A Twist of Fate Page 11
The guys walked off the stage while a battalion of roadies and stagehands descended, securing the equipment and packing away the instruments. Covered in sweat and satisfaction they hi-fived each other and patted themselves on the backs. “Great show!” “Awesome Gig” “Outstanding effort guys” filled the room. They basked in the adulation.
“What did you think?” Alex whispered curiously.
“It was amazing. You were amazing!” I gushed.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he smirked.
“I’ll be sure to repay you with my own show later,” I winked.
“Hmmmmm wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His lips curled into a delicious half grin, “I need to do a meet and greet, you sticking around?”
“Maybe. I’m hoping to get an autograph,” I laughed.
James waved to me from over the crowd and Alex was herded off with all the other band members to go meet the adoring, lucky fans who’d managed, to buy, steal, lie and bride their way to owning a backstage pass.
Hannah grabbed my arm. “Come on slow poke, we’re heading to the after party.” Emma and Jackson had already left and Hannah was ready to leave too.
“I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit, I want to see how the meet and greet is going.” I remarked.
“Look and leave, you’re not on duty tonight, remember? No work,” Hannah affirmed.
“I promise, 5 minutes,” and I took off down the hall.
I entered the room to find it filled with bodies... some in various stages of undress.
“I swear I’m going to blow him right here!” Blonde haired, blue eyed, big boobs number 1, or as I called her BBB1, remarked.
“You’ll have to fight me for him, bitch. I heard he has a HUGE dick,” Blonde haired, blue eyed, big boobs number 2 (BBB2) retorted.
“Shut up, Skanks. I’m going to fuck him so hard he won’t remember what day of the week it is,” Red haired, hazel eyes, massive boobs (Red) fired back.
“Who are you guys talking about?” I inquired feigning naivety.
“Alex Stone.” They sung out in chorus.
“You think a Mole like you would stand a chance?” BBB1 quizzed me.
“Cause I can tell you right now, don’t waste your time and effort. He goes for Blondes.” BBB2 snapped.
“Oh, I see. Well good luck with that.” I responded casually, not wanting to waste anymore of my time with these dim-wits. I think I actually lost brain cells during that conversation.
“So where is Alex?” BBB3 (holy shit was the circus in town?) asked.
“Take a number Bitch; he’s with some other girl” Red ranted.
I pushed through the crowd and found James, sitting at a table signing posters and CDs. Girls pulled down their tops, begging for him to sign their breasts, he was respectful while obliging, making sure it was only the marker that touched their skin. (Meh...what are you going to do? Hannah’s words echoed in my mind) I kept walking and found Dan sprawled on a couch, his tongue solidly down some girl’s throat while she dry humped him. Classy, very classy. Jason and Troy were drinking beer with a posse of girls around them; one was perched in Troy’s lap while another “massaged” Jason’s tired shoulders. Each one of them giggling and fawning over the boys. I waded deeper into the crowd; I spotted Alex in the corner. He was sitting with a blonde straddling him while he spoke to another one. WOW. Guess the rumours are true; he seems to have a thing for blondes. I felt a pang of jealousy. DAMN IT!!! Why did I come back here? He wasn’t doing anything wrong, this was our agreement. Do whatever you want or whomever you want. Why was I feeling this way? This wasn’t part of the agreement. He wasn’t my boyfriend, he wasn’t committed to me. He is doing what you told him to do, moron! My subconscious screamed. I had to leave. I felt my throat constricting and I couldn’t breathe. I fought against the sea of people and until I was able to find the door. I leant up against a wall for a few minutes to catch my breath; I had to get out of here.
I fought my feelings of jealousy on the ride over to the hotel. I was being irrational, Alex didn’t owe me anything and yet, my heart felt like it had been crushed. I hated feeling this way and what’s more I hated seeing him with someone else.
I parked the car and fixed a stupid grin on my face, I was going to have find a way to be ok. I still had this party I needed to get through. Damn it, I was no longer in the mood to be around anyone.
“You said 5 minutes.” Hannah shook her head disapprovingly.
“Sorry, I got caught up...I’m here now, what have I missed?” I apologised. In fact I was genuinely sorry, I wish I had just left with them, my brain was still seared by the image of Alex and his two blonde Hoes.
“We’re doing shots.” Hannah quipped enthusiastically.
“Line them up babes,” I chanted. I was in desperate need of a drink or several.
Emma and Jackson waved goodbye before Hannah and I could start our celebrating.
“We’re going to head off, Lexi.” Emma smiled as Jackson shifted impatiently behind her.
“Booooooo,” I teased. “We’re just about to start doing shots. Come on, have a drink with me,” I cajoled, tugging lightly on Emma’s arm.
Jackson shrugged sweetly. “Up to you Emz, I’m happy either way.”
Emma’s blue eyes met his instinctively; she smiled as gave me a delicate brush off. “We will sit this one out, Lexi. Thanks anyway. I’ll call you.”
I hugged my beautiful friend goodbye, “I’ll drink for the both of us then,” I said before I turned and gave Jackson a pointed you better look after her look.
“Tequila?” Hannah squealed. I held my shot glass as she poured. I licked the back of my hand and poured the salt on. I ran my tongue against the salt before slammed my glass and then sucking my lemon. The alcohol burnt my throat but it alleviated the other emotions I was feeling.
“Another.” I motioned with my glass and welcomed the familiar sting. I was about seven shots in when the buzz finally hit me. The warmth tingled from my toes to my cheeks.
“More.” I insisted huskily. Hannah poured more on the bar than in our actual glasses. “You’rrrre drunnnnk,” I slurred.
“You’rrrrre drunnnnk,” she slurred back as we continued to drink another few rounds.
James, Troy, Dan, Jason and Alex finally arrived; the surrounding crowd erupted in cheers and applause. “What’s going on here?” James asked curiously. Hannah and I were perched on barstools, surrounded by spilt salt, lemon rinds and Patron.
“Oh no, I think Dad’s caught us!” I giggled toppling off my stool.
“Hey baaaaby!” Hannah slurred as she stood up. “We are jussst haviiiing a fewww drinnnnks.” She kissed James passionately, holding onto his neck to stop from swaying.
“Ok baby, have fun but don’t drink too much. You need a hand?” He turned, lowering Hannah back onto the stool before offered me his arm.
“You must to be so used to girlssss fallllling at your feeeet,” I laughed.
“Something like that,” he laughed back. Alex came up behind me and lifted me back on my perch.
“Hey Asshole, want a drink?” I slurred in his ear.
“Sure,” Alex smirked.
“Han... Annnnother rrrrround” I shouted waving my glass.
“Maybe you should drink some water first.” Alex cautioned.
“Mayyyyybbeeeeee youuuuu should go Fuck yourself” I giggled falling off my barstool once again.
“Waaaaaa, you’rrrreee so meaannnnnn!” hissed Hannah before she joined me giggling on the floor.
“Hmmmm, I think you ladies have had enough” James laughed as he picked up his wife.
“Take me to bed James, let’s go make babies!” Hannah muttered
“Sure baby. Anything you want” He said soothingly. It was adorable.
Alex scooped me up, “Come on, let’s get you up stairs too. You’re in no condition to drive.” His breath tickled my ear.
“Nooooooooooooooooooo,” I protested. “I want a
nother drink.”
“Lexi, I think you’ve had enough, now come on.” Alex pried my hands away from the bar.
“I’m not sleeping with you Asshole.” I protested loudly.
Troy and Dan came over to see what the commotion was about, Dan smiled broadly as he watched me push Alex away and reach for the bottle.
“Hey Lex! Calm down! Alex is just trying to make sure you don’t hurt yourself, you’re not exactly in a rational state,” James reasoned.
“I am taking you to the guest room of my suite, you can argue with me if you like, but either way you’re going,” Alex snapped pulling the bottle of Patron from my hands.
I had no energy to argue; he took my silence as it was intended, I had surrendered. Alex lifted my wary body and carried me to the elevator. I nuzzled into his chest, he smelt so good. He must have showered. I struggled to keep my eyes open; my lids kept falling despite my brain’s protest. I heard the faint sound of the elevator “ding” as we arrived at his floor. I tried to force my eyes open but they wouldn’t budge. He placed me gently on a bed and removed my shoes.
“Lexi, do you need anything?” he whispered.
“Water.” I begged as my eyes closed again.
Alex left me briefly before returning, handing me a bottle of ice, cold water. “Lexi, here, drink.”
“Mmmmmm that feels so good,” I moaned, the icy water flowed down my throat and extinguished my insatiable thirst.
“Wow, here I was thinking I was special, yet the water gets the same reaction,” He laughed.
“Right now this water is giving me more pleasure than you are,” I snorted.
“Well that’s your own fault. You made it clear you weren’t sleeping with me,” he snickered.
“That’s cause I’m mad at you!” I jeered, more angry at myself than him.
His tone softened. “Why Baby? Why are you Mad?”
I scrunched my eyes tight - why did I have to say anything? Damn it, now he was expecting an explanation. How could I tell him what seeing him with those other women did to me. “Why Baby... you can tell me” he asked, his hands caressing my arm.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” I whispered.
“Ok then, well I guess I’ll get going.... good night Lexi.” He leant in and kissed me gently on the lips.
I raised my hands and hooked them around his neck. “Don’t leave.” I murmured.
“Lexi. I don’t know, you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure... I want you here... with me... just the two of us.” My words were punctuated by kisses across his face. I hated myself. I wanted him. I didn’t want to be alone and I hated it.
“Baby, I have never taken advantage of a drunk girl and I’m not about to start now. You said you didn’t want to sleep with me. Somewhere in that beautiful head of yours there has to be a reason for that. I’ll stay if you want me to stay, but no sex.” He laid me back down on the bed.
“You’re such a tease, you promised.” I pouted.
“Yeah, I’m a real asshole - so you’ve told me, now go to sleep! My bitchy publicist will be pissed if she finds out I’m not getting my beauty sleep” He laughed. He put his arms around me and I fell asleep.
Chapter 13 – The Hair of the Dog
My head throbbed, my body ached and I felt nausea in the pit of my stomach. How much did I drink? I cracked open one eye and saw the time, 6:00am. Why was I so freaking hot? I tried to lift myself off the bed but I was stuck, tied down. What the hell? Something was laying on me. Its weight shifted - his cool fluid voice was barely a whisper.
“You okay baby? You need more water?” Alex asked.
“Huh? What am I doing here?” I questioned, my head still fighting fog.
“You were pretty drunk last night, Lex. I wasn’t about to send you off home like that, regardless of your protests,” he clarified.
“Oh, yeah... last night.” The events of the past evening came flooding back to me! As I sat up in bed, my head felt heavy.
“Ugghhhhhhhhh I feel sick.” I groaned.
“Next day remorse,” he laughed. “Been there too many times.”
“Did we?...” I asked.
“No,” he affirmed.
“I’m sorry Alex, I’m sure you didn’t want to spend your night babysitting me when you could have been getting laid. I’ll grab my stuff and get out of here.” I attempted again to raise my head off the pillow but he pushed me back down.
“Hey, no one held a gun to my head and I’d rather be here sleeping beside you than getting blown by some random chick I don’t care about. Besides, I got to break the rules last night,” he smirked.
“What rules?” I questioned, unsure of what exactly had transpired last night.
“I got you to sleep over!” he exclaimed.
“This doesn’t count. I was unconscious, I didn’t have free will,” I argued.
“Oh it counts baby.” He countered unable to hide his broad grin.
“Alex, I think lines are getting blurred. I don’t know what came over me last night, this isn’t our arrangement. This isn’t what we wanted,” I tried to reason, hiding the real reason why I had felt the need to numb myself with alcohol.
“How do you know what I want Lexi? You’ve never asked me!” His voice was now heated.
“We agreed! You agreed!” Was all I could manage.
“Yes I agreed, cause I wanted you. You intrigue me the way no other woman has. I love that you call it how it is. It’s so refreshing. But the sneaking around bullshit, that’s not me. If I’m with a girl, I don’t hide it like it’s something I’m ashamed of.” He growled.
“I’m not ashamed; I just don’t need to broadcast who I’m screwing! So this doesn’t work for you? Is that what you’re saying?” I jeered.
“I want to be with you, just you. We don’t have to be like James and Hannah but I just don’t like this just fucking status you seem to have attached to us.” He hissed.
“Well you sure have a funny way of showing it! Did you happen to inform the blonde bimbo who was eye fucking you back stage or the equally classless blonde who was riding you like a prized bull last night?” I exploded.
“WHAT?! You were backstage? So that is why you are mad!” he surmised. “Lexi...I wasn’t with anyone last night. YES - I was talking to girls, it’s part of the job. Girls feel entitled to touch and flirt with me but you know what, it doesn’t mean shit. I didn’t kiss or touch anyone. I didn’t want to. I wanted YOU.” He assured me.
I closed my eyes, what did I want? I can’t go down this road. I would not be one of those women who sacrificed everything for a man at the cost of herself. I had done that once and I would never do it again.
“Alex, I don’t want a boyfriend. I’m sorry.” My voice wavered.
“No boyfriend,” he confirmed “just no one else. I don’t share well, Lexi, and by the sounds of it neither do you.”
“I don’t know Alex,” I protested.
“Okay, let’s negotiate then,” he countered.
“Okay - No boyfriend, no girlfriend; but no one else. No phone calls. No sleep overs. No one knows. That’s as far as I’m going to bend.” I proposed.
He sighed. “I don’t like the no sleep over rule. Think of how many more times I could please you if you stayed in my bed, or I in yours,” he coaxed.
“Well that is a good point but it’s still a no,” I argued.
“Well I guess you’ve just challenged me to see if I can change your mind,” he nodded.
“Knock yourself out,” I laughed.
“So, now that we have gotten that out of the way…” I murmured. He stared at me with his astonishing clear eyes and lowered his head.
“Yes?” he asked.
“This is the part where you pleasure me. Or was that all talk?” I panted. His amazing smile spread across his face.
“All talk?” he scoffed. “Do you how much restraint I showed last night? You’re going to be walking with a limp” he smirked.
It was everything
he promised and more. I lost count of the number of times he brought me to climax; he was an incredible and attentive lover. We took turns in assuming the lead. He submitted to me, and I to him, each instance bringing its own set of rewards.
“I should go home, you have another show tonight” I panted, unable to catch my breath.
“You coming?” he smirked.
“Didn’t I already?” I laughed.
“As it should be!” he asserted.
“Oh baby, no one could ever accuse you of not fulfilling your duty as my sex slave” I chortled as I stroked his damp, sex matted hair.
“I’ve got the business cards to prove it,” he mused.
There was a gentle knock at the door. “I’ll go get that; why don’t you go grab a shower? Feel free to take one of my shirts if you like.” He smiled and slid on a pair of boxer shorts. I reluctantly climbed out of bed and entered the bathroom. My body ached as much as my head did. Alex’s threat of a giving me a limp was not idle, he was a man of his word. I laughed aloud as I recalled the events that had brought me to this point - a crazy twist of fate.
“Ugggghhhhh” moaned Hannah as we sat across from each other in the dining room; our eyes concealed by large sunglasses. People filtered in and joined us for a late breakfast.
“Oh my God. Can you turn down that shirt?” I stammered as Dan approached wearing a bright yellow Sex Pistols t-shirt.
“There is nothing wrong with this shirt; it’s my favourite. I brought it from the village,” Dan exclaimed.
“Well maybe the village will take it back!” I snipped.
“Never Mind the Bollocks,” said Dan attempting a dirty British accent. “This album was pivotal! Maybe you need to lay off the booze.”
“Shut it Dan!” Alex interjected.
“Hey don’t be pissed at me cause you ended up with the chick that wouldn’t put out,” Dan laughed.
“Maybe you should spend less time with your hand on snatch and more time on a bass so you don’t sound like shit.” I fired back.
“BUUUURRRRNNNN!” laughed Troy.