A Twist of Fate Page 9
I felt a final heave and he found his release. His body shaking just as mine had, his lips kissed me deeply as I felt the aftershocks of my own orgasm. “Lexi, baby... oh baby...” his voice hoarse.
“I didn’t think it could get any better than that first time.” He blinked, “You are amazing, I don’t think I can ever get enough.” A slow smile crossed his beautiful mouth. He pulled off the condom and knotted the end, pushed up his trunks and zipped up his pants. It had been fast and frenzied and I’d never had sex fully clothed before. It was HOT. I pulled down my hem.
“Wow Alex, You rocked my world,” I giggled.
“Lexi, you didn’t just say that to me did you? Worst line ever,” he laughed.
“I just wanted to try it on... see how it fit,” I beamed.
“Me, or the line?” he flirted.
“Little bit from column A, little bit from column B.” I flirted back.
“We need to go to dinner, I think we’ve exceeded our “10” minutes” He bent his head to kiss my forehead lightly. He opened the door and my eyes adjusted to the brightness as we stepped outside. “Will you come to my room later? I’m not done with you yet,” He groaned. We stood outside the dining room door.
“Depends…” I reasoned.
“Depends on what?” he protested.
“If we are going to do this, then we need to have some kind of parameters. Something we both can work with,” I replied.
“Sounds serious. Do I need a lawyer? I know a good one, he’s a fan of yours,” he smirked.
“You’re an ass!” I uttered as I pushed him out of the way. James stood in the doorway, he had come looking for us as we’d been gone so long.
“Hey Lexi... you ok? You look agitated.” James asked, eyeing Alex intensely.
“I’m fine James, I’m sorry for the interruption... your guitar player is irritating.” I stormed as I left the two men in the hallway.
I had just settled into my chair next to Hannah when James’ parents came by to say goodnight. “Sorry sweetheart but its time for us to go visit Mike, I hate him being at the hospital by himself. It was lovely meeting you.” Andrea apologized. I stood up and she gave me another warm hug.
“It was lovely meeting you too. Tell Mike I said Hi. I’ll stop in and see him tomorrow,” I concluded. I shook hands with Paul and they made their exit.
Alex and James walked in and took their seats. Alex sat beside me, smirking. I rolled my eyes as he suggestively took a swig of his beer. Hannah muttered something about Alex being crass under her breath.
“You know Lexi, Hannah here was the most popular girl in our school, James was just some loser kid with long hair she took pity on” He recounted.
“That’s actually true” James agreed kissing his wife’s hand tenderly.
“Lexi, don’t read too much into what these guys are saying, they’ve been drinking,” she chided.
“I have had two beers Han, hardly drinking... why don’t you tell Lexi about the time you were in the school play and you forged a note requiring a late night rehearsal so you and James could have some quality time? That’s a good story,” Alex snorted.
Hannah laughed, “Nothing to tell... it never happened.”
“Sure it did... James borrowed my old Charger.” Troy toasted James from across the table as the others tried stifling their laughter.
“Remember that time in 9th grade when she put a note on our Math Class door saying the class had been moved to the library and Mrs Watson spent the whole period trying to locate the class?” James volunteered.
Alex laughed. “I was making out under the desk with that cheerleader... what was her name?” he asked James.
“Amy” they said at the same time, both men erupting into laughter.
“Ok, Ok...that’s enough... I’m sure Lexi doesn’t want to relieve our youth,” Hannah smiled.
“Oh I don’t mind,” I assured.
“She was a wild card, everyone loved her... the jocks, the nerds, the computer geeks... She had mass appeal. I don’t think I ever met anyone who had a bad word to say about her.” Alex reached over to touch Hannah’s shoulder. It was heart warming to see the love they’d had for one another. “I could see why James here had to have her but then they got married and they both got boring.” Alex bellowed.
James gave him the finger and Hannah stuck her tongue out. “Someday you’ll get married, Alex... you’ll see.” James warned.
“Yeah I doubt that,” Alex boasted.
“What about you Lexi? Any significant other??” Hannah asked warmly.
“Nope, I’m not the marrying type either I’m afraid”
“Never say never,” winked Hannah.
“Yeah people see Elvis all the time,” Troy interjected. The room exploded with laughter.
Chapter 11 – The Parameters
Alex’s finger lazily trailed down my shoulder. “God you’re sexy,” he mumbled into my neck, still out of breath from our marathon three-hour session.
“Not so bad yourself.” I smiled, my eyes flashing over his washboard abs that still glistened with sweat.
After dinner and saying my farewells to the band, James had escorted me to the car. The driver took me home where I collected my keys and drove right back. I snuck into the hotel service entrance where Alex was waiting for me. He was right... He wasn’t done with me.
“Ok, so now, we talk.” I steadied myself. Alex groaned loudly.
“You talk too much, has anyone ever told you that?” he laughed.
“That was the deal remember? I come back to your room if we discussed my parameters,” I reminded him.
“Ok!” he mocked, “Your parameters.” I threw a pillow at him. “Can we include no beating above the neck in your “parameters”? I’ve got a show in two days” He laughed.
“You’re an ass!” I laughed.
“Yeah, but you like that, don’t you?” he smouldered. His eyes locked on mine, igniting my desire.
“And here I was thinking I was the fiend,” I smirked.
“Oh, you are.” He paused “I’m just trying to keep up.” His wicked grin widened.
“Seriously, I like you Alex... and the sex is amazing... but we have to work together. So either we work it out or we walk away because I’m not going to throw my career away for a man, no matter who he is.” I sat up in bed to face him, his gaze had become serious.
“So how do we make this work Lex? Cause I’m not sure I can give you up.” There was no hint of humour in his voice.
“Well for starters, let’s call this what it is, it’s sex. We barely know each other and we aren’t having a relationship. I know that and you know that.” Alex nodded his head before I continued. “The truth is, I’m not interested in dating; it doesn’t suit me right now. I don’t want to deal with all the bullshit that comes with it; I have no room for that in my life. What I want is sex without the complications, without the drama and jealousy and preferably with you.” My level and unemotional tone surprised even myself.
“Well… I can agree to that, but what does that mean exactly?” he questioned.
“It means we are friends who have sex and if you want to date, date... If you want to screw other women, then do so. Just be honest with me, tell me if this doesn’t suit you or you are with someone else, and use protection - ALWAYS. In turn I will do the same, though I have already told you I won’t be dating. However when we are together, it’s just you and me, no third parties - I won’t share you. You don’t need to ask my permission to see other people and I don’t need yours.” I paused trying to read his expression.
“So we are “fuck buddies” then?” The smile returned to his lips.
“Yes, if that’s what you want to call it.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Also no one can know, not the band, not our friends, not the press. This has to be our secret arrangement. No public displays of affection, no public rendezvous’ - nothing. As far as everyone knows, we are friends. I work with you. This is stretching the ethical bou
ndaries even for me and I have worked too hard to establish myself and my reputation to be reduced to tabloid fodder.”
“Anything else?” he questioned.
“Yeah... No sleep overs. I don’t do that. We don’t need to pretend it’s something that it’s not, it’s the easiest way to blur the lines,” I warned. “What about you? You have anything you don’t like doing?” I inquired.
“Yeah, I don’t do phone calls.” He confessed, “I hate it. I’m happy to text you or email you and we can see each other anytime you want but I HATE talking on the phone. Do you know how many girls I have pissed off in the past because I didn’t call them? I always tell them upfront that I probably won’t call, yet they are always angry when I don’t” he scoffed.
“Agreed! No calls” I smiled.
“Now, if you are done running that pretty little mouth of yours, I think we can put it to better use.” He snickered as his thumb teased down my lower lip. I laughed at his audacity; he really was a male version of me, possibly just a little vainer. “Oh, that’s funny Alexandra?” His head cocked to one side.
“Uggghhhhhh don’t call me that, I hate it!” I snarled.
“Ooooh...Does it make you mad?” his eyes were hooded and menacing.
“Yes it does actually... So don’t call me that!” I snapped back.
“I like you mad, you are so feisty. Tell me does anyone call you Alex?” His mood shifted to playful.
“Why? You want to scream out your own name while you fuck me? Conceited much?” I giggled.
“Baby, I’m lucky I remember my own name when I fuck you,” he snorted unable to contain his laughter.
I liked that I had that effect on him; it made my eyes sparkle with satisfaction. I was in the driver seat; this is where I wanted to be. I reluctantly kissed his pouting lips and got out of bed.
“Not yet.” He sulked, grabbing my waist and pulled me back towards him.
“Yes, yet.” I affirmed. “You guys have shows soon, remember? You are the one who pointed that out to me. You need to get your beauty sleep. We wouldn’t want all your groupies being disappointed when you show up looking like shit. Besides, we have a lot riding on this. You guys need to go out and be on fire. There are a lot of critics that think the accident is going put James off. We know that’s not the case, but it needs to be perfect.” I marvelled at how easily I slipped into my business persona. No one could ever accuse me of not being good at my job.
I finished dressing, much to his disappointment, and slipped out of his room unnoticed. I hadn’t even made it to my car when my phone buzzed.
- Got any plans for Saturday night? Rumor is a hot band is in town Alex xx
- Already going, can’t wait... they are awesome Lexi xx
- The guitarist will probably be mediocre; he has been kept up late by some wanton sex fiend. Chances are he’ll look like shit or so he’s been told :-P
- The guitarist is phenomenal and don’t blame the sex fiend, I’m sure he was more than willing. PS If I get him alone I totally plan on blowing his mind.
- :-o Lucky him. Although not sure he’ll be able to play given this knowledge.
- I’m sure HE could play with one hand tied behind his back
- I’m sure HE would like to test that theory
- I’m sure if HE doesn’t get some sleep soon his publicist is going to have a conniption. I hear she is a crazy bitch.
- Yeah, I’ve heard that too
- FUCK YOU!!! Good night- Lexi xx
- Yes please and often! Night- Alex xx
I tried to stifle my stupid grin as I threw my phone into my car. I loved our playful banter; he was so animated and light-hearted, not at all what I expected from his cool persona. I liked this side of Alex, I’m sure it was a side not many people were privileged to see.
I woke up to the amazing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the low hum of the television. I glanced over at my clock. 8:30am. SHIT! I must have slept through my alarm! I leapt from my bed and ran to the kitchen. Matt was standing up against the breakfast bar, leisurely reading the paper. He was fully dressed in a of pair black and white pinstripe tailored pants with a matching vest, crisp white shirt and toped off with a plain black tie. His neatly folded jacket rested on the bar stool beside him. He could have easily been a 1920s Gangster and he wore the look impeccably. He took a sip from his coffee as he greeted me. “Good morning sleepy head,” he smiled.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked urgently.
“You got in late, thought you could use the extra shut eye.” He explained before taking another sip of his coffee “Relax...you got plenty of time. Team meeting is at 10, Kate won’t be in till then” he reassured me. “Go get ready. I’ll make you some toast and you can eat in the car,” he ordered.
“Yes, Mum.” I teased and head off into the bathroom.
The steam and spray enveloped me, soothing my aching muscles. I smiled as the memory of last night came flooding back. Sexually Alex and I were so compatible, every position or suggestion I offered he met with willing excitement and enthusiasm. He was exceptionally fit, with amazing endurance. His strong, able body was ready and willing to please mine. It had been a while since I’d had a lover who satisfied me the way he (repeatedly) did last night. I didn’t feel like I had to hold back with Alex, nor did he make me feel like a freak. It was pure and primal - we needed each other, unwilling to rest until we’d both had our fill.
I stepped out of the shower and dressed quickly, throwing on a grey fitted shift dress and sweeping my hair into a ponytail. I put on some make up and slipped on my shoes, sliding on my charcoal blazer as I walked out my bedroom door. As promised, Matt stood with toast in hand waiting beside our front door.
The day progressed slowly. I decided to spend my lunch hour shopping. Emma was coming over for dinner so I needed to go buy groceries and I wanted to buy a new outfit for Power Station’s first show, which was tomorrow night.
“Want some company?” Matt asked as I grabbed my handbag.
“Sure, if you can be bothered. You going to be home for dinner?” I questioned.
“No, I’m taking Anna to the movies tonight, I’ll be home... late,” he grinned.
We walked out the door and down Chapel street; the many stores and boutiques promising to deliver a plethora of choices for my discerning fashion palate.
“Oh, sleeping with the enemy. I’ve underestimated you Mr. Burns,” I smirked. His smile betrayed his intentions.
“Are you ok with it Lexi? Anna and I, I mean?” He asked while we browsed the racks of Top Shop.
“Of course! I want you to be happy.” I sighed as I surveyed a pair of sequined black hot pants. “But if she breaks your heart, I’ll kick her ass!”
“Looks like I might have to do a little ass kicking of my own if you’re planning on buying those shorts,” he winked.
“I want something edgy for the concert.”
“Not sure Kate will be pleased with your choice of attire,” he smiled.
“No, the press call is at sound check, the concert is on my own time.” I reassured.
“Well, then I guess hot pants it is.” He gestured to the sales assistant that we were ready to make a purchase. I picked a few other items with her assistance to finish off my look. I couldn’t wait to show it off!
We quickly raced through the supermarket to grab my groceries and dashed into a cafe to get some take away sandwiches, which we ate on the way back to the office. I stowed my groceries in the staff fridge and went back to my desk.
My usual day to day tasks didn’t interest me as much anymore. I craved the excitement that working with James and the boys offered me; I wasn’t sure how I was going to return to reality after they left. I hadn’t given it much thought. I knew that they were eventually going and Alex would leave with them. My mood darkened at the thought.
“Hey can you take my shopping home?” I asked Matt as I handed him my keys. The workday was done but I wanted to stop by and
see Mike on the way home.
“Sure, where are you going?” he asked.
“I want to go to the hospital, see how Mike is doing. It’s been a couple of days since I checked in. I’ll grab a cab.” I explained as I loaded Matt up with my purchases.
“I’ll see you later then, Lex.” He kissed me on the cheek before making his exit.
Mike looked vastly improved; he’d been moved into a ward, which looked and felt more welcoming. All the monitors and machines were gone, replaced by a single IV. Jackson, who was sitting in the chair beside him, leapt to his feet to greet me when I walked in.
“Lexi!” he yipped, clearly excited to see me.
“Hey Jackson! Hey Mike! Wow you are both looking so much better,” I exclaimed.
“Yeah I feel better, think they are going to let me move back into the hotel tomorrow. James has organized a nurse.” His excitement was barely contained.
“That’s great news! I met your mum and dad yesterday. You have a really nice family Mike.” I settled into the chair beside Jackson.
“Yeah they mentioned they met you; I think you made a good impression. I feel so bad that I’ve caused all this worry. My mom cried, I’ve never seen her like that.” He gulped, the emotion still evidently raw. Jackson, who slumped further into his chair, seemed to be battling his own demons. In the past few days since the accident he had endured constant and continuous media attention. It was evident that he felt an enormous amount of guilt and even though he was cleared of any wrong doing still blamed himself for the accident.
“Mothers worry, it’s their job... my Mum holds me responsible for every grey hair on her head!” I tried to lighten the mood.
“Lexi, will you do me a favour?” Mike asked.
“Of course, unless it’s taking off my top because that was a onetime deal,” I flirted.