Crash Ride Page 21
“Ah-ha. I fucking knew it!” Kyla pointed at us both, her eyes and grin just as big as each other. “I knew it. I told you we would smoke them out. ”
Kyla and Brianne high fived each other and the pieces came together. The whole fucking thing had been a set up and we’d both been played.
“Knew what? What?” Dan looked around, confused not knowing what the hell was going on.
“Oh lord, here we go.” Jase laughed, knowing the shit storm had just been unleashed.
“Megs and Troy are together.” Brianne smiled, proud her little performance had outed us. If I hadn’t been so distracted with concern with Megs, I would have seen this shit a mile away.
“Megs and Troy are together? Does the fireman know?” Dan looked between Megs and me, trying to play catch up.
“There’s no fireman, you moron. Try and keep up.” Jase smacked him on the shoulder.
“Fuck it.” I did what I should have done from the start. I grabbed Megs’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Yes, we’re together. We were trying to keep it on the DL and not make a big deal about it but now it’s out there, we’re seeing each other. We’re a couple. Whatever you wanna call it, I’m done with this hiding shit.”
“Waaiiiiiitttt a minute.” Dan held up his hands, giving me the eyeball. “What about all those broads you’ve been screwing?”
“There weren’t any other broads. It was just Megs.” I slung my arm around her and tucked her in close. It’s what I had wanted to do from the minute she’d walked in. It felt good and I made a fucking promise that from now on, I wouldn’t be holding back.
“Fuck, it’s like Lexi and Alex all over again. Seriously, I’m fucking offended. Why the hell wasn’t I in on this memo?” He threw up his hands in disgust.
“Dan, not now,” I warned.
“People are fucking, left, right and center and I’m none the wiser.” He continued to run his mouth at the risk of a beat down from me. His attention turned to Ash who didn’t look all that surprised. “Did you know?”
“Not until Kyla came to me with her theory. Although I’m really not surprised.” She tucked her arms around Dan and gave us a smile.
“So you played us? You weren’t really flirting with Troy?” Megs looked at her friends, apparently needing confirmation on what I already knew.
“Come on, Megs, girl code. I would never go after a guy you’ve been lusting over for years. But Kyla and I decided that you would probably need the incentive to come clean.” Brianne gave her a smile, her delight fucking obvious.
“I hate you both.”
“No you don’t. Look how awesome it is. All in the open.” Kayla smirked, giving Brianne a hug. The pair of them, pleased.
“Whatever.” Megs waved them off and turned her attention back to me.
“Well now everyone knows about us, can you give me a minute so I can kiss my girl?” Not that I needed the permission, my mouth on Megs was happening and the fact I’d waited this long was a fucking miracle.
“Oh, so sweet.” Brianne clapped her hands together, giving us her endorsement.
“I mean, literally everyone is fucking and not telling me.” Dan was still stuck on the same old tune.
“Shut up, dickwad. You are spoiling my mood.” I flipped him off as I slowly edged Megs back into the living room.
I didn’t give her much time, my hands around her jaw tilting her head toward mine so I could taste her. She parted her lips and let me inside, her hands pulling me closer as I sealed my mouth with hers. It was like being in heaven. I would never get sick of it.
Megs pulled her mouth away from mine; her smile telling me it had been just as good for her. “You don’t have to look so pleased with yourself and don’t you dare say I told you so.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it but the pleased look is staying. I am very, very pleased.” Not a lie, I was ecstatic about the turn of events. Happy that people knew that we were together and what did you know? Nothing bad had happened.
“Let’s not mention the baby just yet, okay?” Megs pulled against my shirt, her eyes flooded with please-don’t-fight-me. “I think we’ve reached our quota for crazy reveals for one night.”
“Deal.” I could live with that. We had all kinds of time to announce junior. “Why were you late? You feeling okay?”
“I think my easy run might be coming to an end.” Megs gave me a tight smile and my inner caveman got very interested in the conversation. “I was feeling weird and puked a bit, but I’m fine now.”
“Should we go back and see the doctor?” I cursed myself for not being there to take care of her when she was sick. That shit would be changing, very fucking soon.
“No, from all the reading material they gave us, it sounds normal.” She gave a shrug and wrapped her arms back around me.
“Alright you two, come sit down.” Ash smiled from the doorway. “We are actually eating dinner tonight.”
“Ash, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just …” Megs wriggled out of my hold and started to explain before Ash cut her off.
“Megs, I’m happy for you. Really I am. It doesn’t matter, I’m just glad you got your guy.” She didn’t seem pissed which was a plus. While I knew eventually everyone would get over it —even Dan— the last thing I wanted was Megs upset.
“Thank God, I’m so relieved. I thought for sure you would be mad and worried our relationship would screw up your wedding plans.” Megs grabbed Ash’s hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Megs, you’re crazy.” Ash smiled, giving Megs’s arm a little shake. “How much trouble can you get into in a couple of months?”
“True.” Megs laughed. “I mean I can only get knocked up once, right?” She slapped her hand across her mouth as soon as she realized what she’d said. So much for not telling anyone about the baby.
“What?!” Ash looked at Megs before looking at me, obviously putting two and two together.
“Yeah, that’s the other bit of news we were keeping on the quiet.” There was no hiding my big ass grin. “It’s early days, but we’re going to be parents.”
“Oh my God.” Ash’s eyes got wide as she got caught up to speed.
“Ash, please don’t tell anyone. I can’t believe I let that slip. It’s so early, we just found out ourselves.”
“I swear I won’t tell a soul, but no more fucking secrets, okay?” Ash pulled Megs in for a hug, both of them pretty emotional.
“I promise.” Megs hugged back, no doubt part of her glad she wasn’t hiding more shit from her friend.
“Alrighty, you think I can have my girl back? Have some lost time I want to make up for.” And make sure she’s okay. The sickness thing still worried me a little.
“Sure, sure.” Ash released Megs and I pulled her back to my side. “Five minutes you two.”
“Thanks.” I tipped my chin as Ash scooted out of the room.
“Now,” my hands went to her jaw again, clocking her eyes with mine, “let me do that one more time so I can make sure you are okay.”
“Ugh, I feel sick.” My stomach rolled as I ran to the bathroom. My morning ritual about to be performed for the second time as I heaved whatever contents my stomach had left into the toilet. “God, this is so fucking gross.” I heaved again, hoping to God it would be the last.
“Megs, what can I do?” Troy asked helplessly from the door, the one I’d tried in vain to close before doubling over and puking my guts out. It was bad enough I had to witness it; I didn’t want an audience.
It had been two weeks since we’d found out a little life was growing inside me and within that two weeks, my body had already started to change. The biggest change seemed to be the relationship I was now in with the bathroom. I’d contemplated changing my status on Facebook; we were inseparable these days.
“Please don’t watch.” I waved him off, mortified. “I’m almost done.” My hands braced either side of the cold tiled wall as my body hovered in limbo, waiting for the next wave of nausea to rip through me.
; “You think I haven’t seen anyone get sick before? Megs, I spent most of my teenage years watching underage kids puke their parents’ liquor cabinet out onto their lawn.”
Obviously the view hadn’t been good enough from the door, because despite my protest he came and sat on the tub beside me. I grabbed the washcloth from the sink and wiped my face.
“Awesome, thanks for the visual. It doesn’t change that I don’t want you to see me. God, could this be any less sexy? I wouldn’t be surprised if you never slept with me again.” Oh God, please don’t let me cry. Cry for the ghosts of orgasms past. I’d had a good run, I shouldn’t be so greedy.
“Going to take a little bit more than vomit to turn me off, sweetheart. Do I need to have sex with you right now just to prove a point?”
I grabbed my toothbrush from the holder and squeezed on some toothpaste. It was probably going to make me gag but at least my mouth would be minty fresh. Got to take the victory when you can. “I’d probably throw up on you and ruin your New York Dolls T-shirt.” I pointed to his vintage Tee before shoving the toothbrush in my mouth.
“Fine, we’ll do it in the shower, easy fix.” He stood up and pulled off his T-shirt, his face deadly serious. “Let’s go, get naked.”
“You’re insane.” I mumbled spitting the toothpaste into the sink. Wow, it didn’t get any less sexier than this. How was he still standing there?
“Nope, just know that no matter what happens my feelings aren’t going to change.” He walked over to the sink while I rinsed.
Things would change. He would go on tour and meet women who weren’t moody or emotional and whose boobs didn’t sag to their knees. Not that mine did yet, but I was prepared— I’ve read Cosmo. When did I become so fucking insecure?
“They’ll change after the baby, when you’ll be able to park your car in my vagina.”
Troy’s face animated as he barked out a laugh. “Seriously, do you rehearse this shit?” And yet again more laughter at my expense. This was so not funny. “You are killing me.”
“Stop laughing at me, this is not funny.” The damp washcloth I had been using went flying toward his face. My throw wasn’t great —I had never been good at sports—and he ducked, the washcloth hitting the wall in a rather defeated splat.
“Look at me, Megs,” Troy closing the gap between us and I gave silent thanks I had brushed my teeth. “I am not going anywhere. I love you. We’ve got this, okay?” He wrapped his arms around me, capturing me in a Troy prison of sorts. It felt nice there. Safe.
“I love you, too,” I mumbled against his chest, breathing him in.
“Well then, we’re more than half way there, yeah?” His hand played with my hair as he held me close. He showed no signs of letting go, which was awesome seeing as I didn’t want him to.
“I hate that you’re the one making sense when I’m acting crazy. Worst thing is I know it’s crazy talk, but I can’t make myself stop. You know I graduated cum laude from Georgetown? I should be the one making sense.”
His chuckle vibrated through his chest. “So, even smart people get to fly off the handle. If it makes you feel better, most my twenties were spent acting crazy. I’ve done my time.”
“God, you’re sexy, Troy Harris.” I peeled my head from his chest to admire the view. It was a view that I would never get tired of.
“Must be the company I’m keeping.” He flashed a cheeky grin. “I would also like to point out that shower sex is still very much on the table.”
“We have to be at my mom and dad’s in an hour.” Of all the craziness I’d been sprouting this morning, now was when I decided to be responsible? I was so appalled.
“So? I have a Lambo, Megs. I’ll drive the thing sideways to get us there in time.”
He was making a solid argument and I almost caved, except thoughts of having to sit through a meeting with my parents after just having had sex was probably a little too skeevy, even for me.
“Just kiss me now.”
It was a compromise and probably one that would see us being late anyway. Me and impulse control left a lot to be desired.
Nerves. They didn’t help the nausea I’d been dealing with, nor did the eggs benedict my mother had placed in front of me. Mental note. It’s easier to introduce your boyfriend to your parents before you get knocked up.
“Troy, would like some more juice?” My mother hovered with a pitcher full of orange juice. Her bright smile thawing some of my nerves. Oh hell, my parents were going to freak the fuck out.
“Thank you, Mrs. Winters, I’d love some.” Troy held my hand under the table as I counted backward from ten and tried to regulate my breathing.
“So, you’re a rock star.” My dad took a sip from his coffee cup, his brow raised in the I’m-not-making-this-easy-for-you position I hadn’t seen in awhile. It was his talent—along with being a brilliant heart surgeon—the ability to make me feel like I was sixteen and got caught sneaking out.
“With all due respect, Mr. Winters, anyone who calls themselves a rock star is an ass….” He caught himself before adding hole and corrected himself. “…is conceited. I’m a musician and I’m lucky enough to be successful in a pretty difficult industry.” Troy obviously wasn’t feeling the same fear I was. Good. Only one of us was allowed to freak out at a time and currently I was definitely freaking the hell out.
“Yes, very difficult industry but no career paths are safe these days are they, Mitchell?” My mom sat back down in her seat and gave me a wink. Her support was something I could always count on, and besides I blamed her for some of my quirky antics. Sitting right there in her chiffon blouse and playing with her strand of pearls was an original member of the KISS army, I kid you not.
“Of course, I was merely trying to establish what it is you do.” My dad took another slow sip from his cup. “You play in the same band with that Dan fellow, Ashlyn’s rather taken with?” I didn’t correct him that Ash was marrying him, slightly more than rather taken.
Troy’s calm veneer didn’t shatter, answering my dad respectfully with a calmness I clearly didn’t possess. “Yes, sir. Dan Evans is my best friend; we are both in the same band.”
“Do you do drugs?” My dad lowered his cup nonchalantly like he’d just asked if Troy flossed after brushing.
“Dad.” I barked out, horrified he’d subscribe to such a clichéd stereotype.
Troy looked my father dead in the eye and answered. “No. No drugs.”
“So, how did the two of you meet?” My mom tried to lighten the mood, not like it could get any tenser, mention of drug use will do that to a conversation.
“I had the pleasure of meeting your daughter last year. Just took me a while to wise up and ask her out.” Troy smiled and thankfully went with the censored version. I didn’t need for my parents to know about my extra circular sextivities.
“Are you alright sweetie, you haven’t touched your brunch?” My mom touched my arm, the plate in front of me, untouched.
“I’m just not very hungry, Mom.” I gave her my best smile, the lopsided half-grin didn’t do much to help my cause.
My dad eyed me up and down, no doubt gathering intel from my lack of appetite. I swear the man had x-ray vision or something. He could always tell when something was wrong.
“So, are you getting married or are you pregnant?”
My mom and I both snap simultaneously. He must definitely have x-ray vision.
“Look, I know I’m an old man but I’m not completely ignorant.” He wiped his mouth with his napkin. “You both look like you’ve been told you need a triple bypass. So which is it? Oh, and I will remind you son, while I am doctor, I still maintain my second amendment rights.”
“Mitchell, stop.” My mother waved my father off before reaching across and touching Troy’s arm. “He doesn’t have a gun.”
“I didn’t say I had a gun, I said I maintain my rights—
which means I could get one,” my father clarified.
“I’m pregnant.” It was time to come clean, after all that’s why we were here, right? “We love each other, and we’re having the baby.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Winters, while this pregnancy wasn’t planned, I love your daughter very much and we’re going to be a family.” Troy took over, not willing to let me face the music by myself. “We’re getting married as soon as she agrees. Hell, I’d marry her tomorrow, if she’d let me.”
“Is this what you want, darling? I need you to know that your mother and I will respect and support you, whatever decision you make but I don’t want you to get married out of obligation. That will never work out. Baby or no baby, this has to be something you need to be sure of.”
My dad reached out his hand and touched my arm.
“Dad, of course I want this. I love him.” My eyes watered as I nodded my head and Troy squeezed my hand even tighter.
“Sir, me not marrying Megs is not really an option.” Troy moved his arm around me.
“Our Megan is an exceptionally bright girl, and usually a good judge of character so the fact that you are sitting here in our home means she obviously thinks very highly of you. But I held that baby girl when she came into this world. I loved her first, and I’m always going to love her, so when I give her away, I’m going to make damn well certain that the man is worthy of her.”
“I don’t think there is a man alive who is worthy of her, but I can tell you now that I would give my last breath to make her happy.
“Right answer.” My dad nodded.
“Dad?” Was this some test Troy was supposed to pass?
“When the two of you eventually have children you will understand. No one will ever be good enough for them; all you can ask for is that they find someone who will give it their all to make them happy.”
I was already an emotional mess—hearing how much he loved me—just about sent me over the edge. I should probably buy shares in Kleenex for the rest of this pregnancy.
“Does this mean we have your blessing?” I knew it was old fashioned and I would be with Troy without it, but I desperately wanted for my parents to be okay with this.