t even stop, wrapping my arms around his neck and rocking my hips as he swelled inside of me and then finally exploded.
“Tessa, Tessa.”
He repeated my name over and over again, the tight cords of his abs completely engaged as he spilled into me. He didn’t stop either, pumping into me again and again until we were reduced to a sweaty mess.
His lips returned to my mouth, kissing me gently as he pulled out and rolled to his side. “At the risk of pissing you off, I still need to ask.” His hand brushed along my jaw. “Are you okay?”
I grinned, feeling more okay than I had in days as I rolled toward him and snuggled against his chest. “You thought it might piss me off and you still asked?” I chuckled against his skin. “Wow, you really are brave.”
“Oh baby, make no mistake, part of me is still terrified when it comes to you. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He laughed kissing the top of my head.
“Justin,” I tilted my chin, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, “I am better than okay. Thank you.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “You’re thanking me for sex, Ricci? Jesus, how hard did you hit your head? You don’t ever have to thank me, baby. Seriously. Any time. Any place. Any circumstances. No thanks necessary.”
“Annnnnnnd your transition into my sex slave has commenced.” I grabbed his chin and squeezed it. “I know this obedience is going to be short-lived, Tibbs, so I’m going to take it while I can.”
“Well, you knew what you signed up for, Ricci. You can’t claim buyer’s remorse now.” His hand wrapped around me, pulling me closer. “You want to go finish lunch? Or do you have other duties you’d like me to perform?” His brow rose suggestively, and I loved it.
He was back.
My crazy, dirty, and insane boyfriend was back, and I was so in love with him it was ridiculous.
“Why does it have to be either/or, Tibbs? I thought firemen were good lateral thinkers,” I teased, biting my lip. “We can feed each other lunch, in bed.”
He barked out a laugh. “Trust a cop to find a workaround. Fine, stay right there. I’m going to feed you and fuck you until you can’t see straight.”
I moaned, the idea of both of those things sounding so delicious I didn’t know which one I wanted first. “Make it so, Tibbs, because I’m hungry for both.”
It was my first day back and our first call out was an abandoned warehouse.
Not going to lie, it was good to be back even though the week and a half I’d had with Tessa had been amazing. She still hadn’t returned to duty yet, the doctor refusing to sign off because of her headaches. I could tell she was ready to climb the walls, not being able to work or train, but I did my best to make sure she stayed in shape with homebased workouts.
Two engines and a ladder had responded to the call, and being back with my team had never felt so good. I could barely wipe the smile from my face, grinning like an idiot as we tackled the burning warehouse.
“Tibbs, you look deranged.” Rev, laughed, shaking his head. “People are going to start thinking you lit this baby.”
Leighton chuckled, working alongside of us. “He’s in looooooove, Rev. We should probably get used to that stupid look on his face.”
I shrugged, not giving a shit what they had to say. “Laugh all you want. My girlfriend is fucking awesome and I’m not going to pretend not to be ecstatic about it.”
North slapped me on the back as he came up behind me. “Speaking of ecstatic, it’s been a whole month since you’ve stolen my deodorant from my locker. Good for you sacking up like a big boy and using your own.”
There were other jabs, each of the team taking their turn in giving me shit. Not because they didn’t love Tessa—hell, everyone at the stationhouse thought she was too good for me—but because I’d always said I didn’t want a long-term relationship.
Yet there I was, spending every available second with a woman I couldn’t get enough of, and wondering when it was too soon to ask her to move in with me. It was only a matter of time, alternating between apartments and neither of us spending nights alone unless we absolutely had to.
The warehouse hadn’t stood a chance. We’d had the blaze under control in record time, working like the well-oiled machine that we were. It was the one place I’d never doubted myself, knowing when I had that uniform on, I was the best I could ever be.
As for the guys I worked alongside, there wasn’t one who could’ve been replaced. I trusted them with everything. So being back with them, feeling that spike of adrenaline, yeah, it was pretty fucking good. Which was why I understood why Ricci hated being away from Miller, her need to be with her partner kicking ass and taking names as much a part of her as anything else.
We were packing up the trucks when Rockefeller arrived. He was a detective from Tessa’s precinct, and we knew him pretty well. “Gentlemen, what have we got?”
While Cap filled him in on the details, I couldn’t help but watch the interaction. With Tessa’s dedication and drive, it wouldn’t take long before she made rank, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind she was going to be one of the best detectives on the force.
“Tibbs, you ready to roll?” Leighton asked as he closed the last of the equipment doors on the engine.
“Yep, all good. Let’s get back to the station.”
We piled into the engine and started back to base, the thought of Tessa with a shiny gold badge still dominating my thoughts.
I wanted that for her.
Wanted her to succeed more than I did myself, which was saying something. Guess it was true what they said about being in love and it changing your perspective.
It was when we got back to the stationhouse that I decided to check in on the chief. He had gone above and beyond for me since the incident, making sure that not only my record stayed clean, but Tessa and I got any support we needed. He’d even cooked us dinner a couple of times, the man just as talented in a kitchen as he was wearing a uniform.
“Hey, Chief,” I rapped my knuckles on the open doorway, “you got a minute?”
Mack looked up from his desk, giving me a smile as he waved me in. “Tibbs, was almost starting to miss your face around here.”
“Yeah, not as much as I missed being here, Mack. Not sure what I would’ve done if my leave of absence had been permanent.” I shuffled into a chair opposite him.
He nodded, dropping the pen in his hand, and gave me his full attention. “Yeah, well I don’t like losing good men so that wasn’t happening on my watch. That isn’
t an invitation to push your luck, though. I will bench you if that’s what’s best for the team.”
I didn’t doubt that for a second.
If there was one man who lived the duty before self mentality, it was the guy sitting in that chair. He’d taken an eighteen-year-old North and raised him as his own. Didn’t care he didn’t know the kid or that he’d been a pain in the ass. Nope, just took the responsibility and didn’t look back. And it wasn’t just Riley he treated like family, each and every one of us feeling like that too. It didn’t matter that he’d recently had his own biological son, Mack not once making us feel like we were any less important than the little boy who shared his last name.
“You won’t get any trouble from me, Mack, I swear.” The promise made not just because I didn’t want to lose my job but because I wanted to be better. Not just for the crew and for the chief, but for Tessa as well. “But while we’re discussing futures, I wanted to talk to you about Ricci.”
Mack laughed, leaning back in his chair as he stretched his arms behind his head. “Tibbs, a little late in the game to be asking permission, isn’t it? But if it makes you feel any better, I approve. She’s a fine officer—respected and hardworking—and will have no problem keeping you in line.”
He was right on all accounts, but I wasn’t looking for his blessing. “No, I meant she’s probably going to make detective soon. She has her criminology degree and it’s been a few years. That’s how it works, right?”
Mack nodded as he took me in. “Yeah depending on which department, she would be up for rank soon. I know the Cap speaks highly of her so it wouldn’t be a performance issue, but I’d say it will happen sooner than later. Why? You worried about her because of the fire?”
“No.” I shrugged. “I mean, of course I’m worried she might get hurt or something, but that’s the job. And I can’t ask her to stop any more than I can walk away. It’s what I love about her, Chief. She’s fucking fearless. And I want to make sure I do everything I can not to screw things up for her.”
Mack chuckled, shaking his head. “Tibbs, unless you turn into a felon and make her an accomplice, there isn’t a lot you can do to screw up her chances. But as anyone who’s put on extra stripes will tell you, she’ll need support and understanding. You give her that, and she’s already ahead of the curve. I will say that you being concerned says a hell of a lot about you too. You know, Tessa isn’t the only one who can make rank.”
“Yeah, I know.” My lips spread into a grin, not having given it much thought before. “Can you imagine?” I laughed, thinking I’d probably give the guy a heart attack.
“Yeah, I can actually. I can imagine it very easily,” he responded with no humor in his voice.
“Well then, guess I better go out there and do some work.” I cleared my throat, rubbing my palms down the front of my pants. “Thanks for . . . everything.”
“All good, Tibbs. Again, welcome back.” He nodded and then went back to his work.
That was the other thing I loved about the chief; he never made a big deal out of shit like that. He let you have your moment without crowding you, and along with his other talents, it was something I hoped to learn.
It was around dinner time when I finally got the chance to talk to Tessa. There’d been some messages back and forth throughout the day, but there hadn’t been time for anything more. So unless we got another call out, we were going to be sitting down to some chicken fettuccini cooked by North, and I was going to call my girlfriend.
“What are you doing?” I asked when she answered the phone. “And more importantly, are you naked?”
Tessa laughed, the sound warming my chest. “Miller stopped by. Still want me to be naked?”
“Yeah, that’s a negative, Ricci. But if after he leaves you want to take off your clothes and send me photographic evidence, I won’t complain.” I grinned, just thinking about her naked getting me hard.
“Don’t hold your breath, Tibbs. Phones get hacked all the time and I’m not interested in being the next scandal.”
She had a point, something I needed to remember. “Fine, disappoint me,” I groaned, pretending to be annoyed. “I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow morning. I’ll call you when I’m on my way over in case you sleep in,” I offered, accepting we were going to be spending the night apart, but not willing for it to extend to the morning.
“Soooooooo, about that.”
“What?” I asked, wondering what she was going to say.
Her voice was muffled like she was covering the phone, the words spoken to Miller inaudible before I heard footsteps taking her out of the room.
“Tessa, you’re killing me right now. What were you going to say?”
I honestly had no idea. Things had been great between us and she’d given me no indication when I left that she didn’t want to see me after my first shift back. In fact, it was the opposite, telling me she’d be waiting for me when I got back and that she wanted to hear all about it after I made love to her. So if she’d suddenly had a change of heart, and didn’t want to see me, I was going to need an explanation.
“Tessa,” I barked again, shaking my head as I heard a door close. “Baby, tell me.”
“Jesus, you’re impatient, Tibbs.” She laughed, the carefree sound of her voice making me feel better, but not by much. “I just wanted some privacy when I told you, so I came to the bedroom.”
“Told me what?” I asked, a million scenarios going through my mind and not all of them good.
“When you were in the shower this morning, I slipped my spare keys into your backpack. I figured you might want them.” Her voice was like liquid, smooth and calm with no hesitation.
“You gave me a key, baby?” My ass lifted from my seat, heading to my locker like the room was on fire. Sure enough, there in the front pocket was a cheesy I heart New York keyring with a set of keys.
My fingers closed around them, squeezing the metal tight in my hand as I brought it to my chest. “I’ve got them.”
“Good, the brass one is for the external door, the silver for mine. You might want to use them in the morning, saves you making a phone call or harassing my neighbors.” Her voice lowered. “I’ll be naked.”
“You really expect me to be able to work after that?” I cursed out. “You are a cruel woman, Tessa Ricci.”
“Yet, you’re still hanging around. Says more about you than it does about me, Tibbs. Might want to check that,” she chuckled. “Now I’m going back into the living room before Miller assumes we’re having phone sex. Call if you get time later or just come wake me up in the morning.”
How could any man resist an offer like that? “Will do, Ricci. Have a goodnight, baby. I’ll see you in the morning.” And without really wanting to, I ended the call.
Man, I had it bad. Turning the keys over to look at them in my hand again, in case I’d imagined it. Nope. Still there. And I was not going to be giving them back anytime soon. Instead, I was going to be giving her a set of mine and then suggesting maybe we downgrade to just one set of keys.
I’d assumed it was too soon. Worried she would think it was a knee-jerk reaction to the fire, her injury, and everything else. But she’d made the first move without hesitation, so that was how I’d make the second. And I wanted to move in with her, willing to move to Brooklyn if that was what I had to do. Of course, I really, really hoped she preferred Midtown since I had an extra bedroom, my rent was fixed, and we could literally walk to work. But whatever, it didn’t matter the location, so long as we were together.
“Hey, you ready to eat?” Leighton’s head popped around the corner. “North is done and the rest of us are starving.”
I shoved the keys in my pocket, plastering a grin to my face. “Yeah, I’m more than ready.”
It was early morning when my twenty-four hours were done. I hadn’t slept much in my bunk, glad we’d been kept busy most of the night with call outs. And even though I wanted nothing m
ore than to get into my car and drive to Brooklyn, I took a quick shower before leaving the stationhouse. I didn’t want to waste time taking one when I got to Tessa’s, anxious to use the keys she’d given me and then slip in naked between her sheets. Man, I was a lucky son of a bitch.
“Hey, Justin.” A blonde I had “dated” casually was waiting for me outside, looking nervous as hell as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. “I know it looks creepy me waiting for you out here like this, but I didn’t want to corner you at your apartment.”
“May.” Her name finally flashed in my mind. We’d met at Presley’s club Diablo and seen each other a couple of times. Nothing serious, of course, but she’d been kinda sweet. “Hey, no, that’s okay. Was there something you needed?”
I really hoped she didn’t respond with “your cock,” because as appealing as that proposition might have been a couple months ago, she was going to be shit out of luck. There wasn’t a chance I’d cheat on Tessa, and I wasn’t even tempted.
She looked around, the other guys leaving and waving goodbye as we stood out front. “Is there somewhere we could go talk? Privately?”
Yeah, that wasn’t going to work.
And considering we hadn’t done a lot of talking when we had been together in the past, I was sure “talking” was code for something else. Besides, while there had never been an emotional connection between us, I didn’t want to be an asshole either. And I had zero interest in leading her on.
“I’m actually on my way to my girlfriend’s house.” A bit of a dick move sliding it in there instead of just telling her outright, but I didn’t want to be a total jerk. “So I’d rather just talk here if that’s okay.”
“You have a girlfriend? Oh, I didn’t know.” She shifted uncomfortably on her feet.
“May, what is it? You obviously came here to say something, so whatever it is, just say it. It’s okay. I don’t bite.” I tried to laugh but was starting to get nervous.
She wasn’t a psychopath, right? Sure, we’d had a casual relationship, but it hadn’t ended badly. I hadn’t ghosted her or fucked her over, and as I’d mentioned before, she’d seemed really sweet. So If I’d misjudged the situation and ended up with a knife wound, it was going to suck.