Car Crash (Collision Book 2) Read online
Page 9
He didn’t prolong the goodbye, shooting me a “see ya,” over his shoulder as he left my room.
With no idea how long I was going to be waiting, I flipped open my sketchbook and worked on some of my personal stuff. Even though it was on paper, I still got a thrill out of watching lines form into fully drawn pictures. Easiest way to lose yourself and your thoughts, and it had been my first love.
My only love actually.
Well at least I didn’t have to worry about a page fucking me over.
It was probably an hour later when I finally got Kitty’s message, her all caps “COME SAVE ME!!!” accompanied by an address in the Upper East Side.
I wasn’t even bothered that it was my least favorite part of the city, smiling as I left my sketchbook where it was and grabbed my keys. Not sure exactly what situation she needed saving from, but whatever it was, I was her guy.
With Mason’s fortune cookie response on what Kitty and I should talk about, I figured I was on my own. Lucky for me I had a decent amount of time to work it out, the distance between Queens and the Upper East Side longer than it needed to be because of traffic. I was so lost in thought that I almost didn’t notice I had arrived at the address she’d given me. The apartment building I’d stopped in front of, the pretentious kind that had a doorman.
“Hey.” She ran out, not even giving me a chance to find a parking spot. The passenger door was open a second later, her sexy body sliding into the seat as she looked back at the building she’d come out of. “Let’s get out of here before O’Shea notices I’m gone and makes me come back for more team building.”
I didn’t know who O’Shea was, but I automatically didn’t like him. Firstly, if Kitty felt the need to get away from him so badly, he was obvious bad news. And secondly, it had been a work thing, so the dipshit probably worked with her, meaning she’d have to see him regularly.
“Who’s O’Shea?” I asked, trying to sound casual as I pulled away from the curb and got back onto the road.
She groaned, leaning into her seat and closing her eyes. “One of the executives from work. He’s my friend’s boss and an asshole. He has these dinners to prove how rich and powerful he is.”
My eyes followed the lines of her body and liked what they saw. Her spectacular figure was wrapped in a black dress that was probably conservative on the hanger, but didn’t stand a chance at being anything other than sexy on her.
An asshole who made her feel like she needed to run from the building to escape his company sure as shit didn’t deserve to spend time with her. Something I would be more than happy to remind him of, if the reminder was needed. “He didn’t do anything, did he?” My body tensed, my knuckles tightening around the steering wheel.
“Oh God, no.” She turned to face me, her hand reaching out and squeezing my thigh. “He’s just pretentious, gets off on making people feel like they are inferior. But he has never even looked at me in a way that was sexual.”
Ha! Yeah, unless the fucker was blind, that statement was one hundred percent false. But pointing that out at the minute would serve no purpose. I didn’t want her worrying about the cocksucker thinking about her and second guessing herself at work.
“So if it’s such a bad time, why bother going?” I asked, curious to see why she’d waste her time on something she clearly hated. Unless she was like Josh or Mason who had a hard-on for self-sacrifice, it didn’t make sense. “Surely they can’t make you go.”
She sighed, rolling her head to the side, her lips edging into a small smile. “Because it gives me an edge at work. People get drunk and then they talk. I learn more about the business through these stupid dinners than I ever do through a memo. Information is power, Dallas. And if I can use it to my advantage to get ahead, then I’m going to do it.”
Wow, of all the things I was expecting to hear, that wasn’t one of them.
I’d assumed she’d give me some line about how it was expected and she’d be worried she’d lose her job if she refused. Or that maybe some asshole she had a crush on went and she was hoping to catch his attention. Hell, I’d even settle for the old it’s free food and booze, why turn it down.
But to know it was strategic, to be used at some other time to help her further her career, made me grin a little wider. Not only were we more alike than I’d thought, but she was more than just a sweet sexy blond with an amazing pair of tits.
Loving the new side of her, I nodded at her to continue. “Tell me everything.”
With a wicked grin, she proceeded to tell me all about O’Shea and his famous dinners. She talked all about her work, what she did and how she’d worked her way up through the company to be an assistant to one of the biggest honchos there was. From what I could tell, the dude couldn’t even take a piss unless he had Kitty’s help, the woman beside me flooring me with how smart and driven she was.
Not proud to admit it, but I always assumed she was like some bullshit secretary or something. That she went into work at nine, got people coffee, filed some papers and made copies of important documents. Then when the phone rang, she answered it, and maybe took a message if her boss was out of the office. Little did I know that not only wasn’t she a secretary, but that she practically ran the day-to-day operations for her boss.
I barely managed to set my own appointments, bitching at Josh that we needed a person to help us, and Kitty was able to do thirty times that, and not break a sweat.
Impressed was too weak a word, the mix of pride and awe oozed out of me as she spilled her secrets, not laughing at my stupid questions as we drove the entire way home.
She looked at her apartment building, her eyes then finding their way back to me. “You’re coming in, right? Spending the night?”
The question was all but redundant as I unlatched my seatbelt and pulled the keys from my ignition. “Are you kidding? Of course, I’m coming in. I want to hear more about how you managed to get Eve’s moronic ex demoted and not have anyone suspect it was you.”
She laughed, throwing her head back in pure joy before leaning in closer. “Oliver is just lucky I was feeling generous that day or he would have ended up filing for unemployment. Besides, it gives me a wicked sense of pleasure to know that he has to turn up for work and be miserable. To think he was once the up-and-coming superstar and now is working as the manager for internal acquisitions. Oh, and don’t let the fancy title fool you, he’s basically in charge of the maintenance, janitorial and office supplies. Not even good office supplies because the assistants have their own accounts.” She grinned, seeming to be thoroughly enjoying herself. “He takes care of things like pencils and notepads in meeting rooms, the inconsequential stuff that barely anyone uses considering everyone works on laptops.”
Not wanting her to stop talking, I stepped out of the car hoping she wouldn’t feel the need to stop as I raced to her side. She was already out, closing the door behind her as I locked it and followed into the building.
We climbed the steps, our voices and laughter echoing off the walls of the narrow stairwell, probably pissing off her neighbors. Not that I gave a shit, not bothering to lower my voice until we were both inside her apartment.
“Shit,” I cursed, looking around her living room and feeling like a complete ass. “I had a list of questions I was supposed to ask you on the ride home. I got so distracted, I forgot to ask.”
I had constructed what I had deemed perfect topics of conversation. Questions asking her about where she’d gone to school, where she’d grown up, family stuff—basically everything I never bothered asking anyone. Not only did I not ask, but I rarely even gave a shit, the thought of knowing about someone’s past boring me to tears.
And while I didn’t get excited about what was for sure going to be a mind-numbing conversation, I was willing to sit through the snore fest. How else were we going to accomplish the talk-and-get-to-know-each-other shit?
Kitty’s eyes shot me an apology, her hands snapping to her mouth in horror. “I’m sorry, Dallas. I have
totally been dominating the conversation and didn’t even give you a chance. It is completely my fault, we agreed the drive would be our talk time.”
“Babe, I could have stopped you at any time. And if anything, I’m just as much to blame. I was the one who asked about your work.” I pulled her into a hug, hating that I’d made her feel bad. “You want to do it now?” I asked, not really feeling it but willing to make the sacrifice.
She scrunched her nose, pulling her face into a grimace. “Not really. I know I promised and everything, but I kind of want to get out of this dress and just relax.”
Anything that involved getting her out of her dress sounded like an excellent plan, which was why I had to remind myself it wasn’t going to be for my benefit. But even without the reward, I was just as happy to give my list of questions a pass.
“Then go get comfy.” I grinned, letting my arms drop. “You want to watch something on television or go lay in bed?”
“What about watch television in bed?” She waggled her eyebrows with suggestion. “Best of both worlds.”
“Josh should be worried. You are on the fast track to replace him as my new best friend.” I laughed, letting her pull me into her room.
She tossed me a smile over her shoulder, handing me the remote as she kicked off her shoes. “Since I was the one doing most of the talking in the car, I’m giving you the power to decide what we watch. Strip down to your boxers and hop in between my sheets. I’m just slipping into the bathroom to get ready for bed.”
And I’d cut out my own tongue before I would argue with that, pulling off my T-shirt before she’d even left the room.
Screw the questions, the conversation and getting to know each other better. We had a whole month to do that stuff; there was absolutely no rush. Which meant we had all kinds of time, and I was going to spend it doing more important things. And lying in bed with Kitty and watching mindless television had climbed to the top of that list.
NORMALLY WHEN I HAD A GUY OVER, I forewent my usual nighttime ritual until he was asleep and I could sneak out to the bathroom without him noticing. I didn’t like to skip it entirely unless I spent the night somewhere else and it was unavailable.
But as Dallas and I weren’t together in that way, I saw no reason to not do what I usually would do. Which was why I closed the door to my bathroom and slid out of my clothes until I was entirely naked.
With my skin bare, I stared at my reflection, removing my makeup before cleansing, toning and moisturizing as I always did. When I was done with my face, my attention shifted to my body, squeezing lotion into my palm before rubbing it along my neck and then continuing down onto the rest of my body.
My mood was euphoric, unable to wipe the smile from my face even though I was alone. The drive home with Dallas was amazing. I had laughed and chatted so much my cheeks had hurt, the buzz still running through me as I continued with an otherwise mundane routine.
The coolness of the lotion felt amazing against my skin, my hand sweeping in large circles until it absorbed. My nipples puckered as I touched my breasts, my fingers cupping them as I moisturized, my body feeling hot despite the coolness of my hand.
I squeezed more cream into my hand, slipping down my torso and lower belly, and without even thinking about it, my hands moved back to my breasts.
“Ahhhhh.” The low moan left my lips without any thought, more lotion added to my hand as I slathered my body so my skin was slick.
It wasn’t the first time I’d turned myself on, touching myself sometimes inevitably leading to touching myself but usually I’d been alone.
Unfortunately I was not only not alone, but I had a man waiting in the connecting bedroom. He would only be too happy to help me “scratch that itch” if that was what I wanted, the thought of Dallas’s hands and mouth on me getting me more worked up rather than calming me down.
My eyes darted to the closed door, biting my lip at my dilemma. There was no way Dallas and I could have sex. If we caved, it would completely ruin our chances to test the theory, and we had already agreed to wait a month.
But . . .
I couldn’t deny that I was ridiculously turned on and the thought of going to bed like that made me worried for both of us. Not even a pillow wall would save us, my hands mauling him and riding him until he made me come the minute I slipped in between the sheets. It would be too tempting, reasons why flying out the window the minute either of us touched. I wasn’t sure he’d stop me either, which was a problem since one of us had to be the stronger more rational one.
Tonight, that person wasn’t me.
“Ahhhhh,” I moaned again, my fingers slipping in between my legs and coating themselves in my wetness. It felt good, my body shivering as I swiveled my hips against my hand.
I’d just have to do it.
Make myself come in the bathroom, and then go to bed. It was my only option, and one I was very quickly making peace with as I stuck a finger inside of myself and felt my body clench.
“Yes.” I closed my eyes, both agreeing with my decision and feeling the heat travel up my spine. Oh, it felt so good, my breath coming out in short and fast bursts as I moved my fingers faster.
“God, that is goooood,” I whispered to the empty room, my thumb sweeping across my clit as I teased myself. I was so close to coming; the knowledge that Dallas was in the next room, completely unaware of what I was doing, made it even hotter.
I wondered what it would feel like if he watched, his eyes on me while I pleasured myself. My mind quickly decided he’d touch himself too, reaching down to his impressive cock and giving it a tug.
My back hit the wall, using it for leverage and stability as I continued with my fantasy. With my eyes firmly shut, I saw every inch of his perfect tattooed skin. The flashes of color up and down his arms, the intricate designs across his chest, all of it popping against crisp black outlines.
The metal bars that pierced each nipple caught the light, reflecting a kaleidoscope of color. My tongue flicked across my lips imagining licking each of his nipples, pulling gently against each bar with my teeth.
But that wasn’t the only place he was pierced, a large ring with a ball at the end that went right through the head of his cock had made me come so hard I almost blacked out when we’d had sex.
I remembered exactly what it looked like, conjuring up the memory and rearranging for my own purpose. It was like my own private porno, the images running through my head in vivid detail.
The glint of the silver would flash as his hand pumped up and down his shaft, making him harder as he watched what I was doing. His tongue licked his lips desperate for my body, just as mine were dying for his—our mutual pleasure and torture bringing me to the brink of insanity as I sunk deeper into my own mind.
“Yes, yes, yes.” My body and mind got lost in the mix of fantasy and sensations, seeing every inch of him as clear as if he was standing beside me.
My legs buckled from under me, sending my body crashing to the floor as I came hard against my hand. Waves of pleasure spread across my skin as my core continued to pulse.
I might have been in that room alone, but the man on the other side of the wall was just as responsible for my gratification, the thought of him jerking himself off to completion almost making me come again.
“Kitty?” Dallas knocked, his voice sounding concerned as it traveled through the door. “I heard something fall, are you okay?”
“Yes,” I managed to squeak out, unable to move as I braced myself with one hand on the floor. The other still hadn’t moved from between my legs, the reminder of what I’d done still echoing through my body.
There was a pause as I tried to calm my breathing, not sure how much he could hear through the wood. “Babe, are you sure you’re okay? You need me to come in?”
My lower body throbbed, not satisfied by the orgasm I’d given myself when it was suddenly presented with the man of the fantasy himself.
“What the hell is wrong wi
th me?” I cursed under my breath, hoping like hell I could pull it together. I had literally just fingered myself in the bathroom while a man I was attempting to get to know was waiting for me in my bed. And because that wasn’t bad enough, I’d been thinking about him the whole time.
“Kitty?” He knocked again, reminding me I had yet to answer.
My eyes went to the door, the lock not engaged because I hadn’t anticipated taking that long and I begged for him to open it.
Tell him you are okay, and will be out in a minute.
The confusion of what I wanted clouded my mind as my mouth opened and nothing came out. I tried again with no more success, the rush of air the only thing that passed my lips as I kneeled on the bathroom floor in silence.
My heart pounded as the knob turned, my body buzzing with hyperawareness as I watched the door slowly open. I was paralyzed, unable to stand or even cover myself and not entirely sure I wanted it even if I had the ability.
Open it.
See me.
The idea that when he did it would justify the decision to throw myself at him and lose myself in what I knew he could give me.
And just as I was about to be revealed, expecting the door to open and show me exposed on the floor, it stopped.
“Babe? Do you need me?” His voice was louder and more concerned without the wooden barrier.
Like a bucket of ice water had been thrown at me, my momentary insanity evaporated. What the hell was wrong with me? It was like I was some kind of sex-starved fiend unable to be friends with a man and not have sex with him.
Quickly I grabbed a towel from the rack and covered my body, mentally spewing expletives as I metaphorically gave myself a good shake.
“I fell,” I croaked out, only telling half a lie as I wrapped the towel around myself tighter.
The door swung open without hesitation, Dallas filling the space. His body was naked except for his boxers, every inch of skin exactly how I’d imagined it a few minutes before taunting me. I swallowed hard as he dropped to the floor, the metal bars piercing his nipples mocking me as they shimmered in the light. “Shit, are you okay? Did you break anything?” He was on his knees beside me, his concern making me feel guilty.