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A Twist of Fate Page 12

  “Dude you just got owned by a drunk girl.” Jason declared, unable to hide his pleasure.

  “Oh, we are definitely keeping her,” Alex laughed. James nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah, whatever!” was all Dan could muster as the table erupted into fits of laughter.

  “You should try eating something,” James offered.

  “I don’t think I can stomach anything” I conceded. Hannah tentatively bit into her toast. “How much did we drink?” I asked her.

  “I don’t remember, I thought you were keeping track?” she grimaced.

  “You made me the responsible one?” I asked as I giggled in disbelief.

  “It hurts to laugh” she groaned.

  “I didn’t think it was possible but my hair hurts,” I agreed. Alex sat down between us with two glasses of orange juice, the sight made me want to dry heave.

  “Drink!” he ordered, “Both of you.”

  “Ughhhh Alex, I can’t do juice right now.” I protested as I pushed the glass away. Hannah wrinkled her nose at the mere suggestion.

  “What the hell is in this Alex?” she quizzed as she sniffed her glass.

  “Drink it, you guys will feel better. The hair of the dog. Drink!”

  “Are you insane?” I asked, I couldn’t believe he was trying to give us more alcohol.

  “Actually, he’s right. You will feel better. Alex and I have both been there.” James added as he rubbed Hannah’s back.

  “FINE!” I gulped as I drained the glass. I winced and held my stomach as I willed myself not to lose what little contents it held. “Uhhhhhh” I mumbled.

  “I’m not sure Babe.” Hannah hesitated, looking to James for reassurance.

  “You chicken?” I goaded her as I started to feel a little better.

  “No,” Hannah insisted. “I just don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “If you’re chicken, just say you’re chicken Han,” Troy added.

  “It’s okay Baby, you will feel better” James encouraged. Hannah placed the glass to her lips, and scrunched her eyes as she took a deep breath.

  “One, Two, Three - Swallow,” Alex grinned.

  “Word to live by Man, words to live by,” Dan joked.

  “Dan! That’s my fucking wife!” James hissed.

  “Sorry dude, I got caught in the moment. Sorry Han.” He shrugged. Troy and Jason both unsuccessfully stifled their laughter.

  “Can you eat now?” Alex asked.

  “Not sure, I think I should just go home,” I shrugged.

  “I’d rather see you eat something first. Do you want some more juice? I’ll leave out the vodka this time,” he smiled.

  “Ugh! Ok, if it gets you off of my back. I’ll eat something,” I mumbled.

  “Mmmmm. I’d love to get you on your back,” he whispered as he leant into my ear, everyone else oblivious to his flirtation. He stood up and walked over to the breakfast buffet and loaded a plate with food. He sat it in front of me, a selection of fruit and baked goods. I tentatively bit into a strawberry; it was sweet and delicious. He pushed the plate closer, silently encouraging me to eat more. I hesitated but finally settled on a bunch of grapes and a bagel, Alex nodding approvingly as I ate.

  “Better?” He asked.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Never drinking again!” Hannah exclaimed, her head resting in her hands.

  “I think we just need to keep better track, Hannah. And no more tequila!” I groaned.

  “No more tequila!” Hannah agreed.


  Hannah and I became close over the course of the following week. Mike’s recovery was coming along and his parents had flown home. Hannah had decided to stay for the duration of the Melbourne leg and was flying home when the boys headed to their next destination. The days were the same; I filled them with work, trying to balance the Power Station account with my regular work. Kate was patient because of the money it was bringing in but I could see that she was looking forward to having me back full time and at her disposal. I sneaked in a couple of long lunches here and there and took Hannah shopping, her taste was impeccable and she had the credit card to back it up. The shop assistants fell over themselves to attend to us, it was fun.

  “That dress is amazing on you Lexi, you have to buy it,” insisted Hannah as I modelled an amazing red floral lace Scanlan and Theodore gown.

  “Where am I going to wear it? It’s two Grand!” I protested.

  “You’ll find an occasion. Trust me, it’s stunning. I’m buying it for you, I insist.” Hannah volunteered, handing over her black Amex card to a very excited attendant.

  “Hannah, you don’t have to do that, I don’t need this dress,” I protested again.

  “Just let someone do something nice for you without arguing Lexi, ok? Let’s say we’re doing it for me instead of you.” She cajoled.

  “Okay, thank you.” I conceded and went to change as she completed the transaction. We had become firm friends in such a short time.

  The nights were more exciting. I’d come home from work and get ready to head to see the show. Sometimes I’d have company, sometimes I went alone. Every show was better than the last. They put it all on the line, night after, night - giving their hearts and souls to the fans. I’d watch from the wings, mesmerized. I had such a huge respect for each and every one of them, even Dan was growing on me. It was staggering how good they were, especially James and Alex who performed flawlessly every night. They worked every inch of the crowd, it was incredible to watch. Alex would catch me staring from time to time and would give me a nod of acknowledgement. I could watch him for hours and never get bored, he was so compelling. I understood the attraction these girls had. I may not have a sign saying so, but I was captivated by him. I wanted him and only him.

  I never ventured backstage again. I let Alex do his job without worrying about my feelings and I knew that at some point I had to trust him. It was a massive step for me but I reasoned that if he’d wanted to be with someone else, he would be. He had plenty of opportunity and yet each night he’d come back to his hotel room alone where I was waiting.

  Our time together so far had been mind-blowing; we never seemed to tire of each other. It was primal yet pure. We each had a need that only the other could fill, not resting till exhaustion set in. I wanted him constantly, almost irrationally and he seemed to feel the same way. I loved it and yet it unnerved me, I was not willing to relinquish all control. Alex had me one hundred percent physically, there was nothing we hadn’t done at least once but emotionally, I held back. I was guarded and he knew it.

  “Stay with me” were always his parting words.

  “You know I can’t,” I would respond.

  “Can’t or won’t?” he’d challenge as he tried to crack my tough veneer.

  “Does it matter? Isn’t this enough? I love what we have.” I tried to soothe his disappointment.

  “I want you to stay with me. One day Lexi, you’ll stay.” He affirmed.

  “Maybe, but not today.” I left, as always, and went home to sleep alone.

  Most nights I’d lie awake for hours after, his scent still lingering on my skin. I knew this was more than just sex and it scared the hell out of me but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. I just had to keep it in perspective. I could do this. I could play close to the flame and not get burnt. I just had to be smart.

  My phone buzzed as it did most nights.

  - Are you sleeping? Alex xx

  - If I was, I’m not now Lexi xx

  - You can come punish me for waking you if you like

  - It’s not punishment if you enjoy it!

  - What if I try not to enjoy it?

  - What if you try to go to sleep?

  - I would if you stayed with me

  - You’re delusional if you think that we’d sleep if I stayed!

  - Sleep is overrated. Are you naked?

  - Alex! Sleep! -Lexi xx

  - Are you mad yet? I like you mad -Alex xx
  My face hurt from my stupid grin; yep we both needed a program and possibly a sponsor. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to go cold turkey. I knew that it would have to come to end, in two days they were moving on to Sydney and I was working with them remotely, flying up when needed. It was going to end. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter 14 – Terms to be Negotiated

  “Lexi. Meeting in 10 minutes, Boardroom!” Kate demanded as I looked up from my computer screen. My mood was flat and despondent. If I was honest I would admit it was the impending departure of Alex that soured me, but I rationalized it was my period that was due any day.

  Periods didn’t bother me; they were a part of life, part of being a woman. In fact they made me feel strangely superior. Name another mammal that can bleed for 5-7 days straight and not die? It was just the moodiness that I hated and the fact I could devour a packet of Tim Tams and not bat an eye. Yum, Tim Tams.

  “Trouble again Lexi?” Matt smiled; it seemed the only time we spent together these days was at work. I missed our witty banter and just plain hanging out. I would have to remedy that.

  “Trouble’s my middle name.” I poked my tongue out.

  “Very mature!” Matt laughed as I switched off my monitor and left my desk.

  I strolled to the Boardroom, the place reserved for Kate’s more “important” meetings. I felt slightly unnerved, why the Boardroom? Why not her office? Was I getting fired? Sure I hadn’t spent as much time as usual in the office over the past two weeks but I had hit every target and achieved every objective. I had never missed a deadline and my work was always completed to its usual high standard. I hesitated before opening the door and taking a deep breath as I stepped in.

  Seated at the large rectangular wooden table was James, Alex, Sol (Asshole lawyer), Kate and a woman I didn’t recognise. Whoever she was, she had expensive taste. She wore a tailored black power suit (possibly Armani?) sky high, peep toe Jimmy Choos and her Hermes Kelly handbag rested closely beside her. I estimated that the better part of ten grand was being worn by the mystery woman. Her sleek brown, shoulder length hair and flawless makeup mirrored her immaculate appearance.

  “Hello Lexi, we’ve spoken on the phone. I am Christine Duquesne.” She extended her manicured hand to greet me. “Please call me Chris,” she insisted, her broad no nonsense New York accent commanding authority as we shook hands.

  “Hi Chris, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. What brings you to Melbourne?” I asked. I was not feeling the slightest bit intimidated, but I was in awe. Chris Duquesne was Power Station’s manager. More than that, she owned one of the largest talent management firms in New York City. She was strong, yet feminine, and unlike Sol, didn’t need to power play. She had it in spades. In the couple of brief conversations I’d had with her on the phone I had learned to appreciate her brilliance. She had helped pluck the band from obscurity and secured them a multi-million dollar recording contract. In an industry dominated by males, her instinct had always been astute.

  “Well, it seems we have some business to discuss, Lexi. Please, take a seat.” She gestured to the chair. My bewildered gaze shifted from Kate to Alex and on to James, wondering why Chris was here and obviously calling the shots. I settled into my seat and Chris slid me a black bound folder, similar to a business report. She took her seat and picked up her Mont Blanc pen. “Lexi, I’m sure you are wondering why you are here. Your time, as mine, is very valuable so I will cut to the chase. The band would like to offer you a full time position. This would entail you leaving your current role with Cole to be solely contracted to my client. In addition to your salary, which we will negotiate, we will provide you with an office space and apartment in New York as this is where you will be based should you accept our offer.” To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. My eyes were opened so wide, I felt they would literally pop out of my head. I looked over at Kate who was surprisingly calm.

  “Excuse me?” I questioned.

  “I understand this is a little out of left field, Lexi, but James and Alex feel very strongly about you continuing to represent them. I understand you have a personal relationship with Kate, so I thought it best if we approached her and extended our offer above board. We have been very pleased with our business dealings thus far with Cole and would like our relationship to end amicably. Likewise, we shall be compensating Kate accordingly for any loss she may experience.” Chris nodded toward Kate who was smiling broadly.

  “Wait a second! You knew about this?” I turned to Kate, completely blindsided by all parties involved.

  “Lexi, you are capable of so much more than what you are doing here. I know you’ve been bored lately and you should be running your own business, instead of working for mine. This is an amazing opportunity for you, and one I know you will excel in. I will not be responsible for holding you back. And anyway, think of all the headaches you’re going to save me!” Kate’s eyes glistened slightly. She had been so good to me, it was at Cole where I was able to establish myself and build my reputation. It was a mutually beneficial agreement that had seen her business grow tenfold since my appointment. She was also my friend and I would miss her. Did I want this? Was I willing to turn my back on my old life? Move Continents?

  “What about you two? Anything you want to say to me?” I questioned James and Alex, struggling to look at them.

  “Lexi, I don’t have people I don’t trust working for me. It doesn’t work. I need someone who has got our backs. You have proved that time and time again. We need you. I need you. Whatever your terms, we will agree.” James answered.

  “Terms are still to be negotiated within reason” interjected Sol.

  “No, she gets whatever she wants. End of story,” affirmed Alex.

  “I understand it’s a lot to take in. I have prepared a prospectus for your consideration.” Chris pointed to the bound folder in front of me. “Inside is a contract amongst other things and your remuneration will be discussed should you accept the offer. Of course all costs involved in your relocation will be covered. If you have any other requirements or requests we can amend the contract accordingly. James and Alex have made it quite clear that we will accommodate any requests and/or conditions and I like to make my clients happy,” she smiled.

  “Within reason.” Sol interrupted again.

  “Sol, you are here purely as legal consult. As no contract has been signed nor negotiated I would say your input is moot at this point. So I suggest you sit down, shut up and let me do my job.” Chris asserted. HA! In your face, asshole! It was clear who held the winning hand in this game of standoff!

  “Well thank you for your time ladies. I’m sure I have given you a lot to consider. Lexi, you have my cell number should you have any questions.” Chris turned to Kate. “Kate, I have appreciated your assistance on this. It’s been a pleasure.” Chris and Kate shook hands warmly. Chris turned back to me, “Lexi, you have a very bright future in front of you, regardless of your choice. Please give our offer some serious consideration and allow me to alleviate any of your concerns should you have any before you make your final decision. I would very much like the opportunity to work with you.” Chris shook my hand and took her exit, Sol followed closely behind as Kate saw them out.

  James and Alex sat back down in their seats, “Can we talk Lex?” James began.

  “What do you want to talk about?” I asked calmly.

  “Are you mad?” smiled Alex.

  “As much as you would enjoy that, no I’m not. I’m flattered. However, I’m not going to make a snap decision about my life right now. I need some time,” I offered.

  “Sounds reasonable,” James agreed.

  “It’s your last show tonight, you should probably go. I’ll see you later.”

  I stood up and attempted to leave. Alex grabbed my arm. “Give me a second James.”

  “Play nice you two. I don’t think Kate would like her fancy Boardroom trashed,” James cautioned and walked out.

  Alex circ
led me, his eyes heated. “Lexi,” he murmured.

  “Alex, I have not made my decision, I want to talk to Kate and consider my options,” I rebutted.

  “I’m not going to try and influence you, I just wanted you to know I WANT this,” he breathed. He placed his hands around my waist and drew me in close. He pushed my hair to the side and kissed me softly from the base of my neck to my ear lobe. “I want YOU,” he whispered in my ear.

  “But you aren’t trying to influence me or anything.” I mused.

  “No, I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion as to what my intentions are.” He coaxed.

  “And what may they be?” I asked.

  “For this not to end.” He paused kissing me passionately. “Regardless of whether you take this job or not,” he breathed, “I don’t want this to stop.” His hands trailed up my back as he pulled me closer to his chest.

  “Okay.” I conceded.

  “Okay?” He questioned.

  “Regardless of the job, this does not have to stop.” I assured.

  “That’s all I wanted to hear,” he drawled, his arms locked solidly around my body.

  “I need to go talk to Kate.” I pulled away from his embrace.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” It was a statement not a question.

  “Yes, tonight, after the show,” I confirmed. He kissed me again and then walked out the door.

  I slumped back into a chair, unable to control my thoughts. I heard the clatter of heels and knew Kate was back. “Well, Well. I knew this day would eventually come.” She sighed.

  “Kate, I haven’t decided yet,” I assured.

  “Of course you have, don’t be ridiculous. You aren’t going to throw away the chance of a lifetime to work for me. I’ll fire you if I have to,” she smiled.

  “You wouldn’t dare fire me!” I protested.

  “Lexi, I’ll do whatever I feel I need to do. If the only way to get you to take this job is to fire your ass, well then that’s what I’ll do. I am sure sleeping with the client would be enough grounds for dismissal,” she smiled.