A Twist of Fate Page 10
Jackson laughed while Mike tried to stifle his, “Broken ribs Lex, be easy on me.” He rubbed his bandaged side. “Can you drag Jacks out of here, he’s been in here for days and I keep telling him he doesn’t need to be, but he won’t leave.”
Jackson shook his head “Mate, it’s fine, I’d rather keep you company.”
“Dude, you’re cramping my style. How am I supposed to score with any of these hot nurses if I have to compete with you?” Mike gave a cheeky wink. I could see he was concerned for his friend and he knew, as I did, that he would not leave of his own volition.
“Jackson, you’re coming home with me. I’m cooking dinner - come” I commanded with my finger.
“Lexi, I don’t want to leave Mike. Thanks but I think I’d rather stay,” Jackson protested.
“Jackson Rose, that was not a request! Move your ass!” I watched him shift in his seat.
“You’re Bossy,” he argued.
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know. Let’s go.” We waved goodbye to Mike as I dragged Jackson out of the room.
Dinner proved to be interesting with Emma and Jackson instantly hitting it off. He seemed really impressed with her appreciation of music and asked her all about her work as an art teacher. I allowed them to dominate the conversation and enjoyed the ease of the atmosphere.
“You guys going to the show tomorrow?” Jackson asked innocently.
“Sure are,” Emma responded sweetly.
“We should go together, hang out,” Jackson suggested.
“I’m working for part of it, but you guys should go together and I’ll meet you there, ok?” I concluded. Emma and Jackson both nodded in agreement and exchanged phone numbers. It was getting late and I think I yawned one too many times so Jackson and Emma both decided to leave and grab a late night coffee somewhere to discuss tomorrow’s plans.
I loved the fact Emma was excited. She was so sweet and deserved someone decent in her life, and from what I could see, Jackson fit the profile. He was a few years younger but that didn’t seem to matter as they shared a lot of the same interests. I knew Emma would be cautious as she always was; she was a romantic but a realist so if it was meant to be, it would work itself out. I smiled as I curled up in my bed. It was the first early night I’d had in days and my body craved sleep.
Buzz. Buzz. The vibrations woke me from my sleep. Without opening my eyes I pulled my mobile phone into my bed. It was 1am
- Haven’t heard from you today, have I been replaced? Your sex slave Alex xx
- I was working. Remember working? We all can’t be rock gods! I like the sex slave part. Can you get that printed on a business card for me? PS I was sleeping!
- Cards are currently at printers as we speak. Are you naked?
- Yes and alone hence why I was SLEEPING as you should be
- There are lots of things I SHOULD be doing- all of them include you and I naked and alone
- GO TO SLEEP ALEX- Your bitchy publicist xx
- I think you’d be less bitchy if you CAME over- just sayin’ :-P
- SLEEP ALEX! – Lexi xx
- Fine! Goodnight Beautiful – Alex xx
I fell asleep with my hand still clutching my phone and a grin fixed firmly on my face.
Chapter 12 – I’m With the Band
The press call at sound check had been standard. I had made sure I briefed all parties involved that only questions about the concert and tour would be answered and for the most part, everyone was respectful of my directive. One reporter had tried to delve deeper into the accident and had promptly found himself ejected as I had threatened at the start. James was back to his relaxed and confident self and had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.
Alex and I traded our usual barbs; as far as everyone was concerned we barley tolerated each other. “He’s taxing, but he really is a sweetheart” Hannah reassured me.
“Sorry?” I inquired, slightly confused by what she meant.
“Alex - there seems a lot of tension between the two of you,” she whispered.
“He just doesn’t like being told what to do.” I surmised.
“Well, that’s the truth.” She laughed. It was easy to be around Hannah, a lesser woman would have been threatened by the obtrusive attention that followed her husband but not her. I’m not sure even I was that resilient. I don’t know how she watched these women throw themselves at James with complete disregard for his and their own self respect. I asked her about it, wondering how she coped. She simply smiled at me and said “Meh... watcha gonna do?” We both erupted in fits of laughter. James and Alex sauntered over to us.
“Well you two seem to be having a good time, I don’t imagine this part is very fun for either of you,” James smiled.
“Meh... watcha gonna do?” I giggled, Hannah followed suit.
“Did we miss something?” Alex questioned.
“No, nothing you need to know about.” I smiled. “Well you guys better head back to your hotel and get ready for tonight, I’ll be back here around 8pm, buzz me if you need anything.” I said my goodbyes and headed back to my apartment.
After the press call I’d come home and showered, readying myself for the concert. I decided to blow dry my long hair, pulling the front back into a sexy 50s inspired bouffant, taming my usual torrent of crazy curls into thick large loose waves which fell down my back. As I pulled on my clothes I was incredibly pleased with how my look had all come together. I had paired a tight black tank top with my black sequined Topshop hot pants and a pair of black patent leather platform heels. In keeping with the “sex-kitten” theme I had applied thick liquid eyeliner with lots of mascara and finished it off with glossy red lipstick. I even had an old black leather biker jacket to complete my rocking new look. I looked in the mirror, a wicked grin fixed firmly on my lips - yeah I knew what I was doing. I grabbed my access all areas pass and headed out the door.
The crowd was thick and fevered by the time I arrived at Etihad Stadium. The support act was already in full swing and the halls teemed with people.
“Lexi! Over here!” I heard Emma’s voice as I approached the side of the stage. She was standing with Jackson watching the band that had replaced his, their passes hanging proudly from their necks. “Wow, you look great!” she exclaimed enthusiastically.
“Hey Em, Thanks. Hey Jackson.” I gave them both a warm hug.
“They are coming on in about 30 minutes.” Jackson yelled over the crowd.
“Cool, I thought I was going to miss the start, the traffic was INSANE,” I yelled back.
“Nah, you’re good. They are in their dressing rooms. I took Emz down there and introduced her.” He beamed. Obviously coffee had gone well the other night.
“Hey! I was going to do that!” I grinned, not the least bit annoyed.
“Sorry, we were just already here and as I’m not playing tonight I had free time, it just kinda happened.” Jackson explained, shifting uncomfortably in his spot.
“Jackson, I was kidding. It’s seriously OK.” I winked.
“Oh good,” he breathed “you’re not the kind of person I want to piss off!” His smile returned to his face. “Speaking of which, you may want to go see Alex. He was pissed off you weren’t here already.”
“Oh, is he just!” I snapped.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger” he grimaced. I excused myself from Jackson and Emma and headed toward the dressing rooms.
“Hey sweetheart, I don’t think you’re supposed to be back here.” Troy’s cool voice greeted me when I knocked on the door. I stood there for a minute and let him taken me in before it hit him. “Oh shit... Lexi?... What the hell happened to you? DAMN GIRL!”
“Are you going to let me in? Or are you going to get security?” I teased.
“Ha, it’s cool... I’ll do the pat down,” he teased back.
“I promise I don’t have any concealed weapons,” I laughed as I stepped through the doors.
; The room was amazing; it was simply designed but very tasteful. The inside had been fashioned to resemble an opulent tent. Bright red fabric was tightly gathered from the base of the floor up into the roof to form a spectacular canopy where a large crystal chandelier hung low on its wrought iron chain. Large plush couches and oversized pillows were scattered throughout the room. Huge tables covered in white linens were laid out over flowing with every conceivable beverage and refreshment.
I felt a flutter of excitement as Troy led me around the room; it seemed it was not that long ago I would have given my right arm for a glimpse into their world, now here I stood, a part of it. It felt so surreal. Hannah greeted me with a huge hug, “Wow Lexi, you look amazing... nice shoes! You must take me out shopping before I head home!”
“I would love that! Let’s make it a date.” I hugged her back. James smiled and then waved to me from the back wall; he was deep in conversation with what looked like some important people.
I spotted Alex across the room, he sat relaxed on one of the large couches, surrounded by a posse of people, his eyes hidden by his trade mark mirrored aviators. I watched him stand and he sauntered over to me, like a cat stalking its prey. Clad in tight black leather pants and no shirt, his silver dog tags catching the light as he walked which only helped to showcase his amazing ripped torso. I felt myself hold my breath unable to move, hypnotised. Right at that moment, he owned me.
“You’re late,” he groaned.
“You’re impatient,” I fired back. I felt the electricity flowing between us, unsure how everyone else in the room was not feeling the intensity. He lowered his mouth to my ear.
“You look amazing,” he breathed.
“Alex, YOU look amazing. The things you are making me feel... hmmmmmm I am not sure I am going to be able to contain myself.” I whispered back.
“Now who’s impatient?” He chuckled.
“Now who talks too much?” I tilted my head and smiled.
“Oooohhhh Lexi, I might just have to take you right here and now,” he threatened.
“Don’t promise me things you can’t deliver.” My voice was strained. He seemed to be struggling as much as I was.
“Walk to the end of the hall, first door on the left. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He whispered, discreetly licking my ear. It only served to ignite a deeper fire as I struggled with basic functions like breathing and walking. I felt him watch me as I walked down the hall. I glanced over my shoulder to see he was now engaged in another conversation, I hoped he wouldn’t be too long.
I turned the handle on the door and it opened into pitch blackness. I felt around the walls for anything that resembled a light switch. Damn it. Where the hell is it? I felt along the length of the walls, moving further away from the door, a small trail of light underneath its frame being my only point of reference. I heard footsteps and then the handle turn. I felt my heart in my throat, beating so loudly I was sure that even over the music and noise everyone would be able to hear it. As the door opened I caught sight of him, still wearing his glasses, his face betraying nothing. As he turned to shut the door, I slid up against his back, wrapping my arms around his amazing chest. I let my tongue trail up his back to the base of his neck, his scent intoxicating me. “Mmmmmmmmmm” he groaned, his voice almost unrecognisable.
“Shhhhhh,” I whispered “No talking.” I pushed my hands down his chest to the waistband of his pants, I could feel the leather straining against his ready erection.
“Mmmmmmm,” he moaned again.
“Sshhhhhh!” I pushed him down to his knees. “If you can’t be quiet I am going to find another way to keep your mouth busy.” He turned and grabbed my hips, pushing me into his body, upsetting my balance so that my legs gave way. He caught my waist and lowered my body slowly so that my back was now flat against the floor. His lips found mine, his hands restless as I felt them caressing my breasts. His lips left my mouth, trailing kisses down my stomach, where he’d raised my tank top, exposing my sensitive skin. His tongue swirled to the waist of my hot pants and then his hands pushed them down in one swift movement. His hot tongue licked me through the lace of my panties; my hands clutched his hair as I quietly moaned, desperately wanting to scream out. He twisted and twirled his mouth all over my clit, pulling across my panties before he slid his tongue in and out of me slowly.
“Take them off,” I moaned.
“So impatient,” he moaned back. His strong hands pulled at the delicate lace fabric and tore them into shreds “Better?” He breathed. I groaned, unable to respond as his mouth had resumed its previous position firmly between my legs. He licked from the apex of one thigh to the other, pausing in the middle and giving my saturated, sensitive folds extra attention; sending waves of pleasure through my body.
“I want you...now!” I demanded.
“So pushy, but I like it,” he moaned. My hands grabbed at his leather-clad ass, pulling him down on top of me. I felt his arousal, pushing against the leather as it strained between my legs. I unzipped him and felt he wasn’t wearing his usual fitted trunks.
“Mmmmm commando,” I murmured.
“I was hopeful,” he whispered back. He pulled at his pants.
“No, leave them on... they are so sexy.” I whispered. My hands slid down his thighs, his strong muscles flexed, straining against the leather. I palmed his cock in my hand and slowly stroked it up and down.
“Ahhhhhh Lexi,” he moaned. I pulled him down so that his body was now on the floor and I twisted around so that I straddled him. He handed me a foil packet, which I tore open with my teeth. I slid it over the head of his cock, my mouth smoothed down the latex as I licked and pleasured him. “Ohhhhhhh baby... ahhhhh baby,” he gasped. I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I lifted my body and pushed myself down onto him, taking as much of his length as I could accommodate. We both stifled groans as I rocked back and forth, his hands firm against my ass as he guided me. “You’re so close baby, I can feel it... come with me” he urged.
“Ahhhhh I’m almost there Alex...”
“Baby... I want to feel you come, I need to feel you come.” He demanded. He pushed deeper inside and I toppled over the edge. I bit my lip to stop from screaming. My release seemed all he needed as he too unravelled. Broken gasps escaped from his throat. “Lexi... I’m addicted to you... I swear, you’re like a drug and I just can’t get enough of you,” he whispered between laboured breaths.
“Do we need to put you in a 12 step program?” I teased.
“Nope, I’ll just have to remain your sex slave,” he crooned as he nuzzled my neck.
There was a harsh knock at the door. “5 minutes Alex.”
“You need to go play rock star,” I proclaimed.
“Meet me later baby?” Alex asked, hopefully.
“Sure, I’m coming to the after party at the hotel. Now go, I’ll clean myself up and head out in a bit. Looks like we both are going commando,” I mused as I held up my shredded panties.
“I’ll buy you 100 pairs if I get to rip them all off of you,” he teased.
“Or maybe I’ll just stop wearing them save us time and money.” I chortled.
“That’s why we pay you the big bucks baby, you’re always one step ahead.” He kissed me sweetly.
“Go.” I demanded as he adjusted his pants.
“YOU ARE SO BOSSY!” he exclaimed. He blew me a kiss and left me in the darkness.
I fumbled around in the dark before finally locating the damn switch. I pulled on my pants and adjusted my hair and makeup. Being with Alex made me feel so energized, I knew what he meant about feeling addicted. I was going to need my own 12 step program. I craved him, I needed him and that sent a shiver down my spine. “You need to play this cool Lex, don’t get in too deep.” I gave myself a pep talk before stepping out into the deserted hall.
I joined Hannah, Emma and Jackson at the side of the stage, the band already half way through their first song. “Hey, where did you get to?” Hannah asked “I tried to find yo
u but I couldn’t see you anywhere”
“Sorry, Hannah. Something came up I needed to take care of,” I explained. My phone chimed.
“Turn it off!” demanded Emma.
“What?” I asked.
“Your phone, you work too damn hard! Turn it off!” Emma scolded.
“Okay, Okay... it’s off!” I pulled it out of my bag and flicked it to silent.
I turned my attention to the stage, the band owning every square inch of it. This was why they sold millions of records and concert tickets. They didn’t just sing and play, they performed, giving 110% to the crowd and for those two and half hours they were as much ours as we were theirs. I watched Alex intently as he moved effortlessly across the stage, his hands moving up and down the fret board with authority. His face was relaxed yet intense, connected with his instrument. I gazed out to the crowd, hordes of girls vying for his attention, holding up signs that read “I love you Alex” “I want to have your babies Alex” “I’m yours forever Alex.” Some of them were barely dressed, wobbling in sky high heels like baby giraffes. If you can’t walk in the shoes sweetheart, don’t wear them. I smiled with the knowledge that I had a piece of what they wanted. He worked one of the corners of the crowd into a crazed frenzy when he leaned out and touched their hands. My stomach tightened, he was so good at what he did. This is what he was born to do; he was breathtaking in every way imaginable.
Emma smiled at me. “They are so good, even better up close” she squealed.
“They are amazing Emz, I can’t even speak” I squealed back. Hannah laughed at us.
“I’ll be sure to let the guys know they rendered you speechless, Lexi!” For the rest of the show I stood mesmerized, slightly disconnected from myself. It wasn’t like every other time Emma and I had seen them play; it was a hundred times more intense. The crowd roared as they played their last encore. As they begged for “One more song”- the stage lights dimmed and the house lights were raised. It was over.