Slide (Black Addiction #1) Page 3
“Wow, I thought it was you.” His eyes moved over the curves of my body, pausing over my mostly exposed cleavage. “You’re looking well.”
Every night I fantasized about this very moment. The one where Rob would run into me, see me looking fabulous and then declare what an idiot he’d been and beg me to take him back. It was the sweet dream I’d lull myself off to sleep with, concluding with me telling him there’d be a cold day in hell before I’d take him back and crushing him like he’d crushed me. I’d smile as I drifted off into sleepland knowing he’d realized too late that I was the woman of his dreams and I’d leave him crying just as he’d left me.
“Rob.” I tried to keep my voice level while my pulse hammered away under my skin. “How lovely to see you.”
It wasn’t a lie, I was genuinely glad to see him. It might have taken me a couple of weeks but my emotions had moved from sad to mad. And while a few days after my spectacular dumping and firing I might have taken him back, now it was seeing him grovel that would give me the most pleasure.
“You too, Ali-cat.” He leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek. “Seems like you were holding out on me.” His brow rose as he eyed my dress again.
“Oh, this?” I giggled shamelessly. “Just a little something I threw on.”
Okay, so when it came to sexy and flirty I sucked. The seduction game was as elusive to me as the Loch Ness monster, and me trying to be sexy was probably just as scary as Nessie.
“Well, it obviously agrees with you.” He smiled, his hands gently rubbing up my arm. I tried to stop myself from cringing at his touch, or punching him right in the balls, more to see if he still had any.
“Listen, I’m glad I found you. I’ve been thinking a lot about you the last few days.” Rob moved closer, the noise from the bar making it hard to hear him.
“Oh?” I mentally smiled as I prepared to tell him to go take a hike.
There are times in life when you wish there was a pause button. Where the moment just needed to be savored just a little longer than time allowed. Not to gloat, but to validate that good things eventually happen to good people. Karma, payback and all the stuff, would eventually do its duty and the righteous would stand victorious. Sure it was a little conceited, but I figured I’d earned my moment and I wanted it to last just a little longer.
“I’m getting married.”
The words had come out of his mouth but just like the night when he told me we were through, it was as if I hadn’t heard them correctly.
“What?” My eyes flew open in a shock I had no hope of disguising.
“I know it’s sudden but I’ve known Susan most of my life. We dated through college and well, we found our way back to each other. Our families are ecstatic. Naturally, our mothers are already naming our children.”
I was going to be sick. The room was spinning; the heat that had been mildly uncomfortable before was now suffocating, and my lungs wouldn’t expand enough so I could breathe.
“Ali-cat, are you all right?” I felt his hands grip my arms as my body swayed on the barstool I was precariously close to falling off of.
Words failed me as my throat dried up and my mouth refused to function. In my fantasy he begged me to take him back, not tell me he was over me and ready to make some other girl his wife.
How could he have replaced me so quickly?
Had I honestly meant nothing?
Was I so easy to toss aside that he couldn’t even give it a few months before I’d have to see his smug-ass face smiling from the engagement announcements of the newspaper?
And just when I felt I was either going to throw up or pass out, a miracle happened and I was able to not only remain upright but conscious too. It would have been asking too much for me to think of something to say, so in the end I didn’t try but climbed off that barstool and walked away instead. Just like that—I was gone.
My miracle unfortunately didn’t extend much past getting me out of the bar where I stood like a deer in headlights, looking at the street traffic. Think, Ali, think. I willed my brain to kick into gear and figure out something that would get me off the sidewalk and away from the nightmare I’d left behind.
Then in a moment of clarity, or further delusion—jury was still out as to which—I thought of Rusty. Why my mind would go to the sexy, hot and charismatic mystery man when my sanity was swirling down the drain, I had no idea but whatever lifeline I had, I was hanging onto it.
Madness. That had to be the only explanation as I hailed a cab and directed him to the bar where we’d had our first and only real conversation. My pulse raced with every mile we got closer. I literally had no idea if he would be there or what I would even say if he was, but hoped I’d have the chance.
The cab had barely stopped at the curb when I threw myself out of the car and tossed the driver some money. I’m fairly sure that the tip I left was payment enough for my insanity, but in case it wasn’t, I mumbled an apology as I made my way from the cab to the door. I was done being safe. At least for tonight.
Channeling my inner Renee, in a move I’m sure she would be proud off, I stalked into the bar with a purpose that even surprised me.
It took me mere moments to locate him, and he was every bit as impressive as the memory. Wearing a pair of faded blue denims and NYFD Tee, he was effortlessly sexy, his smile curling as he lifted his beer to his mouth.
He laughed at some joke I obviously couldn’t hear as a posse of women and men surrounded him. The girls vying for his attention as they pawed at him like a puppy. He didn’t seem to mind their wandering hands or their constant attention.
It was either bravery or just plain insanity that had me push my shoulders back and walk right to where he was standing. I did my best to ignore the crowd, or at the very least not make eye contact with them. Damn, I wasn’t that brave.
“Do you remember me?” I almost shouted as every pair of eyes in his makeshift group came to rest on me.
“Sure I do,” he said with zero hesitation. “You’re Alison.” A smile that could impregnate a thousand virgins lit up his face.
Him knowing my name was enough of a sign that I was going to sleep with him.
While some people prayed for weeping Madonna’s to show them the way, I contented myself with the beautiful man being able to recall me from the sea of girls he’d no doubt encountered in the last couple weeks. A sign was still a sign, right? And who was I to decide what constituted divine intervention. Hell—a place I was no doubt earning a spot in—I’d been avoiding the whore tag my whole life and it had gotten me nowhere fast. My goal to be everything my mother wasn’t hadn’t brought me happiness, and if nothing else tonight I would lose myself in that big screaming O that Renee promised would change my perspective. Inner sensible voice be damned, I was having sex with Rusty tonight and it was going to be earth-shattering.
So, in keeping with my new status as the harlot hell-bound vixen, I completely ignored the crowd as I focused on Rusty. His magnetic pull had my eyes locked onto him with anyone else’s existence no longer important—at least not in that moment.
The noise, the people, the bar—completely disappeared as I moved forward and pressed my lips to his and kissed him. A real kiss, the kind that sets your whole skin on fire and makes your knees knock together, and thankfully, he didn’t push me away or call the cops. Small victories everywhere. Instead, he pulled me closer and kissed me back.
He was much better at this kissing thing than I was. His mouth dominated mine, the kiss surpassing every single one I’d ever experienced in my life.
“That’s quite the hello.” He grinned when he finally pulled away, our audience looking at us open-mouthed and silent. I’d always wanted to make a grand entrance.
“Do you still want to have a drink with me?” My eyes blinked wildly as I focused on what his mouth had tasted like. It’s dizzying effects still rendering me momentarily brave.
“Yes. Even more so now.” His eyes stayed glued on mine as I remained unmoving
in front of him.
“Good, then let’s go.”
The chance to change his mind—or my own—wasn’t left on the table. Instead I harnessed whatever bravado I had left and gave in to my libido. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure which emotion was currently running the show but my brain wasn’t firing on enough cylinders to stop it. And it not happening didn’t even cross my mind as I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. His body followed mine as I led him away from his group.
“Hey sweetheart, the bar is the other way.” He circled his hands around my waist as we got closer to the doorway. They felt nice. His hands on me. Oh God, he was beautiful as another smile lit up his face. “Didn’t you want me to buy you a drink?”
Oh, the drink. The request that had served as my icebreaker—well, after the kiss—wasn’t exactly what I was after. Nope, I had something else in mind. Best I clear that up, it’s not like embarrassing myself was an issue when I’d just tongued him in front of his friends.
“No, I want you to have sex with me.”
Thankfully I didn’t stutter. It would have sounded much more desperate if I had to repeat it and as much as I was desperate, I didn’t want to advertise it.
“Sure, that works too.” He didn’t even blink.
Not. Even. A. Little.
Just pulled me closer and kissed me again in a way that could only be described as foreplay. His tongue hinted at the pleasure it was sure to deliver.
Awesome. I was sooooo going to do this.
“Good. Let’s go.”
Recording an album took time. Even more so when you wanted to redeem yourself for the watered-down bullshit we’d put out on our first effort. Hours spent in the booth were physically and mental draining. So because of this, and the fact Phil was still camped out on Joey and Max’s couch, we headed straight to the bar. Angie with the excuse of a growing fetus in her belly had to take a pass, which meant it was just the three of us.
It’d become a nightly thing, a way for us to hit the re-boot button. Not that we got falling over drunk, but the few beers we enjoyed and some friendly female attention was exactly what we needed. It was a nice way to wind up a day.
The usual routine got an upgrade when my night took a very quick and interesting detour. A chick I’d met a couple of weeks ago came barreling in like a heat-seeking missile and gave me some mouth action. No shit. She didn’t even say hi, went straight in for the kiss and that sweet mouth of hers was inviting something other than conversation. I was instantly interested in whatever else came after.
The trip back into my memory banks didn’t take too long. The recall juicing me up even more because the chick that was on the other side of my lips was the same girl who had turned me down flat the first time we’d crossed paths. She didn’t even let me buy her a drink, which was a shame because she had that whole mysterious vibe going on that intrigued me. Turning me down—just fanned the flames.
Seeing her for the first time that night all those weeks ago was like a kick in the balls. There had been something different about her that demanded attention. And it wasn’t just that she was beautiful in the most curious way. Sure she was stunning and her body looked pretty happening from what I could see, but it was more than that. It was all so understated, downplayed—like she didn’t need all the tricks some girls needed to make them look good. She was raw. It got me curious about what was hiding behind those light hazel eyes, and how I’d love to find out. I wasn’t shy about saying hello and didn’t have to wait too long for my opening. The drink that had been sitting in her hand for longer than it needed to be doing a disappearing act courtesy of her friend. Whatever that was on her mind, drinking hadn’t been it.
Girls weren’t a problem for me, so usually a no meant I said a goodbye and moved the hell on. Plenty more fish in the sea. But there was something about this one that more than got my interest, which is why when she threw herself at me with her mouth I had zero problem with it. Her wanting to take it to my place, well that was just a bonus prize I didn’t think I’d be winning.
“So, I guess the boyfriend thing isn’t an issue anymore?”
It hadn’t escaped my attention that the first time we’d started this dance, a significant other was the reason she gave me for the turndown.
“No, we’re done. You need help with the key?” Her feet shuffled in place like she wasn’t convinced that she was cool with what was about to go down, her hands locking together as I opened my door.
“Nope, I’ve got it.”
There was no need to tell me she hadn’t done this before, that part was plainly obvious. Her ability to not keep still was the biggest tip off, followed up by the lip biting and her need to get into my house a.s.a.p.
“You okay, you look a little nervous?” Nothing like stating the fucking obvious.
“Yes, I’m fine.” She nodded a little too enthusiastically. “Not nervous at all.” The laugh that followed told me otherwise. “We’re going to do this.”
Her words did little to convince me she was on board even as she stepped through the doorway. Her fingers white-knuckled her purse as she moved into the room; her eyes peeling open wide to take in the scenery. “Your place . . . looks nice.”
Ironically it wasn’t the change in subject that had me suppress the laugh. With the outside security light providing the only illumination, she either had x-ray vision or was attempting small talk. The giggle out of her mouth that followed soon after ruled out the super power.
Assuming anything was going to happen was way premature. I’d say at this point taking her back to the bar was more of a sure thing than getting her naked. We’d still only kissed one time and she was jittery as fuck.
“Alison, you sure you want to do this?” I closed the door behind us and hit the light. “I can take you back to the bar.”
“Nope, we’re totally going to screw.” She turned around to face me. “Each other. A lot. Hard. It’s going to happen.” Her face determined even if her body didn’t seem to be.
“Ok-ay, so screwing it is.” Not like I could argue with the girl, she made herself clear. Her adorable attempted seduction making it more difficult not to laugh.
“We should probably start.” She put down her purse in one of the most awkward displays of settling in. “Um, you should probably do something.”
“What is it that you would like me to do?” My grin got wider as I sidled up close to her and moved the hair off her shoulder. Letting her take the lead seemed the smartest decision at the moment. Convinced at any minute she was going to call a time out.
“Maybe you should take off your shirt.” Her eyes dipped down to my T-shirt, before coming back to meet mine.
Surely she wasn’t a virgin. She’d had a boyfriend; they must have had sex at some point. Unless that’s the reason he was no longer in the picture. The dude not able to get it up and seal the deal?
“Alrighty. That better?” The shirt that I’d pulled over my head was tossed to the side, landing on my coffee table.
“Holy shit. How are you even real?” Her eyelids peeled back as they traveled up the length of my chest, every inch of my skin getting her attention. Obviously she liked what she saw and didn’t that fucking please the hell out of me. Probably more that it should.
“I work out.” My hand reached for hers as I led her closer toward the couch. Her eyes stayed on me as she took the few steps into my living room.
“Yeah, I feel like I should clap or something. Maybe kneel. Last time I saw abs like that they were on a mannequin.” If the whole wide-eyed thing was an act, then I was super impressed. Award winning even.
“I’m glad you like what you see. Is there something else you’d like me to show you?”
Usually letting the girl call the shots wasn’t my style. I preferred to work things at my own speed i.e. a hell of a lot faster than this. But something about this whole situation had me pull on the brakes and let her set the tone. The night was still young and I still wasn’t convinced we we
re going to be fucking.
“Wow. That tattoo is beautiful. It looks so real.” She moved her hand slowly toward my chest, her fingertips just barely touching my inkwork like the thing was going to leap off my skin and bite her.
The show-and-tell wasn’t new for me. Girls liked to get an eyeful of my fancy ink before we got down to business—the dragon that slithered up my left side from my hip to my chest, getting the most attention.
“He likes you.” I moved my mouth closer to hers as her fingers followed the curve of the dragon’s neck. My dick hoping it would be the next thing that got a stroke. Easy there, buddy. We don’t want to scare her off.
“So, Alison, I’m going to kiss you now.” Once again the play-by-play wasn’t my usual drill. There was usually no need, and even though my cock was stirring in my pants already, it felt like she could spook at any minute.
“Uh-huh.” Her head bobbed up and down as she moved her beautiful hazel eyes back to mine. Seriously, she was fucking stunning.
“We can stop anytime you like.” My lips edged closer as my hand wrapped around her waist.
It was the last thing to come out of her lips before I’d sealed them with mine. Her body stiffening in my hands as my tongue tried unsuccessfully to pry her mouth open. And unless you were thirteen with no hair on your balls, what we were doing wasn’t even close to kissing.
“Hey.” The effort aborted as I moved my mouth from hers. “You are going to have to loosen your lips. If you want it to feel good.”
No seriously, was she a virgin? Maybe I should have asked her how old she was? She had to be at least twenty-one, right? We met in a bar. No way they would risk having a minor in there.
“Oh yeah, sorry.” She gave me her first smile for the night as she parted her lips. “Here you go,” she mumbled with her mouth open as I struggled not to laugh.
I very much wanted to keep kissing her, and get back to the vibe she’d been working when she walked into the bar. What had happened between then and now was a freaking mystery but damn if I didn’t want to find out. Rushing it was out of the question. The very notion of doing anything she wasn’t a hundred percent cool with made me want to kick my own ass. Nope, I was happy to let it simmer just a little while longer.