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A Leap of Faith Page 3

  I shook my head and tried to stifle a laugh as I watched Kelly flirt, dipping her chin, as she looked up at him under her long lashes. Her thick brown locks casually being flicked over her shoulder. I found the whole exchange strangely amusing.

  Alex looked at me bemused, as he gave Kelly a subtle brush off. She pouted as it became clear that he wasn’t interested. I signalled the security guard who escorted “Kelly” back to whatever rock she’d crawled out from under.

  “Are you ok?” Alex smirked, “What’s so amusing?”

  “I guess I just realized that while Kelly there is going to fantasize about having you in her bed, I’m actually going to be the one fucking you.” I chortled.

  The corners of Alex’s mouth twitched into a grin as he raised an eyebrow slightly.

  “Mmmmmmm I love it when you talk dirty,” he moaned in my ear. His lips tickled my skin as he slowly kissed my neck.

  “Ready?” Alex asked as he pulled me closer.

  I smiled as my hands travelled down his muscular back to rest on his amazing, taut behind. “What have you got in mind?”

  “Not that,” he laughed as he removed my hands from his ass and pulled me toward the door. I stopped, stunned for a second before he gave me his delicious half grin, his hypnotic blue eyes, sending shivers up my spine.

  “Let’s give them something worth printing,” he moaned in my ear as he draped his hands around my waist to lead me to the car.

  My head told me this was not a good idea. Was I ready for this? Was I prepared to have people talk trash about how I slept my way to my job? Was I OK with people questioning my integrity or my ability to do my work? My heart told me I wanted this. It was time. I could do this! Besides when had I ever cared what people thought? My work spoke for itself and in turn would vindicate me.

  I grinned as he opened the door, his arm still firmly fixed around my waist. As we stepped onto the curb, the blinding flashes of the cameras exploded like fireworks on New Year’s Eve. I didn’t look at any of the cameras, my eyes stayed fixed on his astonishingly perfect lips and I kissed him. The noise around us erupted and then faded into insignificance as he returned my fevered kiss. I no longer noticed the flashes, the people or the questions as Alex gently maneuvered me into the waiting car.

  His questioning glance and playful smile, spoke volumes as we settled into our seats.

  “Just following your lead and giving them something worth printing,” I mused as I flicked my hair over my shoulder.

  “Always got to one up me, huh Lexi?” Alex smirked as his eyes gleamed and he playfully bit his lip.

  I smiled sweetly as I scooted closer and grabbed his finely chiselled jaw in my hand, “Ab-so-fucking-lutely.”

  Chapter 3 – Hired Help

  Alex shifted slightly beside me in the bed. His breathing was still level and even, his beautiful face relaxed and tranquil. I smiled as I turned my whole body to face him. I loved to watch him sleep. The glow of the alarm clock illuminated his perfectly sculpted chest. I watched as it rose and fell with each breath. My eyes followed the line of his body down to where his muscular V met with a mess of the blankets and sheets. It amazed me as I watched him, he had no idea how breathtaking he was and the things he was doing to my inner chemistry.

  I hesitated, not wanting to wake him, but needing to touch him. I reached up and let my finger trace his spectacularly masculine jaw, his light stubble bristled under my soft fingertips. He stirred as my fingers slid down his neck. His slightly parted lips twisted into his famous half grin as he slowly opened his tired eyes, their clear blue brilliance made me shiver.

  “Something you need?” his sleepy voice was playful as he turned to face me.

  “Sorry...I didn’t mean to wake you,” I breathed as my hand rested casually on his chest. He brought his own hand to encapsulate mine.

  “Sure you did,” Alex smirked. “You can wake me anytime baby.” He pulled my naked body into his. “I love waking up with you.”

  “I love you Alex,” I whispered as I brought my lips to his neck.

  “Good, cause now it’s all over TMZ and you’ll look like a world class bitch if you leave me.” Alex laughed as he brought my chin up to look at him, his sparkling blue eyes filled with mischief.

  “Everyone already knows I’m a world class bitch, that’s old news.” I smiled as I ran my hands through his sexy, messed up blonde hair.

  “True,” he smirked as he shot me a quick wink. “Part of the reason I’m so in love with you. Do you know how refreshing it is to be with a woman who knows her own mind and isn’t afraid to speak it?” He locked me in his hypnotic gaze before continuing, “Even though sometimes your stubbornness infuriates me, I wouldn’t change any part of you.”

  I moaned as his lips brushed mine, giving me a soft and gentle kiss. There was nowhere in the world I wanted to be other than where I was. With Alex. Like this. It was the first time in my life where I felt no hesitation or doubt. This is where I belonged, with him.

  “Ughhhhhh” I groaned as I looked at the clock, it’s stark, digital numbers alerting me to the fact that it was five thirty a.m. and I had so much to do today. I wanted to get started as soon as possible. After our little “display” yesterday, I’m sure my workload had probably doubled, if not tripled and it certainly wasn’t going to do itself.

  “That didn’t sound like a pleasurable moan,” Alex mused. “Perhaps if I touched you here...” his fingers traced a line down the valley of my chest and continued towards my stomach.

  “As much as I would love THAT, I can’t.” I pouted as I tried not to focus on his hand continuing on its journey further south.

  “Really? It kind of “feels” like you can.” Alex’s low, sexy voice awakened me even more as my body betrayed me. As his fingers reached the slickness between my thighs, I sighed.

  “You are not helping.” I tried to mentally calculate whether or not I had time to give in.

  “I disagree, I think I’m very helpful.” Alex smiled, clearly enjoying toying with me as he slowly slid a finger inside.

  “Ahhhhhh” I moaned involuntarily as I closed my eyes.

  “See... very helpful,” he crooned into my ear as his other hand travelled up my thigh.

  My mind snapped back into reality and I hesitantly removed his hand from between my legs, “It is so easy to forget the crazy world outside, for it to be just the two of us but as hard as it is, no pun indeed, we need to get this day started.” I tried to sound convincing, but I sure as hell wasn’t buying it.

  He groaned as he rolled away from me. “Fine, have it your way. I just want you to be aware that a perfectly good erection is going to waste.” I could tell he was more frustrated than angry.

  “Alex, trust me, you aren’t the only one who is disappointed.” I tried to reason with him. “I need to work. It’s not like when I worked at Kate’s, if I had a down day, there was someone to cover for me. Here it’s just me. It’s a lot to do for one person”

  Alex turned to face me, his brows creased into a scowl. “Whatever, Lexi. I’m going to get a shower. A cold shower.”

  “You’re mad cause I won’t have sex?” I fired back.

  “No, my irritation with you has nothing to do with your refusal to have sex with me.” He responded, his eyes darkened.

  “Then what?” I hissed.

  “Lexi, do you know how many people we had working for us in a public relations capacity before you came onboard?” Alex questioned, his face hardened a little as he spoke.

  “What are you saying? I’m not doing my job?” I spat out, feeling my anger rising as the line of conversation continued.

  “No baby, I am merely illustrating that if you weren’t such a control freak and maybe hired some staff you wouldn’t have to work such ridiculous hours. I don’t know maybe we could have a life?” He argued as he flicked off the sheets and moved his body off the bed.

  “Wait!” I grabbed his arm, I knew he hadn’t meant to be cruel but he wanted me to ease off the ac
celerator. Days of waking early and late nights, constant phone calls, weekends that were never ours, were all taking their toll and I knew I would eventually burn out. I hated admitting that he was right but one of Power Station’s previous PR liaisons, Sydney, had told me that no less than three people and an assistant were assigned to the band’s account when the company she worked for had held the position.

  Given that there was a publicity tour planned to promote the new album and a subsequent stadium tour sometime after Hannah had her baby, there was no way I was going to be able to do it all myself. I needed help and I hated asking for it. I mean, I really hated asking for help. Where would I even go to hire someone suitable?

  “Ok, maybe you have some validity to your argument,” I muttered under my breath, my hand still tightly grasped around his arm.

  “What was that? I didn’t hear…” His eyes softened as he moved closer to me.

  “You heard me, don’t make me repeat it!” I grinned. I may have admitted he was right but I certainly wasn’t going to admit that I was wrong.

  “I don’t know...” He paused, “It sounded a little like you were agreeing I was right.... huh... Could this be?” a grin played on his lips.

  “I didn’t say you were right I said that perhaps there was validity to your point of view. Maybe I will hire someone,” I explained, still not willing to admit defeat.

  “Does this mean we get more quality time?” he laughed.

  “Yes, as soon as I find someone suitable, which I’m sure is going to be a pain in the ass, but yes. I want that too - more time” I smiled. Silently I was impressed at my maturity, not so long ago I would have fought this, no matter how wrong I was. I hate relinquishing control in any aspect of my life.

  “It’s all I want Lexi, it’s all I’m asking for, more time.” His brow was no longer furrowed and his eyes were once again relaxed.

  “So… This shower you speak of?” I mused, “As long as it’s not going to be cold there is no reason we can’t share. I’m all for multi-tasking.” My eyes took in his amazing, naked body.

  “Oh, so now you want me!” he huffed, “I don’t know Lexi, I think the moment might have been lost.”

  I pulled him closer, “I can get the moment back. Want to watch?” I teased.

  He shook his head as he ruffled his hand through his hair. “I think if you keep toying with me like this, it might render me ineffective.”

  “Suit yourself then,” I smirked as I got up out of bed and sauntered passed him naked. I flicked my hair seductively over my shoulder as I got closer to the bathroom door. I heard Alex’s light laughter and heavy footsteps behind me; neither of us was very good at saying no to each other.


  I smiled as I walked through my apartment. I was glad I had asked Alex to spend that night at my place rather than his. It meant that I could get straight to work without having to leave him in the morning. Alex had decided he was going to make breakfast while I got started on the innumerable emails I knew were waiting in my inbox. I paused as I got to the glass door that lead to my balcony. The darkness of the early morning was disrupted by the myriad of lights that was Manhattan. I had fallen in love with the city. No matter what time of day or night, the craziness below me never stopped. It was reassuring - a constant reminder that life and time continues to move forward, with or without you.

  I peeled myself from my view and moved to where my home office was located. I sat myself down in my huge leather desk chair at my beautiful oak desk, the light wood lent warmth to the space while the crispness of the large white monitor loomed above it.

  A low hum emanated from the chrome tower that sprung to life. The familiar Apple logo appeared on the now illuminated screen. I could hear Alex singing in the kitchen, he was pitch perfect even at six thirty in the morning. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself, all those concerts Emma and I had been too and here was Alex Stone, singing half naked in my kitchen. If you had told me that this is what would have happened twelve months ago, I would have told you to lay off the crack. Even now, here in my new reality, it was still surreal.

  My inbox was, as predicted, bursting at the seams like a fat girl in a dress three sizes too small. I flicked over to my personal email, needing to ease myself into the electronic correspondence. My heartbeat spiked as I saw a message from Matt. I giggled as I opened his email,

  From: Matthew Burns

  To: Lexi Reed

  Subject: I’m bored


  I miss you and your craziness! Anna’s visa still hasn’t been approved and I’m beginning to think it’s not going to happen for us. I am so freaking bored. I miss hanging out in your apartment at night and listening to you trash talk during the day. You’ve ruined me :-) Want to meet up? I’d offer to show you my ass but you are now respectably taken and it wouldn’t be appropriate. How’s things in relationship land? I saw you on the E network, it looked like you two were uhem... playing nice! Any-hoo let me know if you’re up for a little side trip, maybe we’ll hit up Pittsburgh? Save me from this mundane BS Please!

  Love Matt x

  I cringed when I saw the time, Houston was an hour behind New York but I wanted to call him desperately. I tentatively dialled his number, my phone clutched tightly in my hand to my ear.

  “Hello,” a croaky voice answered.

  “Hello Cowboy,” I crooned sultrily.

  “Uh... Lexi?” Matt questioned, I could hear in his voice I’d obviously woken him.

  “Sure is! How are you? I just read your email!” I exclaimed excitedly.

  “Hey... Are you ok?... What time is it?” Matt yawned.

  “I’m fine, well mostly fine. Look I know it’s early, I just couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to talk to you. I need your help.” I sat up in my chair as Alex walked in the room. He gave me a questioning glance as he pointed to the phone and leaned up against the desk.

  “Are you ok Lex, you aren’t in any trouble are you?” Matt asked sounding more awake than he had previously.

  “Why do you always assume I’m in trouble?” I laughed as I looked up at Alex and mouthed “Matt” and pointed to the phone. He nodded silently but didn’t move from his place, firmly fixed in front of me.

  “Actually, I have a proposition for you.” I glanced up as Alex’s eyes clouded, locking on mine. His arms, folded in front of his chest, showcased his spectacularly toned muscles as he continued to regard me.

  “Are you still trying to get me naked Lexi?” Matt laughed. I loved how easy it was to talk to him, I had missed that.

  “Ha! Well kind of...” I continued, “I want to offer you a position, I need help with work and I need someone I can trust and someone I know can do the job. I know we work well together and well... I want you.” I hadn’t meant to blurt it out, in my head I had planned a whole speech about the virtues of coming to New York and working here, but now I just wanted the offer on the table. He was my only choice, and I needed him to know that.

  Alex visibly relaxed as he pieced together the conversation and gave me a smile. He made a move to leave but I motioned for him to stay, I wanted him there. I didn’t want there to be any secrets.

  “Lexi, are you serious? You want me to leave Houston? Leave my job?” Matt responded somewhat unexpectedly.

  “That’s exactly what I’m asking Matt.” I affirmed.

  I could tell I was going to have to sell this. “You said it yourself in the email - you are bored. I know you, you aren’t being challenged enough. You need something to get your teeth into. This could be the perfect opportunity. You don’t have to give me an answer right now but at least hear me out.”

  “I don’t know, Lex. Yeah I know I’m bored but...” Matt tried to explain.

  “Matt, just listen, let me say what I have to say and then you can have a think about it.” I reasoned. I had hoped this was going to be easier but I knew that Matt was a responsible man, he certainly wasn’t going to give up a promising chance of climbing the corporate ladder
to jump into the unknown with me, after all it could mean career suicide.

  “I know it’s a risk, but trust me - this is a great opportunity. You would be working with a band signed by a major label, there will be concerts, working with promoters, countless media outlets... think of the experience. The two of us would be amazing and I am not going to micromanage you. This is a chance for you to spread your wings, show the world what you’re made of. You won’t get an opportunity like this at your current company, you know it. If they did land an account like this, one of the senior partners would take it. All I’m asking is that you give me six months, if you hate it, I’ll write you one killer letter of recommendation and I’ll even help you find you a job elsewhere.”

  Everything I said was true, it would be an amazing opportunity and I knew that after heading up a PR account like Power Station he would be able to get a job anywhere. All he had to do was take a chance. I paused as I waited for his response.

  “You make it difficult for a man to say no to you, don’t you?” Matt chuckled

  “Let’s just say I know how to get what I want.” I smirked, knowing he was giving it some serious consideration.

  “Why don’t I email you an offer and you can give it some thought. I’ll give you a call later on today. Ok?”

  “Ok Lexi, I learned early on not to argue with you. I’ll leave that up to your Rock Star boyfriend.” Matt chortled.

  “Whatever wise-ass! Talk soon” I teased and I ended the call.

  “Well?” questioned Alex, his body relaxing as he unfolded his arms.

  “I think he can be convinced.” I smiled, running my hand over his exposed chest.

  “Yes, you can be very convincing,” Alex grinned as he shook his head.

  “Alex, I want Matt to stay here, with me and I want to know that’s ok with you. I have a spare room and this place is huge, besides half the time I’m at your apartment anyway. I just don’t want there to be any misunderstandings like last time.” I looked into his striking blue eyes.