Not Just Friends (Hot in the City Book 3) Read online
Page 10
It didn’t make sense.
Leighton, I reminded myself, just think of him as Leighton.
“A little,” I answered honestly, figuring I had the whole night to lie. “I’ll be fine once we get inside.”
He nodded, thankfully not asking questions as he followed me into the club. I shuffled a few steps ahead, using the cold as the excuse for my hustle when really I could use the extra distraction of people. Bennett would definitely have something to say, his big mouth not only predictable but would probably earn him a raise if it helped break the sexual tension.
“Boss.” Right on cue, Bennett showed almost no reaction to the man accessory a few steps behind. Just a slightly raised brow and the thinnest of smirks, he was saving his twenty questions for when we were in private. Yet another reason to give the man a raise.
“Hey, B, Leighton,” good, keep calling him that, “gave me a ride and is going to hang out. Can you make sure Hank takes care of him and then come see me in my office?” I threw the words out casually as I strolled through the space. It wasn’t unusual for me to talk to Bennett on the run, especially when I first arrived. I liked to get to my desk and attack my to-do list so I had time to have staff meetings with each section. Bennett and I always met first, so to the outside observer it would look like business as usual.
“Right on it, Boss.” The voice came from behind me as I left, not bothering to stay to see what was said next.
It was when I was in the privacy of my office that I finally let out a breath. Getting a handle on things was my first priority, then I’d move to other things like not kissing or touching Jared. I had the whole night to psych myself up for that car ride home, not to mention staying over was probably not going to happen because A, we were trying to not sleep with each other and B, he didn’t bring a change of clothes. So unless he had an overnight bag tucked away in the trunk of his sexy Mustang, he was going to say goodnight and go home.
I should have felt gratitude, swimming in the relief we wouldn’t have to do the dance of pretending to be friends when there were no referees to keep us honest. But it was disappointment that I felt, understanding his reasoning for keeping it platonic but wanting to eat my cake too.
My door had been left ajar, Bennett’s fist giving it a cursory knock before pushing it open. “NYFD providing a driver’s service these days?” He didn’t even try to hide his grin as he closed the door. “Sounds like an overuse of city resources if you ask me. You know if you want a ride, all you have to do is ask.”
“I’m pacifying my brother.” I flicked my hand casually as I sunk in my chair. “It’s easier to let Leighton tag along than the tracking bracelet Justin would have me wear. My parents are just as bad, so this is an easy fix.”
That was all true. Tibbs—aka my brother when he was being a pain in my ass—had convinced my parents I needed a twenty-four-seven security detail and to be sequestered to the Tower of London. I’d tried to make them see how ridiculous it was, but it was hard to argue with concerned parents who just wanted you to be safe. So I compromised and ended up in my teenage fantasy.
“Fine, but if you need me or one of the guys to shadow you for a few days, let me know. I’m assuming Backdraft is going to have to go back to work eventually.” He eyed me hard, his displeasure evident that an outsider was dealing with something he believed should be handled in house.
“Thanks, I’m all good. And I want you to know that Leighton’s here just as a guest tonight. He’s not going to try and get in the way or make things harder for you or your team. He is just my ride.”
While necessary, the words felt bitter in my mouth. Leighton was a friend, not an employee, and was sure as hell sacrificing a lot more than I was. Other than our friendship and a loyalty to my brother, he had no reason to give up the precious free time he had when he wasn’t working. And the fact I’d been so bratty about it didn’t sit well.
“Okay, Boss. I want to check the exterior cameras and then I’ll meet with the team. Anything else you want to discuss for this evening?” He folded his arms across his broad chest, settling into his boots.
“Nope, there’s nothing else. I’ll be on the floor most of the night. I think the pitch is as good as it’s going to be.”
Bennett laughed, the first real smile of the night exploding across his face. “You’re gonna rock that meeting, Presley. We both know it. But I think it’s cute you are pretending to be so nervous.”
“I’m not pretending, nothing is a sure thing.” And wasn’t that the truth, in either the expansion or anything else.
“I’d still take that bet.” He unfurled his arms, tipping his head to the door as the grin crept back on his face. “Now, if we’re done padding your ego, I’ve got actual work to do.”
I rolled my eyes and pointed to the exit. “Just go already. And for the record, you suck at making me feel good. Let’s just leave that job to Raelle.”
“Ha, you’re going to need new friends. I’ll see you later, Boss.”
As he left, my eyes moved to the monitors. Jared was at the bar talking to Hank and a few other staff members had started to arrive.
“So, are we keeping him? What’s the deal?” Raelle appeared in the doorway, Bennet having left it conveniently open.
She wandered in, falling heavily into the chair opposite me as she waited for my response. “He’s not a pet, Rae, he’s just hanging around.”
“Oh, oh, is that what he’s doing?” She feigned shock. “Please, we both know you’re both counting down the hours until you can get out of here and get busy. I’m surprised he isn’t in here, under your desk with his face in your lap. Have to admit, it’s kind of hot.”
Well, she wasn’t wrong. The idea of Jared going down on me at my desk was kind of hot. “That isn’t happening. We’re being friends instead.” I tried to keep the disappointment from my voice, not willing to advertise it hadn’t been as mutual as I was leading her to believe.
“Really?” She laughed, tossing her head back, unconvinced. “Well, O-kay then.”
“What’s that mean?” I bit back not liking the unspoken subtext.
Raelle shrugged, polishing her fingernails on her tight Tee. “Nothing, I’m agreeing with you. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
I narrowed my eyes, not trusting her for a second. “Rae, you don’t just blindly agree with me for anything whether it’s as your boss or your friend. What are you up to?”
She kicked up her legs, landing them onto the floor before leaping out of the chair with more theatrics than necessary. “Nothing, Boss. Better go help Hank prep the bar. I’ll see you later. Let me know if you need a ride home.” The stream of words following her out the door before I had a chance to question.
Not only did I have to try to act normally around a guy who was too perfect for words, but I had to wonder what my best friend was up to. And because I knew better I’d guess the two weren’t going to be mutually exclusive.
Ignoring what would no doubt give me a headache, I finished the paperwork I needed to do and then headed into the main section of the club. There, I worked each area, meeting with my supervisors and staff members, going through the expectations for the night and listening to any feedback they had. It was important for me to have my finger on the pulse, not willing to leave to be a figure head who sat in her office all night and barked out orders. I think they liked it too, having an avenue to voice their opinions or concerns without the red tape of a chain of command.
Since the club was still empty and I had a direct line of sight to Jared, it was also a welcomed distraction that I was incredibly grateful for. It would be easier when guests arrived, the temptation to go over and talk to him gnawing at me like an itch.
“Hey, Presley, there’s a delivery from our liquor supplier.” Hank caught me as I finished up with the VIP team. “They’re around back in the truck, want me to help them get it into the storeroom?”
“A delivery this late?” I checked my phone, our
usual driver making his rounds much earlier in the day. “You sure he said it was alcohol?”
Hank shrugged, his face pulling into a grimace. “Yeah, Lenard is sick so some other guy picked up his route and is running behind. He’s sorry, but he couldn’t get here any earlier. He still has one more drop off after us.”
Late night deliveries were not only an inconvenience but created a safety issue too. Even with external security lighting there was a chance of tripping or falling. Or if you watched too many late-night movies, a gang of good looking but devious villains performing a heist.
“Okay, I’ll walk out with you,” I offered, wanting to make sure nothing shady was going on. “Marcus, you want to join us?”
I wasn’t stupid, not only was I limited in the help I’d be—my gold Lhuillier not practical for manual labor—but I wasn’t an idiot either. If anything unsavory was going down, I wanted Bennett’s second in command with us. The guy was not only ex-Special Forces but just like Bennett, could stare a guy into submission.
Marcus nodded, signaling to Bennett we were leaving as we walked out the staff entrance. There, we found everything as it should be, the large white truck with a tired looking delivery driver already loading up his delivery trolley.
“Sorry, Ms. Tibbs, I know I should have been here hours ago but I’m doing double the work. It was either come now or push it back to Thursday.” He wiped the sweat from his brow with a dirty rag.
“It’s fine,” I nodded, looking over the invoice and checking off the items as Marcus and Hank helped move the inventory. “Thanks for fitting us in and I hope Lenard gets better soon.”
“You and me both, I’m dying here.” His eyes crinkled as he tried to smile.
Satisfied the guys had it handled, I left them to load into our storeroom which was accessible from the parking lot as well as inside the club. It had been my idea, the addition added to the existing structure so not to disrupt the club. It was times like these I was thankful not having to walk a delivery driver into Diablo when we were moments away from opening.
“Anything I should know about?” Bennett asked, flanking me as I strolled back to the bar.
I shook my head, doing a quick survey of the area before my eyes landed on Jared. “Nope, Marcus and Hank have it handled.”
Regardless of my plan to keep my distance, I didn’t want to be rude either. At least that was what I was calling it, my feet taking me to where he was standing. “I’ve set you up on my tab at the bar. You can order anything you want.”
“Driving,” he smiled. “And even on my salary with my crazy car payments, I can cover my own beer.”
Lewis would have never turned down a free drink.
He could have hundred-dollar bills falling out of his pocket and still taken the freebie. And when he was with me, he not only took it, but expected it. Which of course, just made me feel like an even bigger idiot for not getting rid of him sooner.
“Are you sure you want to hang around, Leighton? I’ll text you when I’m ready to leave if you really want to drive me home.”
It just seemed. . . well, silly. He was literally going to sit solo, not drinking, watching me work. It had to not only be the least interesting way to spend a night, but a complete waste of one too. I’d already taken up so much of his time, surely he wanted to go do something else.
“Just go work, Presley. I’ll find a way to entertain myself.” His brow lifted and I wasn’t sure what that meant. Was he going to play on his phone? Take a random survey? Join the sweaty masses on the dance floor when the DJ started playing?
It suddenly occurred to me how a man—as good looking as Jared—might entertain himself in one of the hottest nightclubs in the city. Wasn’t like in an hour or so it wasn’t going to be a swarming with beautiful and available women, ready to keep him occupied.
I’d seen him with girls before, perching themselves on his lap and gazing dreamily into his beautiful blue eyes. Not with the same level of frequency as my brother, but he’d definitely had his fair share.
And what could I say? No, he shouldn’t be with some other girl because I wanted him for myself? Or be jealous about a guy who wasn’t even mine in the first place. I was conflicted, knowing that even if nothing happened with another woman tonight, it would eventually.
Ignoring what was rational and reasonable, I forced a smile and left to continue my rounds. People were starting to file in, and Marcus and Hank weren’t back yet.
Raelle was behind the bar with Chase and Bridgit, the three of them waiting for the first wave of orders. Rae was already shaking something, testing it with a straw before sharing it with the others. She didn’t even look up, completely involved in whatever new drink she was probably inventing.
Within an hour, the landscape had completely changed. Laughing, talking and music had shattered the silence, the space filling with bodies as more people started to come in. It was good, the organized chaos making me feel more settled than when I’d walked in.
Arms grabbed me around the waist, and I wasn’t sure I was glad or disappointed when I saw Raelle’s distinctive tattoos decorating them. I mean, of course it was Raelle, who else would it be?
“So, you wanna give me a raise?” She almost levitated, her blue eyes shining with mischief.
“Why do I think I’m probably not going to give you a raise but also not like whatever it is you’ve done?” My eyes narrowed, studying her like it might give me a clue. “What is it Rae? I’m not feeling very patient tonight.”
She laughed, completely amused at my expense. “Probably sexual frustration. Which is why I’m helping. You’re welcome, and enjoy your night.”
A chill ran up my spine. I had no idea what she’d done, but I was almost positive it wasn’t going to help.
And one look to where Leighton was sitting confirmed it.
“HEY MAN! HOW are you doing?” Tibbs grinned, taking a seat beside me. “I was bored when Raelle called and told me you were looking pathetic by yourself. Figured might as well come and save you.” He slapped me on the back, taking a swig from the beer I’d been nursing. “Seriously though, you’d be less conspicuous with a girl or two as company. You look like a cop.”
Tibbs was the last person I was expecting to see. And had I been prepared for it, I might’ve been able to form words. Instead, my mouth stayed shut as I glanced over to where Presley was, oblivious that her brother had just walked in. “You know you’re going to piss her off,” I coughed out, the her in question not needing to be named. “I thought the plan was you find out what was happening with Shapiro and I was keeping an eye on Presley?”
Sure, he had as much right as anyone else to visit Diablo—it was still a public place and everything—maybe more so since his sister was running it. But I’d spent the better part of the day and evening trying to disguise my hard-on and pretend the woman who shared a bed with me last night wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever seen.
And yes, I’d said all that bullshit about us being friends while trying my best to keep my hands off her. What I didn’t need when I was already fighting that battle was Tibbs looking over my shoulder, noticing shit that would pretty much confirm I was terrible at that game.
It had been what? A day? Twelve hours? I was still in deep with the DTs and had to pretend like it was all good.
Tibbs looked out to the dance floor, smiling in appreciation at the gyrating bodies. “Shapiro is on it, but investigations take time. He’s not just going to dig up something in an hour if the PD haven’t found anything. Besides, I’m climbing the walls. North and Quinn have gone to Hayden’s house for dinner with the chief, and I didn’t feel like dealing with the rookie.”
“North AND Quinn went to dinner with Chief and Hayden? Jesus, did Mack lose his mind?” I shook my head, wondering what was stranger. The chief having a girlfriend or that he was letting North’s beautiful but slightly crazy wife be involved in a date. Things were obvious
ly going well for them if they’d moved to that stage. Still, I could understand why Tibbs didn’t want to sit home alone.
“Hi boys.” Two girls we’d met once before slithered into the two vacant seats. “We were hoping we’d see you.”
They meant Tibbs, the pair of them hooking up with him not so long ago. While the brunette had originally showed interest in me, she quickly changed her target when she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted. Tibbs didn’t seem to mind, happily picking up my slack and entertaining them both.
“Ladies.” Tibbs raised his eyebrows, widening his arms. “So glad you could join us. What an amazing strike of good fortune.”
Not sure any of it was good fortune, especially since my night had taken a dramatic turn. It had gone from working out how I was going to drive Presley home and not fucking kiss her, to watching my best friend tag-team two women. Which should have helped the situation in a way, the sideshow he was providing enough to get my mind off his sister. Except that Presley had suddenly diverted her attention to us and not only saw her brother, but the ladies he’d attracted, one of which who was trying to sit in my lap.
“Oops, we’ve been spotted.” Tibbs laughed, waving to Presley who was shooting such a murderous vibe I was surprised we weren’t laying in pools of our own blood. “And she doesn’t look happy.”
No, asshole, she doesn’t. And while I was sure she didn’t enjoy watching Tibbs get down and dirty in her classy establishment, she was saving an extra special death glare for me.
“Yeah, not going to happen, Babe.” I shook my head, making it clear that my lap and everything in it wasn’t on offer. “But thanks.”
Even if I didn’t have the woman I wanted glaring at me a few feet away, like hell I wanted to go where Tibbs had been not even a week before. We were close, but not that close. And one thing we never shared was women.