Car Crash (Collision Book 2) Read online
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I’d been on both sides of infidelity, both cheated on and being the other woman. I couldn’t decide which felt worse, to be deceived or be part of that deceit. Not like I’d been given a choice, and if I had, I would never choose to do that to another person.
“Chances of me having a girlfriend in the next year—let alone month—are almost nonexistent. And yeah, I would rather not have some douche you’re dating wanting to track me down because I gave you a better orgasm than he did,” he said with a grin.
“Good. So we see other people if we want to but make sure it’s nothing serious until after. Now, it’s late. Did you want to stay over?” I yawned, rising to my feet as I stretched.
Dallas joined me, ambling off the couch as he bit his lip. “But I thought we—”
“Not for sex, geez,” I chuckled. “You can talk to me while I fall asleep. I hear people do it all the time. I read an article once that says when you get tired and are about to fall asleep is when you’re at your most honest.”
“Can we cuddle?” His mouth hitched at the side leaving no mistake as to what he was thinking. “No sex, I promise.”
“The only reason you want to cuddle is because you want to touch my boobs.” I warned. “And we both know it will lead to something else.”
If not for the cheeky grin, I’d have assumed he was disappointed. “Yeah, you’re right. And if we are going to go to all this trouble, we should probably try and do it properly.”
“Exactly.” I yanked on his hand and led him out of the room. “Is this going to be your first time sleeping with someone and actually sleeping?”
“Yep, I’m a virgin, baby.” He batted his eyes sweetly. “You’ll be my first.”
“I like that. Now give me a minute to put on some pajamas and I’ll meet you in my bed. Start thinking of things we should talk about.”
I was still naked underneath my bathrobe and there was no way I was getting into bed like that. Not because I was shy, because being nude didn’t bother me all that much. But because it would be too tempting for both of us and that wouldn’t be fair.
He nodded, moving into my room and started to undress. I grabbed a long T-shirt I wore as a nightie and a pair of panties and retreated back to the bathroom to put them on.
It didn’t take me long, getting into my sleepwear and heading back to my room in a little more than a few minutes. In that time he’d stripped down to his boxer shorts, using all the decorative pillows that I usually piled onto my bed in an effort to make it look pretty, to build a wall down the center of the mattress.
“You went from cuddling to the Great Wall of China,” I laughed, amused by the comical sight I’d walked in on.
“Isn’t this what PG is?” he asked, pushing an arm behind his neck to look at me. “And looking at what you’re sleeping in, it’s probably just as well.”
I looked down at the faded oversized T-shirt that was about five sizes too big. “If this is what turns you on, then you have serious issues.”
The smile on his face stayed locked in place as I shut off the light and shuffled into bed. The pillow wall moved, decorative squares haphazardly falling between us as we got comfortable.
Neither of us spoke, both staring at the ceiling as we breathed in silence. It didn’t even feel weird, my body relaxing into the mattress as I felt his toe wander past the pillow border onto my side of the bed.
I didn’t move, smiling as we touched more innocently than either of us had being in bed with someone else, the minutes ticking past with neither of us saying a word.
Finally Dallas spoke, pushing a silk rectangle out of the way so he could face me. “Hey, I know we’re supposed to talk, but I kind of like just laying here and saying nothing. Can we talk tomorrow instead?”
“Yeah,” I whispered back, my cheeks hurting from grinning. “I like just laying here too. Goodnight, Dallas.”
“Night, Kitty,” he yawned, slowly closing his eyes.
Mine closed too, my breathing slowing as my body drifted into sleep.
It was going to be an interesting night.
I groaned, reaching down between my legs and feeling my dick so hard it hurt. Those twenty or so pillows I’d put between us were tossed across the mattress like confetti, zero obstruction from my view of a beautiful and sleeping Kitty.
I wasn’t sure if I was glad or disappointed she hadn’t moved over to my side of the bed. Her beautiful body was curled up facing me, her hands underneath her like she didn’t trust them in her sleep. I didn’t blame her, I’d done the same thing. I’d also repeated “no sex” at least a million times in my head before I’d fallen asleep. The hope they’d sink in and keep me on my best behavior subliminally.
And what do you know? It worked. My hands—and the rest of me—didn’t make a move all night. It was incredible. I had been inches away from a sexy woman, with an incredible body, and didn’t even try to cop a feel.
She stirred, the sexy noises coming from her lips making me harder as she moved in her sleep. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but I knew it was probably time I bailed before the temptation became too great.
“Kitty,” I whispered, scooting over to her and gently touching her arm. “I’m going to head out, sweetheart.”
She reached out, her hand hitting my bare chest and rolled toward me into a hug. “Okay, thanks for spending the night.” Her face pressed against my naked skin as her fingers rested on my abs.
All she had to do was move those fingers a few inches south and—
I said I was going to take this seriously and I was going to.
“Babe, I can’t leave if you’re laying on me.” I laughed, but it was nowhere near funny.
She yawned, making no effort to move. “But I’m so comfortable, and I don’t have to be up just yet.”
Not only had she not lifted her hand or head from my torso but she’d brought the rest of her body to join the party. Her legs brushed against mine as she snuggled into my side.
Blood drained from every other place in my body and headed straight for the steel rod between my legs. I would have to jerk off for like an hour just to be able to function, the very real possibility that I wasn’t going to be able to walk weighing on my mind.
Cursing under my breath—and hoping like hell I was earning some extra karma points or something—I leant down and kissed the top of her head. She purred, not taking the hint as I cursed again and gently slid her off my chest and onto the mattress.
“Ugh, you were so warm.” She groaned in frustration, her eyes staying tightly shut as I moved off the bed.
That groan of hers ran right through me, not doing my morning wood any favors as I struggled to stuff it into my jeans. “Then I’ll come back tonight and we’ll do this again.” The offer genuine as I continued to dress in the dark.
I hoped and prayed none of her clothes were on the floor as I picked up a T-shirt and shoved it over my head. It would really suck if I got outside and realized it wasn’t my shit I was leaving in.
She sighed, blowing out a frustrated breath as her eyes slowly slid open. “I have this work thing tonight. A stupid party in the city. Not sure what time I’ll get back, depends on how quickly I can get a ride home.”
And like my good behavior was already being rewarded, the perfect opportunity presented itself. I knelt beside the bed, getting close so my eyes that had adjusted to the dimness of the room could see her.
“Well why don’t I come get you? Just tell me where and when.”
When I’d offered to come back to her house and be her personal heat pack, I had meant it. Other than possibly hindering my ability to have children later in life, the night had been pretty awesome. I’d slept like a log, completely at ease despite not being in my own bed. I wasn’t sure if it was beginners luck or if there was something more to it. Definitely worth a repeat if for no other reason than to see if it coul
d be replicated.
She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that, traffic on a Friday night is terrible. Why go all the way into the city if you don’t have to?”
The point was valid but not one that would change my mind. I’d been a New Yorker my whole life, a bunch of red taillights weren’t going to piss me off, especially if I didn’t have anywhere to be.
I’d have offered to pick her up even before our agreement, because that was the kind of guy I was. But seeing her with her eyes all glassy and her hair all messed up from sleep, there wasn’t a chance I wouldn’t offer to spend another night. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when you are trying to get to know someone? And think of all the talking time we’ll have in the car, means we can go to sleep when we eventually get in bed.”
Her eyes widened, a smile as bright as sunshine spread across her face. “Dallas, that would be awesome if you could do that. Really awesome.”
“Then it’s done. Send me the details and I’ll see you tonight.” I lowered my head and kissed her forehead again. “I’ll be working late at the shop tonight anyway. Just let me know when you’re ready to come home.”
She nodded and thanked me again as her eyes started to droop. “Do you want me to walk you out?”
“I’m pretty sure I can find the door.” I laughed. “See you tonight.”
And like she’d been given permission, she closed her eyes and snuggled back under her blankets.
I grabbed my shoes and socks and walked out to her living room and pulled them on. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d left a woman’s apartment in the early hours of the morning, but it was the first time I’d done it and not had sex. You’d think I’d be pissed about that—somehow feel lacking—but I didn’t. Which was as surprising to me as it would be to anyone.
Making sure I locked up behind me, I jogged to my car parked down the street. The sun was just starting to rise and I knew if I hustled I could get home and catch an hour or two more sleep before I needed to be at the shop. But as I tossed myself into my car, it wasn’t Zs that were on my mind. It was the hard-on that was pushing itself impatiently against the fly of my jeans.
“Easy, big guy,” I laughed, starting my ignition. “I’ll get to you in a minute.”
“Hey, so what do you usually ask a woman before you fuck her?” I walked into Mason’s room, his eyes shooting up from the sketch he was working on.
His brow scrunched in confusion, looking around the room for more of a clue. “Excuse me?”
“When you’re chatting.” I strolled to his desk, taking a seat on the chair opposite him. “Is there a list of questions? Like what are the topics you like to cover?”
It had been a busy day, with both Josh and I getting slammed with work. All days were jam-packed, but Fridays were notoriously bad. People liked the idea of getting ink done in time for the weekend, give them a chance to pay attention to the aftercare before heading back to work. Of course there were also the douchebags, the ones who wanted something to show their friends over happy hour. Either way, Fridays were a madhouse, both Josh and I loading up on appointments with neither of us even thinking about leaving before ten p.m.
Mason wasn’t required to stick around, not having any real clients until Tuesday, he could have easily bailed around five. But either in an effort to impress the boss or because he didn’t have anything better to do, he stayed and helped reset the rooms between clients, and worked on some sketches of his own.
A grin of understanding covered his mouth, the question finally making sense. “Dallas, there isn’t a list. You just want to find out more about them, ask them about personal stuff.”
“What’s personal?” Josh walked in, the last of his clients leaving minutes before.
If it had been any other day, I would have given Josh the lowdown about our previous night the minute I’d walked in. But after jerking off in the shower, crashing into bed, and then needing to jerk off again, I’d woken up a little later than I’d planned. Which meant I was twenty minutes behind when I’d arrived at work, and Josh was elbows deep already.
There was no time to shoot the breeze, my client already sitting in my chair as I waved hello to everyone and got to work. I didn’t even stop for a proper lunch, chowing down on a lukewarm burrito in the five minutes I had between clients.
“Okay, so Mason here doesn’t sleep with women before he gets to know them,” I announced, tipping my head in the celibate’s direction. “Like ever.”
Josh laughed, the big guy’s body shaking as he pulled over a rolling stool and took a seat. “You know, Dallas, a lot of guys do that. I’d say it’s almost the norm.”
“I said, ever,” I emphasized to prove my point. “Even you, Mr. Sensitivity, have had a one-night stand or two, especially in the early days.”
Josh wasn’t like me, and definitely the more feeling of the two of us. Sometimes I thought he cared too much about people, sacrificing his own happiness for someone else.
That didn’t make you a good person, that made you a fucking sucker.
And while I didn’t agree with his be-good-do-good bullshit, I let it go because that was Josh. Me, on the other hand, thought it was a better idea to take care of yourself first. Not that I was a totally selfish prick, but I didn’t see the need in making myself needlessly suffer.
But even Josh—the perfect guy with the heart of gold—had partaken in the spoils that was casual sex.
“I’m just trying to work out what the rundown is, like what he actually gets to know,” I finished, the answer no clearer than when I’d first asked.
Josh shook his head, shooting a look of sympathy over at Mason. I didn’t blame him, I felt a little sorry for the poor dude too. “You can head home, man. See you back tomorrow.”
“Wait a minute, he still hasn’t told me.” I jumped to my feet wondering why Josh was trying to sabotage my efforts. “He can’t just leave in the middle of a conversation. It is literally his thing, to fucking talk.”
Both of them laughed, finding the irony as funny as I did.
“The more you know, the better it is.” Mason tossed out the riddle like it was something profound, standing up and closing his sketchbook. “I’ll see you both in the morning.” He grabbed his backpack and his keys and strode out of the room.
“You want to explain?” Josh raised an eyebrow, making it clear that it was more of a demand than a question.
I shrugged, checking my phone for a message from Kitty that hadn’t arrived yet and figured I wasn’t in a hurry. “Sure, but let’s go into my room instead.”
As he followed me into my space, I gave him the rundown. Telling him all about Mason’s theory and how it got me curious, willing to test it out with Kitty. Of course I didn’t go so far as telling him I was going to have sex with her, because I knew he’d probably say it was a bad idea.
And it wasn’t.
It was a fucking brilliant idea, and one that I wouldn’t be talked out of. Not only did I see it as an awesome opportunity for me—expanding new horizons or whatever—it was the highlight of this whole freaking exercise. Sex with Kitty, a woman who I knew was dynamite in bed and had a body of a goddess. The thought of feeling her underneath me in a month or so made me so excited my balls ached. Seriously, if I had to take a vow of silence for a guaranteed night of sin with her, I’d probably do that too. So no, I wouldn’t be talked out of it, which is why I saw no reason to mention it.
“Sounds like an interesting concept.” Josh nodded, not shooting it down like I’d expected. There weren’t a lot of my ideas he usually agreed with, which had me a little concerned.
“Interesting how?” I asked, waiting to see if it was one of the times he was being sarcastic and I hadn’t gotten the hint.
He rubbed his chin, his eyes lacking the smugness they usually did when he thought I was being a dick. “The idea of you and Kitty trying to get to know each other, as friends instead of fuck buddies. That’s really responsible of you.”
I co
ughed out a laugh, thinking it was hilarious Josh was even suggesting I was trying to be responsible. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. I wasn’t trying to be responsible, I was trying to work out if I could have even better sex than I already did. But if he wanted to live in that fantasy world, then who was I to shatter his dream.
“Dude, you know it only happened once. And we agreed,” well more she agreed, “that we weren’t fuck buddies,” I pointed out. “But yeah, I think this is a good idea.”
“I agree, and I appreciate you taking Mason out last night. Sounds like you guys had a good time.” He gave me a half smile. “I know I don’t hang out with you as much as we used to but—”
“There’s no need to explain. I’ve told you multiple times, if I had a woman like Eve at home, I wouldn’t be wasting my time with you.” I laughed, only half joking. “I get it. We’re tight, even if you are getting married.”
He clapped my shoulder, the years of understanding passed between us with no effort. “And on that note, I’m going to go home to my woman.”
“Yeah, you should probably go before she wises up and dumps your sorry ass.” I rose to my feet, unable to help myself from chuckling. “I’ll lock up, I’m picking up Kitty from her work thing in a bit.”
“Thanks, D. You really have stepped up these last couple of days. Makes me glad I never fired you all those times I wanted to.” He joined me standing, his grin widening.
It was a threat he’d made at least thirty times, and both of us knew it was bullshit. But just like how I liked to tease him about Eve finding someone better, he liked to imply there would be a shop without me. Neither of those scenarios would ever happen.