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A Twist of Fate Page 8

  Seated to his left was Troy Harris, the drummer. Troy was wearing an orange Reese’s peanut butter cup t-shirt and faded blue jeans. He had large hazel eyes and a Mohawk. He was just under 6 foot and he was built like a wrestler. He was rugged and manly and made no apologies for his lack of metrosexuality. His laugh was infectious and his carefree attitude alluring, which meant he had no shortage of admirers. He was, as I found out that morning, the joker of the group. He was the least affected by the fame it seemed. Troy got to hide behind his monstrous drum kit and hit things for a living - he was living his dream. Troy had graduated from the same high school a couple of years earlier than James and Alex. Sitting to his side was Dan Evans, the Bass player and Troy’s best friend.

  Dan was not what you’d call a typically good looking guy. His mix of Italian and Irish heritage combined to give him dark eyes, dark hair and pale skin. He had the same sort of build as Troy but was a little shorter. Dan had the gift of the gab and could talk his way into or out of anything. Dan’s overinflated ego meant he was a huge hit with groupies. He was Alex’s polar opposite. He welcomed the fame; he loved the trappings and while he enjoyed playing bass he was in it for the pussy and the party, not so much for the music. He was also the least talented of the group but he had been there since the beginning so had earned his place.

  Sitting beside Alex was Jason Irwin, the keyboard player. Jason was tall and lanky. He had light brown hair that was cropped close to his head. Jason had joined the Army straight out of high school, using the opportunity to let the US government pay for his college education. He had joined up with the band later in their career. They had found Jason on a drunken road trip to Canada. I never got the full story, not sure if they even remember it themselves. In any case, he was now a permanent fixture and was no less invested in the band than the rest who’d been there from the start.

  Watching these men interact, it was apparent who was in the driver’s seat. The man speaking, who had held everyone’s attention, there was no denying - this was James’ band. Their fearless leader took a breath before continuing. Cameras ready to capture every second, microphones poised.

  “We are going to get this show back on the road and we have a list of new dates. All tickets from the previous shows will be honoured and new tickets for a further two shows will go on sale tomorrow at 9am. You should have in front of you the list of dates and venues; I’d like to thank our promoter and our amazing PR manager Lexi Reed who has made this all possible. Now if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.”

  James, can you confirm that the driver of the car was Jackson Rose, a member of your support band Salt?

  “Yes, Jackson was in the car but any questions relating to him and his band will have to be directed to his management, sorry.” James glanced at me, he was glad I made him prepare this morning.

  James, sources say there was another person involved. A female. Was she a passenger too? Was she injured?

  “A female motorist offered assistance at the site of the accident. We are eternally grateful and indebted to her but she wishes to remain anonymous and we are respecting her wishes... anyone else?” James was becoming increasingly anxious.

  James will you be staying in Australia until your brother is cleared for travel? What about the rest of your tour dates?

  “We are extending our stay for a couple of weeks. By that time Mike will have medical clearance to fly and we will have him transferred to an American hospital for all other treatment and rehab.” I saw James’ agitation growing. This was supposed to be about announcing the new tour dates and it seemed all the press wanted to know was about the accident, something James did not want to talk about.

  I took my cue. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Lexi Reed, representative for Power Station. Unfortunately that is all the time we have for you today, please pick up your press packs on the way out, they contain all the pertinent information relating to the tour. If you have any further questions please submit them to me for consideration. Thank you for your time.” I ushered the guys out one by one to the incessant sound of the shutters and shouted questions.

  “Thanks.” breathed James.

  “Hey that’s what you are paying me for” I winked. “The driver is ready to take you back to the hotel. I have a meeting I need to attend but I’ve arranged for your parents and your wife to be picked up from the Airport. Their flight is coming in at 11am; they’ll be taken to the hotel to meet you, then to the hospital. I’ll come see you there later but if you need me just call. Relax, I’ve got this.” I smiled.

  James hesitated before giving me huge, grateful hug. “I don’t know what we’d do without you, Lexi.... I owe you so much.”

  “You can buy me dinner” I volunteered.

  “Dinner it is. I’d really like for you to meet Hannah and my parents. I’m having the private dining room set up. The guys will be there too.”

  “Sure... text me the details,” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing out the door.

  The thought of seeing Alex again tonight sent a wave of excitement through my body. We had barely spoken this morning before the press conference except for the usual pleasantries. He didn’t seem awkward or strange around me. He was his usual calm, collected self. He had flirted openly with the make-up girl; maybe this wasn’t going to be a big deal.

  I was excited about meeting Hannah. She was James’ High School sweetheart and despite all the ups and downs over the last 10 years she had remained by his side. I had read so much about her, most of it speculation as she never gave interviews. I wondered what kind of woman was able to stay sane with the kind of madness the surrounded James.

  My phone buzzed breaking my train of thought.

  I still can’t believe you are representing POWER STATION, what an amazing turn of events! I saw you on TV, you looked so beautiful. Do you have any plans tonight? We should get together soon xx

  Seeing Emma’s messages always made me smile. I had desperately wanted to see her since our missed “date” she was a calming influence in my life and if ever I needed one, now was the time.

  - Hey Emz, I can’t tonight. Free tomorrow though. Miss you heaps xxx

  - Tomorrow then... it’s a date! Miss you too xx

  I threw my phone back into my handbag. Emma had taken the news well, considering. I had given her the same spiel I’d given Kate about running into them and offering assistance. She was so trusting she never questioned me. “It was obviously meant to be” she had stated. “Clearly you have a purpose with them, perhaps that is why we were so drawn to them, and it’s all very exciting.”

  Matt on the other hand was suspicious; as news of the accident came to light and his knowledge of my bloody clothes he was putting the puzzle together.

  He had confronted me yesterday when I got home. “I know it was you.”

  “What difference does it make, I don’t want to talk about it” I fired back.

  “I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me, I’m not going to tell anyone. I hardly know anyone in this town and I’m not about to alienate my closest friend.” His words were filled with hurt.

  “Matt I’m sorry, I have issues... you know this remember? I’m a little messed up. I just have a hard time trusting people.” I tried to qualify.

  “Everyone needs someone, Lexi... even you. Just... I don’t know... Maybe let me try and be that person, ok?” Matt’s hurt subsided as I smiled gratefully at him and squeezed his hand.

  The day passed rather slowly. I had other clients to attend to who no longer held my interest. My thoughts kept wandering and I was having difficulty concentrating. I checked in on James to make sure his parents and wife had arrived.

  - All good Lexi, thanks. Dinner at 7pm? Hannah is excited to meet you

  - 7pm is fine. Excited to meet Hannah.

  - I’ll send a driver; that way you can have a drink if you want

  - I am more than capable of driving myself, I have a car

  - Alex
said to tell you “that piece of shit does not qualify as a car” sorry, he made me write that

  - Tell Alex to go fuck himself.

  There was a brief pause before I got another message from a number I didn’t recognise.

  - Any time, did you want to watch? lol ... car will pick you up at 6:30pm, NO ARGUMENTS - Alex x

  - I stared at the last message, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face.

  - FINE! But Beware you’ve pissed me off!- Lexi

  - I like you pissed off

  - That’s not very nice!

  - Who said I was nice? You must have me confused with someone else or perhaps you need to work harder at your job; I insist you find this person who said I was nice and I will sue the pants off of them

  - I’m working VERY HARD thank you very much! You’re right, no one said you were nice - my mistake

  - Yes you make a lot of things VERY HARD hmmmmmmm let’s ponder that lol

  - I’m not wearing any underwear, why don’t you ponder THAT

  - I revert back to my previous statement, except I am no longer pondering

  - HAHAHA! Well I guess this brings us to my original request then, perhaps you actually do need to go “fuck” yourself

  - I’d rather you do it...

  - Well then, I guess you’ll be waiting awhile. I have a lot of work to do. Seems SOMEONE inferred I wasn’t doing enough work.

  - I’ll see you tonight then... I promise to still be hard if you promise to still be without panties

  - Good bye Alex... See you tonight! Lexi xx

  - I’ll take your non committal to our deal as a “maybe” then? See you tonight Alex xx

  My face hurt so much from smiling. Ughhhhhh how old was I? 16? I couldn’t help but feel elated; I half accepted he would have lost interest once he’d slept with me. It didn’t bother me, it’s what I would had expected. What I would have done; moved on to another challenge after my interest was satisfied. No, I was working with him. His best friend was pretty much my boss right now and I didn’t want to screw this up. I had to stay focused. One indiscretion was excusable; two... well that was pushing it, even for me!

  I raced home from work to get ready. Despite the earlier “pep talk” I had given myself that this wasn’t about Alex, I knew better. I really wanted to see him again.

  What to wear?? Damn it! I couldn’t go too sexy as James’ parents and wife were going to be there I didn’t want to look like a Ho! I picked out a new dress I had been itching to wear. It was a metallic green fitted mini dress with contrasting black panelling. It had slight cuff sleeves and back panel cut outs to expose my back. The front had a cross over neckline that plunged (low but tastefully) at the bust. The metallic green looked amazing against my olive completion and dark hair. I tamed my wild mane into a large, messy knot on top of my head, allowing random loose strands to fall and frame my face. I dramatized my eyes, giving them a smoky look but applied a pale pink gloss to my lips rather than lipstick. I sprayed my favourite Bvlgari fragrance and finished the look off with some classic Louboutin heels and my Mimco clutch.

  “WOW, where are you heading?? You look amazing!” Matt gawked as I exited my bedroom.

  “Dinner with Power Station, it’s no big deal.” I tried to sound nonchalant.

  “No big deal? You don’t dress like that for no big deal!” He laughed. “Lexi,” he eyed me carefully “just be careful, ok?”

  “Always.” I smiled as the buzzer rang. “That’s my ride. Don’t wait up!” I closed my front door.

  The ride to the hotel was brief but pleasant. As I stepped out of the car I was careful not to expose anything not intended to be seen. The paparazzi were constantly circling and the last thing I needed was a photo of my crotch plastered on the internet. I walked through the lobby and was escorted to a private dining room.

  I took a deep breath and entered the room, the click-clack of my killer heels alerted the dinner guests of my arrival. James stood up to greet me whisking me over to meet his wife, Hannah. Alex glared at me, fire burning in his eyes. Internally I cheered. Take that, HA!

  “Lexi, it’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’m Hannah, I’ve heard a lot about you” Hannah held out her hand politely.

  “Hannah, I’m so thrilled to meet you” I gushed, slightly embarrassed. Hannah was stunning; her beautiful round face was framed by thick dark hair. She had a tiny waist and curvaceous hips, her figure accentuated by her fitted microfiber mini dress with knee high boots.

  “These are James and Mike’s parents, Andrea and Paul,” she gestured to the older couple who were talking with Alex. They turned their attention and greeted me warmly, Paul shaking my hand and thanking me and Andrea giving me a massive hug - so that’s where James got it from!

  “I honestly can’t thank you enough for what you did for my son. I was told by the doctors that Mike wouldn’t be here with us now if you hadn’t stepped in...” She began to weep, “Thank you, dear angel... thank you for saving my boy.”

  “Awwww, you don’t need to thank me. Really... it was nothing.”

  “NOTHING?” She looked at me shaking her head. “Dear girl.... you deserve our gratitude and so much more. I will never forget this. Our boy...” She trailed off with another slight sob.

  “It’s okay,” I reassured her. “He is safe and your other son has been more than generous so I have been well and truly thanked.”

  “Generous? You won’t take anything!” James teased.

  “You’re kidding right? I am doing a job that I love for a band that I idolise and you’re paying me, what more could I ask for?” I smiled.

  I continued to make small talk with Andrea and Paul talking about what my job entailed. I could feel Alex behind me, closing in till my back was almost flat against his chest. He bent to whisper in my ear. His was breath was hot and laboured.

  “I’m not sure if you are up holding your side of our agreement but either way, I can assure you that I am.” Each word was slow and deliberate. “You have no idea what you are doing to me right now. Mmmmmmmmm and the things I’d like to do to you.”

  It took every ounce of restraint I had not to gasp. Andrea chastised Alex, “Alexander... must you lurk behind this sweet girl? Your mother would be appalled. I know you were brought up with better manners than that.”

  Alex grinned sheepishly. “I’m not lurking Mrs B, I’m simply waiting my turn to say hello.” His charismatic tone was not lost on her.

  “Oh, of course, darling... here I am babbling on. Of course...” she trailed off and started fussing over Paul’s tie.

  Alex looked amazing. He was wearing slate grey tailored pants that hung low on his hips. The fabric clung to every curve of his thighs and ass and the dark blue silk shirt he wore was unbuttoned down his chest. His silver dog tags were visible underneath the shirt.

  “Hello Alex,” I breathed.

  “Hello Lexi,” he smouldered. “It seems I have a situation that needs remedying”

  James looked over at us cautiously. “You guys ok?”

  “Yes, fine.” Alex answered without taking his eyes off of me. “I need Ms. Reed’s professional advice. You guys enjoy appetizers, we’ll be a few minutes.”

  “I’m sure this can wait until after dinner, Alex,” I argued.

  “No. It can’t... it will just take a couple of minutes of your time... Please,” he asserted.

  “Ok, 10 minutes... I don’t want to be rude. James, start without us.” I waved as Alex led me out of the dining room into the hall.

  He opened another door and pushed me in. It was pitch black but I smelt the distinct aroma of bleach and ammonia. His hands seized my ass, pushing me hard against his straining erection. I gasped; yes it seemed he had upheld his end of our deal. His tongue trailed down my neck.

  “Do you have any idea what you are doing to me? Hmmmm. Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?” My resolve was wavering in the face of his obvious need.

  “Alex, all jokes aside, I don’t
think this is a good idea. You are my client. It’s just not smart... business wise,” I affirmed. Yep, responsible Lexi did exist! Yay me!

  “Lexi, you really want to say no to me? After you know how good we are together? If you are worried about work, no one has to know. It can be our little secret. I just can’t accept not having you. That just won’t work for me. You are driving me crazy and I need to be in you,” he hissed. “Now tell me that you want me to leave you and I will.”

  My response was instinctive. “I don’t want that...” My voice was barely audible.

  “You don’t want what?” Alex’s hands slid up my bare leg.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” I said, all my responsibility and reason had dissipated. He slid his hand further up my thigh and underneath the hem of my dress.

  “Oh my God, Lexi. No panties... mmmmm and so wet... Oh this is more than I can fucking stand.” His voice strained. I unzipped his pants and pushed down his trunks. I felt his erection spring free and I gripped it tightly. Alex inhaled sharply as my hand ran from the base to the tip, my thumb kneading the head, a small drop of sticky residue spilling onto my thumb.

  “Baby, slow down,” his voice laboured.

  “I thought this is what you wanted,” I giggled. My eyes finally adjusted to the dark and I could see his jaw was tense and his eyes slammed shut.

  “Mmmmm,” he smiled as he lifted my bare ass and pushed me up against a wall, brooms and mops spilling in our wake. “We have to be quick, you don’t want to be rude.” His mouth covered mine as he devoured me in a passionate and erotic kiss. His fingers slid between my silky folds, his thumb kept busy caressing my clitoris.

  “Aghhhhhhh Alex... that feels so good” his hands twisted and turned, he then paused to push a finger inside of me before slowly it pulled away just as I was about to come. I panted in anticipation as he released me ripping the top of a condom pack with his teeth and then slid it over his waiting erection. He grabbed my hips and pushed himself deep in to me. “Oh my God Alex... Ahhhh... Ahhhh.” I moaned.

  “That’s it baby, I can tell you are close, come with me” he panted. He kept a steady rhythm, grinding our hips and I felt myself tense. His hand slipped down from my hips to my ass where he cupped me, pushing deeper into me. A primal moan escaped my lips and my legs shook. My whole body lost control as I griped the wall for support. “Oh my... oh Alex... oh God...”