Not Just Friends (Hot in the City Book 3) Read online

Page 9

  “Okay,” she sighed. “When you put it that way, I guess it makes sense.”

  I laughed, “I’m glad it does to someone.”

  She leaned forward, her finger tracing my bicep. “You’re a really good guy, Leighton. Like really good. And I’m positive we’re going to work this out.”

  Wasn’t sure I could agree on either of those statements but wasn’t going to argue either.

  “I’ll go get that coffee,” I offered knowing it was only a matter of time before I volunteered to give her something else.

  With one last kiss, I moved off the bed and into the kitchen area. The lack of walls meant my vision was not impeded, her hot sexy and very naked body revealed when she pulled off the covers. She knew what she was doing too, taking extra time to complete the task and stretching for effect. Yeah, that evil grin didn’t help either, the slow walk to her bathroom showcasing her ass before she disappeared behind the opaque glass wall.

  I even contemplated following her into the room, the idea of her wet, slippery body making me groan under my breath. Yeah, I was definitely going to have to get a handle on things if my resolve not to sleep with her was going to stick. And yes, I knew technically I’d blurred the line, but the technicality was all I was holding onto at the moment.

  I purposely didn’t look when I heard the bathroom door open, keeping my eyes focused on my phone. I’d gotten dressed while she’d been in there, thinking about jerking off but decided against it. Last thing I needed was for her to walk out and see me with my cock in my hand. So instead, settled on scrolling through stupid memes Tibbs had sent me. He’d asked how things were and I was grateful to answer honestly that his sister was in the shower and I was chilling on her couch. Might have been a different response if that text had come a little earlier.

  “I have to go to a meeting.” She appeared before me, transformed from the hot but disheveled brunette who’d been lounging around in her bed to a sex bomb ready to serve you up your balls.

  My eyes widened, taking in the plain dark green dress that fit like it had been molded to her skin, the fact none of it was really showing not stopping the hot visual I had going on. Not sure who her meeting was with, but I was sure they had no idea who they were going up against. I rose to my feet, taking in the view as I grabbed my keys. “Cool, I’ll drive you. Where are we heading?”

  “It’s at Diablo, Bennett is meeting me there and it’s the middle of the day. You don’t need to come.” Her brown eyes were focused, connecting with mine in a way I couldn’t read. Not sure if it was some kind of test, or she was trying to throw me off, but I thought we’d established I was going to be her shadow.

  “You’re right, I don’t need to come. But I’m here, have a car, and I want to. Never seen Diablo during the day. Plus, it will give me a chance to say hi to Bennett. I didn’t the opportunity the other night.”

  She laughed, her eyes lighting up her face as she flicked back her hair. “You know he’s not really your biggest fan, right? Trying to sneak in didn’t win you any popularity contests. But if you are offering a ride, then I might just take you up on it. It will save me calling for one.”

  If it made her feel better to think of me as her chauffeur, then I could live with that. Mack had apparently offered to do a similar thing with his woman. And if the mood he was in the day after was anything to go by, it had worked out for him. Not that it was the same thing, but when it came to being a decent guy, someone dependable who people turned to, he was pretty much the pinnacle. Shit, I probably respected the chief more than my own dad—and I loved the hell out of my pops—so that was saying something.

  “Then it’s settled. Got everything you need?” I asked, waiting to see if she was ready to go.

  She nodded, grabbing her handbag and phone. “Yep, all good.”

  I followed her out the door, standing beside her as she locked up and then we continued down to the lobby. I’d expected her to take the elevator, but she walked the six flights of stairs in heels without breaking a sweat. Not that I was questioning her stamina, I’d seen firsthand just how in shape she was.

  My Mustang was waiting downstairs where I’d left it a few hours earlier. I’d been lucky to find some off-street parking which was one of the benefits in finishing a shift early in the morning. Was fairly sure I wouldn’t be so fortunate when we got back, but that wasn’t stopping me from leaving the prized space.

  “Don’t you think it would be more fuel efficient to drive something else?” She settled into the passenger seat and buckled up while watching me do the same. “Might be worth considering trading this in for a hybrid.”

  If it had been anyone else, I’d have assumed she was serious. After all, I worked and lived within a few blocks, and other than visiting my family out on Long Island, I didn’t get the opportunity to stretch her legs very often. But I’d wanted a silver Mustang since watching Jolie and Cage trying to boost Elenore in Gone in 60 Seconds. Lusted over that car before I’d even discovered girls, that ’67 Shelby Cobra was my first real crush. And while my income didn’t allow me to have that baby, I went ahead and got the next best thing. A brand-new silver Shelby GT350—Elenore’s sexy, lower maintenance, younger sister, Elena.

  “I’d sooner pimp my ass on a street corner for gas money than get rid of my car.” I hit the ignition, giving the dash a little rub. And considering what the repayments were, it wasn’t such a stretch. But there’d be a cold day in hell before I’d be driving a hybrid.

  She laughed, knowing exactly how much I loved my car. “Just make sure you get a good price, don’t go under valuing your ass.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be sure to call you in for the consult.” I smirked, the stupid comment about me prostituting myself making me irrationally turned on.

  I was one sick puppy, that much was clear.

  Without asking, she hit one of the presets on the stereo, changing the station. The inside of the car filled up with the smell of her perfume, my eyes finding their way to her side of the car more times than was necessary. She was oblivious of course, her head down scanning emails on her phone, while I tried to make sure I didn’t end up hitting a sidewalk or someone’s bumper.

  Fuck, she was beautiful.

  And even though I’d wanted her for a goddamn long time, now that I’d had her, that compulsion was getting harder to fight.

  Like déjà vu, I pulled into the staff parking lot of her club and cut the engine. I had just undone my seat belt, ready to pop my door when her hand landed on my chest. “Look, I know you said you wanted to hang around, but I’m going to be fine inside. How about we compromise? You can watch me walk in, see I’m safe and sound and then you can go do whatever it is you need to do. I’ll be a couple of hours. Then if you still feel like you need to play bodyguard, you can pick me up later and we’ll have an early dinner. I assume you’re going to be our guest tonight?” Her beautiful pink lips spread into a smile.

  Fuck, she was sexy.

  She’d always been beautiful, even at sixteen when my dick had no business taking an interest. But somehow she’d gotten even hotter.

  So goddamn gorgeous it was slowly driving me insane.

  I couldn’t even be angry, knowing that being sexy for Presley was like breathing—she couldn’t help it. “Yeah, I’d like that.” I reached over and brushed a brown curl off her shoulder. “Text me when you’re ready and I’ll come pick you up.”

  She leaned forward, her hand still on my chest as her lips brushed mine. “Kissing you is probably a bad idea.”

  “The worst,” I groaned, not stopping her as she pressed a little harder.

  It was going to take practice, needing to find our new normal being around each other. I couldn’t forget I knew what she tasted like, how she felt when I was inside of her. And if I was going to attempt—who the fuck knew if I’d succeed—to keep things platonic, we were going to have to work it out as we went along.

  And I wasn’t sure what I’d miss more. Kissing her or hearing her say my name w
hen I made her come hard.

  “Okay, I’ll call you.” She pulled away, the irritated look from the last few days gone, and in its place, a smile.

  It really made me feel good knowing I had a hand in putting it there. “Good, be safe, and call me if you need anything.”

  She laughed, sliding out of her seat and holding the door open. “I might get used to this. I like having you as my driver. Play your cards right, Leighton, this could be a side hustle. And you know I’d pay you really well.”

  I shook my head, raising a brow. “You couldn’t afford me. Especially not since you dissed my car. You should go inside before you make it any worse.”

  The door closing muffled her giggle as she strolled to the staff entrance of the club, the hip sway from earlier in the morning making a reappearance.

  I was definitely going to have to jerk off.

  And unlike earlier, I wasn’t going to pretend I wasn’t thinking about her.


  JARED LEIGHTON HAD two different sides.

  Leighton was the fun, loveable, dependable guy I’d known forever who happened to be my brother’s best friend. While Jared was the good-looking guy with an insane body that made me so hot I could barely stand it.

  And I liked them both.

  I’d had dinner with Leighton.

  He was funny and sweet, picking me up at Diablo and taking me to a small bistro not far from where I lived. It wasn’t awkward, the weirdness I was worried about never showing up as we ate pasta and laughed like it was just another Monday night. And when we were done, he took me back home so I could get ready for work at the club.

  Leighton sat on the couch, flicking through the sports channels while I was in the bathroom. And as much as I’d said that I didn’t need anyone around “watching” me like a five-year-old, knowing he was in the other room made me feel calmer.

  It was just nice.

  Not having to be hyper alert, able to let down my guard for a while as I slipped into my dress and put on my makeup like it was just a regular day before the break in.

  Had to admit, it hadn’t been a totally terrible idea.

  My good mood was still riding high when I walked out of the bathroom. I was wearing one of my favorite things in the world, a strapless gold embroidered Monique Lhuillier that had cost me almost two months’ rent. It had been a present to myself when I got my first bonus check, the short, sexy cocktail dress making me feel like a million dollars.

  “Fuuuuck, that dress. You look amazing.”

  Leighton was gone, Jared having taken his place.

  He smoldered, his icy blue eyes raking over me with an undeniable hunger as his tongue darted across his lips. He was hot, the same fitted black Tee and dark blue jeans he’d been wearing suddenly looking different as he stalked closer with purpose.

  His hands moved up and down my arms gently, a wave of goosebumps following in their wake as my pulse quickened. “You trying to make me insane, Presley? Because you in that dress would pretty much do it.”

  “That wasn’t the plan, I just like the dress,” I answered honestly, the look in his eyes, lethal. “But if this is too much for you, I can just get a cab.”

  “You’re not getting a cab.” The argument over before it was started, his gaze searing me.

  So much for it not being weird.

  “Well then, we should go.”

  Neither of us moved, our bodies inches away from each other as the sexual tension hung in the air.


  I hoped calling him that would help but it didn’t. He was Jared, and Jared was looking at me like he wanted to eat me with a spoon.

  He sucked in a breath, nodding his head with an unspoken resolve. “Yeah, we should go.”

  At least that’s what his mouth said, but his eyes were saying something different.

  We took the elevator, the enclosed space making it worse. There were still no ground rules for what we were doing, so for all I knew pushing him up against the wall and kissing the hell out of him would be perfectly okay. As long as we stayed friends, right?

  “Uh hm,” I cleared my throat, feeling hot despite wearing a dress that didn’t cover much. I was going to freeze outside for sure, but I welcomed that feeling over the inferno currently radiating in my core.

  The elevator pinged, the doors flying open as we reached the bottom. Jared’s arm-braced the door, holding it open as I went ahead. I could feel the weight of his stare. His eyes on me as I walked slightly ahead, his strides only taking a step or two before he was right beside me.

  “The car is parked a street away, why don’t you wait here, and I’ll pull up in front.” His voice was rough around the edges, as he stopped in front of the glass door.

  It should’ve been a question but it wasn’t, his feet rooted in place as he turned to face me. “It’s cold out.”

  He wasn’t telling me something I didn’t already know. I’d meant to grab a jacket or coat on my way out but stumbled on the Jekyll/Hyde transformation in my living room. There was only so much I could recover before leaving, and insuring I didn’t freeze to death had rated low. Probably since I was running so hot, I was actually looking forward to it. Clearly I had issues and didn’t want to advertise that.

  “I’m fine, I’ll warm up in the car,” I responded with hopefully enough sass he’d assume I was being difficult. I had a habit of not liking being told what to do so it fit the narrative, and I’d rather him believe that than know I had issues.

  He looked like he wanted to argue, not opening the door despite his hand on the handle. His eyes flicked down to my dress giving it a final inspection before pushing open the glass and allowing me to walk through.

  I could feel the tension in his body, evident his muscles were tight even underneath the Tee. He hadn’t worn a jacket either, his toned arms flexing as they pressed against the door.

  It gave me a twisted kind of pleasure to know I wasn’t the only one suffering, wondering if that was going to be the theme for the night. At least once we got to Diablo I’d be too busy to notice, industry night Mondays almost as crazy as my Saturday nights.

  My heels hit the sidewalk, clicking on the concrete as he directed us to where he was parked. It wasn’t close, the air hitting my skin like a slap and making me shiver as I walked.

  He glanced over, his mouth opening like he was going to comment and then thought better of it. Good, talking would show my teeth chattering, and I didn’t want to confirm he was right—that I’d be cold—even if I was freezing.

  Doing my best not to shiver the entire way, we made it to his silver Mustang before frostbite set in. Just as well too, because losing a toe or an arm would have totally ruined the esthetic of the dress. He hit the fob, the locks clicking open and I had to literally stop myself from throwing my body into the car. He shook his head as he walked around to the driver’s side, pretending not to notice as I huffed into my hands and tried to warm up. Hey, he could judge all he wanted, I said I didn’t need a coat, and I’d made it without complaining, hadn’t I?

  Being inside the car definitely took care of one issue. He had the ignition on and the heat blasting simulating a tropical day in Hawaii before we’d even pulled away from the curb. Although since I was no longer preoccupied with regulating my temperature it brought a whole other set of problems. Namely being in a confined space with Jared.

  Wow, he was hot.

  Unlike mine, his arms weren’t covered in goosebumps. Instead I was treated to the subtle flexing of his muscles as he steered and changed gears. Those strong, toned legs were working the clutch and the gas, my eyes having a hard time knowing where to focus. How had I ridden in a car with him so many times before and not climbed into his lap? And more to the point, how was I going to stop myself from doing it now?

  Look somewhere else, I begged, forcing my head to turn and stare out the side window. Better. I mean, I could still smell that intoxicating mix of shampoo, soap and deodorant that made my hormones go haywire for no
apparent reason, but at least if I wasn’t looking at him directly, I had a chance of controlling myself.

  “Are you too hot?” I heard his voice rumble from the other side of the car, not bothering to turn. That would’ve been a bad move, we didn’t have that much farther to go and I could definitely hold out a little longer.

  “I’m fine,” I deadpanned, studying the sidewalk we were whizzing past like there was going to be a test on it later.

  It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that I noticed my hand fanning myself. My intention to keep my steamy thoughts to myself manifesting themselves in what could only be described as sabotage courtesy of my body.

  Knotting my hands in my lap so they could no longer continue their mutiny, we finally pulled into the staff parking lot at Diablo. It was one of the amazing benefits of the site, the large area backing onto shrubbery, giving my staff plenty of space to put their cars and trucks and not have to fight for prime real estate on the street.

  He cut the engine, his intention to sit in the club all night fairly clear. And while it was something he’d done a million times before, it was feeling a whole lot different this time around.

  The door beside me opened, his exit from the car taking place while I was strategizing how I could keep my distance from him and not look like a freak. I had a job to do which should have made it easier, and it would’ve been perfect if I didn’t like to spend the majority of the time on the floor. The last few nights I’d been holed up in my office and I needed to be seen, so I guess I was going to have to get creative in ways to circle the club and not get distracted by his sexy body.

  I smiled, because that’s what I’d have done for Leighton if he’d opened the door, and stepped out into the mostly empty parking lot. Other than Bennett and possibly Hank, it was too early for the others, the idea that I might have to entertain him until we opened making me nauseous.

  “You still cold?” He eyed me carefully, mistaking my self-administrated upper body hug as having something to do with the temperature. I mean, he was half right, it was cold. But I was more concerned about my nipples cutting through the fabric of my pretty gold dress because I was so turned on.